Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Remnant

  1. have had the same thing happen in my single player world while exploring and loading a bunch of new block chunks at once. Picking up the item, opening my inventory, and relogging always fixed it for me. All i have installed besides TFC is voxelmap. I just thought i was making the game "hiccup" with chunk loading XD
  2. Please Help Forge Build

    i think you can use any type of stone to make the forge. Like cobblestone and stone bricks as well as smooth or raw stone, just as long as it's stone.
  3. Clay refining

    i understand where you are coming from. I get it, i do and i think anyone else reading this thread sees that as well, but i would agree whole heartedly if this was a 100% complete mod that had been out "as is" (as in as build 79) for longer than only a few months. This mod is still in beta and still being worked on and updated so there's bound to be a few things that are frustrating. Starting a new world isn't a horrible issue that breaks anything with the game as finding clay is pretty much a "need to do" in the first day or so. So again, if you are having a hard time finding clay just start a new world. The Devs can only fix things so fast and i'm sure they'd rather work on more immersive content at the moment. From what i've read in past threads and from reading the change log, they have done everything they can currently to make finding clay and the possibility of surviving the first few nights as challenging (and dare i say easy) as they can. Spawn zones are near areas of diversity for food, animals, biomes and they gave us the golden rod flowers to see pockets of clay easier. In my opinion I think clay is fine the way it is and i actually enjoy having to search far and wide for basic stuff. *shrug*
  4. Clay refining

    honestly if clay is too hard to find, just generate a new world. It just sounds like you've been unlucky to find clay at start. =/
  5. Compost

    I like this idea! maybe we could put the appropriate items in a barrel, seal it, wait a few ingame hours and it makes compost this would make early farming easier if you can't find sylvite
  6. Remove Gold Pan

    as axes, shovels, and other tools already had a damage stat from vanilla MC it wasn't hard for the tool to have that duel use (tool/weapon) without the extra effort of having the devs do it, they only tweeked it. For the bowls tho. Clay bowls break as you make food while turning a clay bowl into a gold pan now makes it a different item that doesn't break and is used in a different way. It would really suck if your gold pan broke while trying to find ores as you get farther away from home as you overwork an area. I like the mechanic as is. I make 1 gold pan and as long as i don't die with it or lose it I'm good.
  7. Mushrooms in TFC

    Mushrooms are already in TFC, but only as a decoration item like flowers. I would like to see them be added as an edible food item and i love the idea of them being a peat indicator (similar to the golden rod flower for clay) but that's really all i'd like to see them added for. The idea of potions or medicines doesn't seem like it would fit with the mod as it is right now.
  8. Skills

    pretty sure that's correct as it's using your smithing skill and early metallurgy isn't smithing
  9. Clay refining

    i was asking mainly how would you make the bag without having a 3x3 grid. Currently in TFC in order to get a skinned hide you need to be able to craft barrels (which also requires the use of a saw and therefore already having a source of clay =/) Are you saying we should be able to craft a rawhide (like the interface for leather?) to make this bag? Your other suggestion about stretching the hide seems like it would fit more with early game tho. As we already have the temporary bed using thatch and a large hide because then we get the hide back when we break it. The bag in early game just seems like a waste of a hide.
  10. Clay refining

    but you would need rope (which needs the 3x3 grid to make a barrel to process jute) unless you wish to hang the item with string in which case we'd have to kill spiders and hope we don't die and that the spider drops the string. Also how would you propose your idea of making the hide bag in the first place?
  11. A use for Galena

    as galena is a lead ore maybe it could be used to make sinkers that add an increase for fishing? For those that don't go fishing "sinkers" are used at the end of the fishing line but above the hook to help keep bait from floating making it more likely that fish will see the bait. I have no idea how that would work in TFC, but it's thought. Maybe we could make them using clay molds and then just craft the sinker(s) with the fishing pole to attach it?
  12. Floating leaves

    i kind of figured this was a known thing, but as i'm still kinda new to TFC (started playing at build 79.6) It's news to me XD Like i mentioned i didn't think it was a bug, just that the top leaf block wasn't attached to the tree and I'm just amused by it than anything If it really bothers me I'll just hop into creative and fly up to break them. No biggie.
  13. Floating leaves

    Honestly not sure where to post this as it's not a bug just an observation so I'm putting this topic here. As the title states I have a bunch of floating leaves. Just single blocks of tree leaves that were the very top of douglas fir trees. I'm assuming that the top block of leaves aren't attached to the tree trunk so when i chop it down it leaves behind the top block floating in midair and doesn't despawn. I'm more amused by this than anything, but i wanted to share.
  14. Floating leaves

    here's a screen cap of the sky around my base XD
  15. Forging.

    also forging tools and weapons with a high skill i believe increases the item's durability so it'll last longer
  16. Chisel: staircase corner and more

    YAY STAIRS! that alone makes me wanna update right now.
  17. Crafting Grid

    I will also add that if you die after expanding your grid you will have to make it again just so you don't think that's a bug
  18. Chisel: staircase corner and more

    OMG THIS!!! I would so love to have this it would make my staircases look a ton better! As it is right now I'm stuck making wide "square" (lol) ones that don't really flow very well in my base. Being able to chisel a corner stair would make things look nicer and reduce the size for me at least <3
  19. [Create a New Topic for Each Suggestion]

    I agree with Hector49er about the tools. I think the sledge hammer idea is for breaking a group of blocks in a selected area (like a 3x3 area) and be able to work on the same lines of the scyth. A rope ladder would be cool for a bunch of reasons! Tho i'm pretty sure spear fishing is already something that can be done? Also i remember hearing Kitty or one of the Devs mention they are working on making lamps or lanterns for a later build.
  20. I like the idea of another type of mortar to use as a building/decorative block. It's honestly the only thing i miss from vanilla minecraft by having more than wood and stone (as i don't use thatch as a building block, just straw storage XD) It'd be nice to make a colonial looking house with plaster blocks and logs and the possibility of having a use for those "useless" ores to make decorations for our bases is kinda cool. I said no to the gem setting only because i don't really see a need myself for that kind of tiny detail and the possible lag/crash of their use (as many detailed blocks lags out TFC) is kind of a deterrent for me >.>
  21. The search for Gneiss!!

    so kinda gave up on that world for silver as i searched from X-25,000 Z- 25,000 to the positive range and mainly spent hours just boating everywhere as the ocean was HUGE and apparently my land masses were just big islands. I started a new world and i think the mighty RNG god took pity on me because within 100 blocks of spawn i found silver, gold, hematite, copper, coal and fruit trees AND cows and pigs XD I'm kinda excited about that already LOL
  22. The search for Gneiss!!

    So i've found pretty mch everything i need to progress out of the copper age, But i can't find silver or graphite for the life of me! XD After reading the wiki again i'm thinking my best bet is to try to find Gneiss stone and search around that stone type........but i can't find any and i've searched south to the equater and roughly 10k blocks in the other directions from my base. I know going great distances is normal to find things, but i feel i missing something. Any advice guys? XD
  23. Animals Glitching through blocks

    someone brought up this point in the support forum there's a bunch of replies that may help you out. here's a link to that thread for you
  24. The search for Gneiss!!

    i love how my thread has become a sort of "safe mining" and "Cave Ins 101 by Kitty" XD this is really helpful for me as well as i haven't done much mining yet (just finding surface stuff and exposed ores) because i didn't understand cave ins. Thank you guys and thank you Kitty!
  25. How about that gypsum?

    i like the idea of plaster. Maybe we can grind it down and mix it with water to make plaster that we could use to cover building blocks (like paint but it would use the dyeing mechanic so we're not making a new block space to use it) and the possiblities of dyeing the plaster itself would be cool