Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by RogueHydra

  1. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Half asleep since I need to be going to bed anyway just having back issues... so after skimming the thread I thought I'd put in my two cents on a system of sorts: People can (maybe via asking an admin) appoint a 'mayor' of sorts, who gets the ability to lock/protect/etc. certain plots of land within the area that has been annexed to where the town/city/etc. has been built. The mayor also can declare war (which might require a mutual agreement aka: a command sent to the server as a reply saying: ok). Now, for this next step I'm about to go into to work, people playing on the server can request to be added to a faction, giving them certain permissions within the city/town. Now, when the war declaration has been made between factions A and B, only members of those factions are granted destructive permissions on blocks for a duration agreed upon by both mayors and this war declaration will only last so long after which the permissions are disabled. Ok that probably sounded like a bunch of crap with no real substance so anyone is free to try and make sense of that idea. I was trying to briefly summarize (and probably did horribly) how the game Eve Online handles war declarations between players' corporations and alliances. I may elaborate later today when I get some sleep before work... in 5 hours..... :
  2. Stone Anvil

    It does say it in the wiki. I actually read it in the wiki myself a few days ago.
  3. Strongest Rock Type?

    Very interesting. I wish I had the time to study geology like I did when I was a kid.
  4. Strongest Rock Type?

    Not necessarily, the bonds between the grains could be equal between two rocks that are either fine or coarse. I'm no expert but logically it seems like the grain size wouldn't affect the strength of rock sample. I am just thinking in terms of the whet stones I use on my knives (I use them all equally and they all seem to wear down equally - except for the ceramic polishing stone).
  5. installation compatability issues EDIT

    What he said.
  6. Complete Noob Questions

    Yea I wasn't available the past month or so so woohoo, nether lol. I was secretly hoping there would be an interest to mod it as well.
  7. Complete Noob Questions

    IIRC, there isn't anything planned for the nether unless Bioxx changed his mind recently
  8. All of the blocks are either white or green.

  9. Gravel/Sand In Sluices & Pans

    I should have worded that better. I watch my sluice from the perch where my firepit is while I make my first tools and throw gravel down from where I'm at onto it. I had my stack of gravel in my inventory while I was working. I'm actually about to build my forge as soon as I have time to play MC again (and the charcoal finishes). It's built right on the edge of the river biome (I made sure it's in it but I know it's along the edge, 2 blocks in).
  10. How to light large firepits?

    I think the word adjacent would have been a better choice to describe the setup of the wood piles better.
  11. I'm out for a while

    Next laptop I get is going to be one of the newer Asus systems so I can do more graphics work @ home and not worry about getting into the office. Though having a render farm on hand is very nice. They seem to have some nice hardware for under 1500. 16 gigs of ram, a gfx card with 2 gigs of ram, 3d monitor (meh, don't know if I'd use it unless it works with my 3D modeling software).
  12. Gravel/Sand In Sluices & Pans

    Actually I tossed an entire stack of gravel and left it 5 times (didn't leave far away since I was working on smelting all the ore i found on the ground)
  13. All of the blocks are either white or green.

    As I just witnessed in another thread - people see the client download and don't read past it and just skip to trying to install it.
  14. I'm out for a while

    //off topic a bit: I've been running intel integrated graphics for the past 6-8 years in this laptop and I have very few problems. I can even run Portal 2 albeit at about 20-30 fps lol. Saving up for a new work laptop as Max 2012 starts to slow down when I do complex FumeFX simulations or my poly count goes above 500k. //end off topic Last PC I built was an Intel / ATI mix and it ran fantastic. It was especially nice since the 2 nVidia cards I ordered (in a row and returned) all had memory faults.
  15. Gravel/Sand In Sluices & Pans

    Maybe I just have bad luck with it - I've filled it 5 times and all I've gotten were 2 gems.
  16. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I guess it can't hurt to get added ;D *raises hand and waves*
  17. New Idea

    I think there was also the issue of calculating the smoke volumetric data and the whole thing in general being a performance drain.
  18. Wiki Discussion and Proposed Changes Thread

    Please don't take this the wrong way editors, but if one of you could put up on the front page in large text so everyone can see it, something that says like: "The wiki is not 100% reliable as the game is in beta and frequently being changed - some information may be out of date." if it hasn't already been put up. I have noticed that there is frequently someone posting in the forums asking about something because the wiki hasn't been updated or something hasn't been added to it yet and they are assuming that the wiki is correct when they post their question thinking they have hit a bug or want to just complain about something not working.
  19. build nice looking house with(out) woodlogs

    Wow, great houses guys lol. Being an artist and seeing all that stuff makes me feel like I'm not putting enough effort into my own work.
  20. About construction changes possibility

    Very nice! I was thinking about constructing a house like that a couple/few months ago but never got around to trying to design one. That turned out great.
  21. TerraFirmaCraft in the technic launcher?

    I don't want to sound rude or anything but I never understood how people have such a hard time installing the mod. If you have/use a zip program (I use 7zip) it takes a matter of seconds to create a fresh install of any mod or mods. Literally just dragging and dropping files from one window to another in a simple sequence. I will say this though, it is a good idea to start MC after each mod added. I have had issues with MC after installing everything at once and jumping straight in. I usually install 2 parts, run MC, quit, install 2 more, repeat. I do understand that it's not as simple for the Mac OS because of how it handles files though and it's a bit more complex, but PC operation in the matter seems like child's play, but that might just be me since I've worked on computers for over 20 years.
  22. texturepack outdated?

    Yup, the resources file contains the textures only pertaining to the TFCraft needs (i.e., not vanilla textures).
  23. Build47 Seed

    I'm going to move this to the seeds section.
  24. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    +1 for this - always wanted this even in vanilla. First nice house I made I wanted a cobble floor with a Persian rug ;D