Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Michidez

  1. Food and Energy System

    I like this, I have got the simply horses mod now, and with that change it would be mutch more important to have that horse.
  2. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    It would be mutch better if the metal arrowheads have a chance of not getting destroyed, but being a part of the loot or bouncing off. How higher the tier of metal, how higher chance and the more damage.
  3. Hemp

    Something like this should be used for the creation of those ropes. And for the fabrics and these for making the fibers to thread.
  4. Decorative Fun

    I have played about every mod there is. I know those mods have it, but those are normal cobblestone and normal wood, it would be nice to have that in TFC since that is the only mod I play atm.
  5. Cloth

    You should be able to craft a tent with some pieces of cloth and maybe some metal staves to keep it up, and a crafting table, so you can use a crafting table and you have a bed to sleep in, so it should be around 4 blocks big inside.
  6. Hemp

    And you should be able to use the hemp for fishing bait, it works verry good.
  7. Cloth

    The cloth would combine nicely if there would be climate damage.
  8. Idea for a cool adition to smithing + "Quality Control"

    I do not like that you need luck for something, I want skill to make you better items.
  9. Tree grow mechanic - sprouts

    Thought of something like it before, I had an idea that it would just start as 1 block with some leaves next to it, like the jungle scrubs. And how longer it was growing how bigger they grew and more leaves they have.
  10. Kill mobs, get corpse

    I do. Give me all mobs that hit me, shoot me, etc but not something that blows up my house and gets stuck in the unsolid leaves now.
  11. Steam

    I would so like to be able to make a elevator like the BTW mod, but you would need steam then instead of a windmill/waterwheel. And you have to use resources to make the elevator work because I find it OP to just freely use it.
  12. Eggs & what came after.

    The hay fields should not be to complicated, the scythe is already in game. But I would really like to see cooked eggs and nests that breed and keep the eggs from despawning.
  13. Eggs & what came after.

    Once again, I was thinking at a night that eggs would have to be a food to. Also, it would be awesome to have like a block you can put on the ground where chickens can sit on and lay eggs. There are a maximum of like 4 eggs and if you reach more then 4 the chicken starts to breed them ( or maybe you need something to put in whats stops them from breeding them, overflow of chickens ftw) so you won't need wheat anymore for chicken breeding. Aaaand that made me think you should be able to grow hay. ( the sort for food, you also got for sleeping on, wich made me think again. because the sleeping hay would be cool for an early game bed and for the chicken-breeding-block). The food hay would give 3-4/plant or grow a lot faster. And you would be possible to grow it in fields and not with the annoying water streams. TL:DR; -Make eggs food -Make something for the eggs to not despawn/naturally breeding for the chicken -Hay, both the food and the bed stuff -something I can't think of... We need eggs 'n' bacon duuuuuude! Ant mi inglash iz bath!
  14. Monotone Food

    When I posted I more though of a simple system. So you could not survive on a big wheat field, that you would need a barn. But the nutrition is also nice, it would ask for big plates like: You use a bowl and add potatoes, meat and some lettuce or so wich gives you a big meal that lasts for a long time and gives a lot of nutrition.
  15. Monotone Food

    I was thinking the other night about how potatoes changed the way of living of the europeans. Because potatoes have a mutch higher nutrition value then wheat they only grew potatoes.Their food became monotone and they got ill. So I thought how about changing it that if you eat pork meat multiple times it reduces the amount of food it adds on the foodbar. This woud make the new argiculture (and I hope butchering comes in to) mutch more... awesome.
  16. Blacksmith Apron

    wood with stone pads for holding the metal
  17. Disease and herbal medicine

    In real life you find the solution usually verry close to the source
  18. Blacksmith Apron

    Yes, absolutly yes. like you can move molten copper now should actually be changed. also a barrel with water would be awesome to cool your metals down for stacking
  19. Wiki with multiple languages

    I can do dutch
  20. Monotone Food

    yeah only pork would be foolish xD
  21. Chisels and mining stone

    I would suggest that the stone pickaxe gets replaced with a stone hammer for rock breaking
  22. Butchery

    Just make a rope and a skid so you can drag them towards your home, and if you get wheels you can add wheels for less movement speed influence EDIT: I first posted and then read Nidor's comment, he also said a sled but I do think that is the most realistic/sensemaking way of doing this first you have do do it with just a rope, then with a little sled, then with some wooden wheels and then metal wheels. and make it like it can carry 4 chickens or 2 pigs/sheep or 1 cow
  23. Butchery

  24. Kill mobs, get corpse

    please, please, PLEASE let me make kebab then!
  25. Salt Water