Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Michidez

  1. Simply Horses

    The mod simply horses works together with TFC, altho the horses does not spawn. Is there anyone here who knows how to change the files that they spawn in the new biomes?
  2. Lag when breaking stuff

    When I break like leaves or tall grass the game always lags a bit. I'm using optifine. EDIT: I'm also having this when I pull back my javelin.
  3. Balanced Diet suggestion from a long time ago
  4. Lag when breaking stuff

    I'm using smooth now, works perfectly thanks Sushiy!
  5. Encumbrance

    Or shields, these would require you to be active and block on correct times, but you would have less weight. So you can be active with your shield or slice with heavy armor and letting your armor take the hits.
  6. 46c Experimentation: Ores

    I would like it to be harder to get to low depths, like you really really need to stut your caves or otherwise guaranteed collapse. and that you get like stronger mobs or a tough challenge at those depths.
  7. Minecraft with Mead!

    I love your series!
  8. Nature's might!

    That way you should have to build a barn to keep your kettle. Now its just an open air thing with vertical supports I always use vertical supports for my fence now.
  9. Butchery
  10. The Most smallest suggestion EVAR!
  11. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Nom I would just like to see a lot of food plates made with all those vegetables.
  12. Buckets

    For your first question: No, you can't make buckets at the moment, there will be a wooden bucket in the future. second question: Thats an apple tree, in the right seasons you can get apples from it.
  13. Lets make it less technoligical-> a book. Every rock type you have used with it comes in there and with the book in your hand right click for inspection.
  14. Post Mod Combonations

    Train that pinky! My pinky is about as strong as my ring finger because of all the typing and gaming with control, shift and tab.
  15. Spawning at very high height

    This is normal. The mod makes it 148 (or about) high. And the ores do not spawn near bedrock, in this mod they spawn everywhere as soon as you get some blocks deep, check the wiki for wich rocks you want to find for your ores.
  16. Post Mod Combonations

    you can bind the map to a key to toggle or remove it, so you can use it specially for rock locations if you would quit for a while, otherwise you don't know anything anymore.
  17. Post Mod Combonations

    Opti-fine, Smart movement, TMI ( for testing), Rei minimap. simplyhorses. I like fast movement . I don't really like the map, but for TFC its annoying withouth.
  18. Prospectors' pick madness

    Why? If you are mining in a verry crude enviroment you want to see what it is before you mine it. And that way you are not running around with crap minerals.
  19. Better Logging?

    And you would need sideways textures for the fallen logs.
  20. Prospectors' pick madness

    It should be vague, otherwise its just normal minecraft stripmine. It should not say ''found nothing of interest" right on ore or just next to it, that really annoys me. Maybe, just maybe, it would be awesome that such "false" readings would happen less on higher tier picks.
  21. How to enter DebugMode?

    Because you are a programmer?
  22. Clams, and shellfish.

    Or make it that you can breath under water for like 3 blocks deep. So you can keep looking under water and still breath. And we reeeeaaaaally need something to mine faster under water.
  23. The player's current mood.

    The only thing I would like to see of your mood is heat/cold. I would love to be in my base crafting woolen armor to get trough the frozen barrens where I can see a nice granite mountain.
  24. Regarding the 'The problem of Cassiterite' poll

    Creeeeepy, I have once found Sphalerite and Cass blended together in Granite... Must have changed since then.