Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Kissaki

  1. Hi, because i'm still not able to find any stone for a forge, i tried to make glas for my home. I made a fire pit in the center of 3x3 section. I put in some logs and now... temperature stuck on drak red**** I'm running the pit for quite a time now and still stuck.. is it possible to make glas in a fire pit? In the wiki, it should be possible. Do i need some special wood or other ingrediences? My second question is, how does ore veins look like? All the ore i've corrently got is from little stone bricks on the ground... it would be nice to know for what should i look for.
  2. Thanks It's actually a small fort with a watchtower, a small house and a small workshop. Was planed as a outpost while i was searching a stone i could use as anvil.. but i begin to like it I'll try some other ore then, when i find. I have some copper left, but my vein is exhausted.. won't risk to waste the last ingots..
  3. Sure First i heat the tin ingot and place it, with the blueprint on the anvil: Then i place the current marker of the ingot to the maximum right: If i try to get one more step to the right of the marker before i start with the smithing rules, the bar ist lost: So i can only go to the maximum right of the scale After pressing draw for two times, the ingot marker is at this point: Now, the last rule for the blueprint is "hit". After pressing "light hit", the marker is here: Rules fulfilled.. but the ingot marker is out of the target area and the knife won't be forged.. *edit* somehow, the imageshack images seems not to work.. replaced with link
  4. Yes, sry.. hadn't read the metal part*edit* So, another question.. maybe a bug? I've tried to craft a knife from tin. If i place the tin bar with the blueprint of the knife on the anvil i receive the smithing rules as usual. But the target marker is to much on the right side. The rules are: Hit, last Draw, second from last Draw, third from last I place the current marker on the very last side of the scale (one punch more and the bar will be lost). So now i'm doing the two draws and the current marker is on the last left edge of the target marker. If i perform the last hit, the current marker is out of the target marker. Is that normal or do i made a mistake? Maybe higher tier tools are needed or some different temperature for the tin bar?
  5. I got the problem: stone hammer is not working with limestone, i had to craft a zinc one
  6. Ah thanks, i didn't knew that i need flux for that *edit* And again.. i need your help: I gathered some "Limestone Rock" and some Limestone, i also made Limestone Brick. Now i try to craft flux out of it, but with my hammer, i cant create Flux out of the limestone blocks.. The Wiki say that it should be possible out of limestone.. so how could i craft Flux?
  7. Ah thanks, it worked with the bloomery.. so how do i get a copper anvil? I've made some copper now, but i dont know how to make this double ingot. *edit* So now i'm confused.. i put my copper ingot on the stone anvil with the plan for a pickaxe head.. and nothing happend? Can't i made a copper pickaxe on a stone anvil? How can i build the copper anvil?
  8. Yes, but it was hard for me to find a stone type that can be used as an anvil.Fortunately, after i used all my metal i gathered so far, i could make my first pickaxe and prospectors pick. And after digging a lot at a place i found some native copper, i got a copper vein and prospectors pick says verry large... kind of happy now *Edit* Another question: i just build my forge and, somehow, i cant put my native copper in the forge.. i can put it in the firepit but not in the forge.. is there a reason why that didn't work?
  9. I dont have a pickaxe so far.. I have some cobblestone from that exploding green monsters.. i lured them to granite blocks in hope i would get raw stone blocks for an anvil.. but got only a few cobblestone. Yesterday night i found a stone that can be used as stone Its a bit far away from my house and the spawnpoint, but i placed an outpost there. The bellow worked for the firepit, now my outpost has windows made of glas instead of... air. So now i can hopefully try to make my first pickaxe
  10. Hm i'm playing scince monday on this map and never see anything else then dolomite and this plain white stones... ok i'll try to find a different one. Thanks so far.
  11. I have the same problem here. I have a stone hammer and tried a lot of stone but nothing happens when i try to use the hammer on the top of the stone blocks. I have alot of dolomite blocks around and some other, real white stone blocks.. are there any stones that wont work? I've also restartet both, client and server..