Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by transcengopher

  1. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Coins as they are in textures now don't fit in this place.
  2. My personal review. +Hi

    Not a single word about endermen. And they are death itself in TFC, unless you have a sword and set of armour, not just minor annoyance, like skeletons are.
  3. Animals!

    As I can tell, bears view humans as smaller bears. So they don't always want to fight, but if you're trying to sneak on their cubs or steal their territory, you're in a bad spot. I'm pretty sure you can't outrun a bear. At least horses can't.
  4. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Exactly. If you could store them in piles by any chance, it will be quite nice decoration block.
  5. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Why don't you need coins in ssp?
  6. Greetings from a new guy *With questions!*

    Nothing. My buff round buttocks don't count as armour, do they? I was searching for a good place to call home right after the start, on my third day.As far as I know, bears don't drop anything.
  7. Greetings from a new guy *With questions!*

    Once upon a time I ran past herd of bears, about twenty of them in one place. Would've been sad if they had their correct AI at the time.
  8. Anvils to hard to make

    Exactly. Alhough you can't really mine in minecraft for a little while, you're still able to craft.
  9. Mastery

    Cobble block AND loose stone. Yes, like this.
  10. Anyone play any musical instruments?

    I was referring to guitar type. I'm using steel strings .13 - .56 with phosphor bronze roundwound, and I can't play country music. Well, not on purpose anyway.And her truss is broken for the last four years, but in a good position so I can play her normally. But I'm starting to feel I need new and more expensive guitar.
  11. Mastery

    Not that hard. Also there's a way to get loose stone.And I don't see myself as master in any aspect, really. I can do some stuff very good, almost perfect, but I usually don't have patience for this. Except the time when I trapped a zombie and started a fishslapping contest.
  12. Poisons topic

    The funny thing is - there's no actual poison in the rat. Rats are vessels for several nasty diseases, some of which are incurable, but good luck getting those out of the rat just like that. Besides, of course, I can see the reason in shooting darts with bubonic plague, but isn't it... slow?
  13. Poisons topic

    Paralyse means paralyse, inability to run away. Maybe it won't kick in on instant. Nothing more complicated. 222
  14. Poisons topic

    We should definitely have paralysing poison for hunting. I'm not sure where will it come from though, spiders and shrooms aren't holding poison type needed for it.
  15. Poisons topic

    Notch did it. Or Jeb_.
  16. Crossbows

    Iirc, dunk said that they will be completely metal with non-metal strings. Which makes the most sense if we're not making wooden crossbows.
  17. Crossbows

    I am very keen on ability of making composed bows from different types of wooden planks. Not gonna happen though.
  18. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Traces of copper. So rather not for simplicity. And I don't think electrum was ever used for something except for barter and coins.
  19. Crossbows

    Strongest poison is produced by bacteria. The most poisonous of animals are certain specie of flea beeltes. Then shrooms (amanita), then plants (abrus vine seeds).All this is when you don't want to eat the stuff you're killed, otherwise you'd rather use paralysing venom.
  20. Crossbows

    If you eat a chunk of raw meat from the ground, you have the same chance of feeling sick, I believe. Sickness will come from bacteria, not from poison.Bacteria can produce poison, especially if you happened to eat Clostridium botulinum, but if rat had them, it will probably be dead itself. They won't be venomous, they will be resistant.
  21. Anyone play any musical instruments?

    Me hit six strings. For five years now, the same old country-acoustic guitar. I guess, she's vintage now.
  22. Crossbows

    And in cats too. Rats cleaning themselves quite often, actually, so they are clean animals.
  23. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Actually, there's an interesting observation. Here is the list of ores, metals and alloys from Dwarf Fortress, the game that served as inspiration for TFC.
  24. Crossbows

  25. Item Frames Makes Storage So Much Easier

    Actually, you always seeing at least 90 degree in front of you. Thing with FOV is - you're not supposed to look at the sides of the screen, you're looking roughly at the crosshair and your peripheral vision registrates the rest of the picture.