Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by transcengopher

  1. Bioxx has been playing around with the idea of wrapping ice blocks in red steel sheets to make them unmelting. So a system of refrigeration is already in the beginning of the planning process.

    This does make some sense to have red steel behave this way, according to how buckets are. But then if we (well, you) are starting to build colored steels to deal with substances in a specific way, one logical thing to do is to invent a kind of lore for these magical metals. Like red steel then would be affiliate to water in all its forms, preserving it kinda, and blue steel should then have to do with fire.

    An example is a full set of blue steel providing fire protection, and red steel allows to swim (let's just imagine other armors do not) and grants ablility spend more time under water.


  2. well, the biggest point of my suggestion was to delay your first bronze tools :P

    cause iam unhappy with not using copper tools, because i normally skip copper age completly

    What you actually suggesting is to delay metal tools altogether. Out of three copper ores present only one is the actual native metal, meaning by the time you find native copper one can easily find plenty of cassiterite deposits to forge bronze immediately. The actual way to slow player progression even more as you desire is what GunnerX suggested.


  3. Placeable gems are discussed pretty much from the moment Bioxx added chisel detailed mode.

    While I too think that would be a nice decoration feature, I do realize this probably is like one of the last things to possibly be added. Also, that won't look nearly as good as everyone here probably imagine - most we can hope for is plain colored opaque cubes or small gem item textures rendered on top of a block. Because Minecraft and such.


  4. Who in his right mind goes thru the hassel of "creativly manipulating" logstacks to make a roof if you can just use thatch?


    Might we then ask who in his right mind builds a roof when 3-high walls with an overhang outside is working perfectly fine? It's not always about efficiency, there's also the looks.


  5. Thanks Kitty - that helps a lot. I've been slowed when hit, but assumed it was just a random chance effect. Now I know it can be prevented with boots. Also confirmation that when it seems like I got critically hit, it's because I was... critically hit to the head.

    It is a random chance effect, pretty much, because part that gets hit is decided from RNG value, not the part that someone actually aimed to hit.

    Note that this also means incomplete set of armor will let some of the hits through as if you didn't wear any armor at all.


  6. I hope you didn't submit Russian file for BiblioCraft yet. It undergoes the grammar and typos correction at the moment.


    On a side note, should we create a separate 'Mod translation hub' thread, maybe, since we aren't only translating for TFC now?


  7. While I can't say anything about the day/year and distance, the temperature for Fahrenheit is not all that weird if you think about the fact that it was not based off of water's freezing/boiling point in the first place. And really, why is the point where water freezes the 'logical base level'? I mean, Kelvin, is a temperature system where 0 is the absolute 0(the coldest you can get).

    It just depends on what you use it for.


    And at the end of the day, TFC is a game. If the food is 160 oz and you eat 10 oz per bite, and it changes to 160g and eating 10g per bite.... well, the only change is that the words oz turned to g.


    I say just let the developers do what they want with it, with whatever system they want

    Kelvin is slightly worse than Celsius, actually, because while it does have logical (albeit unreachable) zero level, it doesn't have an explanation for it's unit of measurement size. There's nothing that tells why 0C is 273.15K and not 100K or 300K other than the fact that unit size is taken from Celsuis to begin with for convenience's sake.


  8. I broke a boat and got TFC Oak.

    The first four planks from creative inventory (two of which are oak and chestnut) are working the exact way vanilla planks work, meaning you can make bibliocraft stuff with them. Only iron and such is a problem.


  9. That's still the exact same problem. The issue that makes it complicated is converting the weight of the food into a number of seeds.


    I saw Bioxx talking about making seed bags have weight. Those were mostly jokes, but this is a solution to the problem still.


  10. Correct. The majority of food processing currently is either instant, or less than a day (in a barrel). A system that would take in game weeks to months to process would be tedious and kind of ridiculous.

    If it's a tradeoff required to make fruit-type food that will last for the time I spent logged off on a server, why not?


    And you actually seem to have this idea that any sort of canning requires intricate metalworking of contemporary-ish technology. But in general you just need to boil out the majority of the germs and spores and then seal the pot with something like a clean bladder membrane or a piece of thick leather while it's hot. Steam will cool off and create a negative pressure sealing the pot even more.

    I'm not quite sealing with bladders, but I hate overly sweet jams, so I'm making these with hardly any sugar aside from what is already in the fruit. And I still have perfectly edible stuffs from, what, four years ago, I think.

    Of course aforementioned method is not your tin can which will preserve its insides for thirty years, nor a glass jar (which we can make in minecraft, by the way), but, if executed correctly, will make it last a descent while. I'd say a year easily.


  11. Here's a full-ish config for better grass and leaves, incorporating Tsuarok's corals and seaweed cfg.

    As it turns out, conventional way does not support textures for some reason, so compatibility needs to be forced in whitelist, which I did.

    Textures are to be placed in TFC jar where original variants are. Still require some tweaking to look properly though.

    Does not include acacia yet, because I didn't update the files since it was added.

    Here's how it should look like

    Posted Image


  12. If any system were implemented to allow the evaporation of salt water into salt, it would have to be done with salt water in containers. If it was a matter of making a hole and filling it with salt water and walking away, it would be very difficult to code so that the game knows only to evaporate that little pool of salt water, and not per se the entire ocean.

    Um, a multiblock structure out of raw stone, a 3x3 and 1 deep pit, completely filled with salt water sources. Even if could be naturally formed this way, would be rare enough as to not confuse the game logic that bad. And even if it did form naturally, this is a nice thing that brings a bit more life into the game - to stumble upon a random pit of salt near an ocean. Sounds good to me, you?


  13. Gave a pass at Water sac translation, both Russian files are 100% done at this point and require a review (since I'm not exactly sure of everything I wrote in there).


    I also took liberty and updated stats pages with links and created a bunch of empty columns in Water sac section

    And you seem to have swapped fr_CA and fr_FR files in there, please take a look.


  14. er, you got it to read your custom better_leaves file?  I can get it to work for vanilla leaves, but it just ignores custom TFC better_leaves.  If you can figure this out I'll be soooooo happy; been working on it for a few weeks now.   :(

    Yes, I upscaled and properly-ish trimmed original textures, put 'em in the same folder with original and it worked. If you really want, I retrace this today once I get home from work.


  15. Hey, I got the better grass to work!  But I can't get it to read my better_Blah Leaves Fancy.png files... anyone have luck with this?

    I did it at one point, don't remember having any problems with it. Maybe I will try again and see what comes of it.


  16. Personally, I don't really care about what units are used, that doesn't matter in a world like minecraft. We think the block is a cubic meter because average human is somewhere around 1.75 meters high, but there's no proof or otherwise that we are right.

    And what is 'a stack' even? Just quantity of singular items? Okay then, what is a single gunpowder?


    Those items might as well be measured in actual Great Wizards of the Oz, this won't make a damn bit of difference.


  17. Technically you can not convert a force unit (an ounce) in to a mass unit (a gram) because a force is not a mass.

    If it did go to the metric system it should use Newtons the unit of force for the metric system.


    1 ounce is approximately .3 Newtons.



    But the units that are in the imperial system are easy to create because the ones mentioned in that video are based on seeds. Although the naming conventions could be better for the imperial system.

    Ounces were used wherever, look it up. They aren't actually a specific thing, more like a 1/12th part of something.


  18. -snip-

    I do not fear flesh-eating corpses, but I would run away from 'em to not get eaten myself. And from bad smell too. I'm not even sure what I'm afraid of, actually. Is very graphically imagining of what it would be like if X happened to you confidered as 'being afraid'? If not, "pain, blood loss and tough life-changing decisions" sums it up.


    You can eat grains if not in b77, but in b78 for sure. That's about the rice part. And speaking of you and your character not having commons, would your character actually do things you would never do being placed in similar circumstances (including the ability to respawn)?


  19. Because for one thing, mental health system is extremely difficult to pull off and most of the time requires a game to be built considering such a thing from the start, which minecraft is certainly not. What is there to do? Random noises? Things that aren't really there? Noises we can realistically do in minecraft sound engine, but not things - and those could not include juicier stuff along the lines of virtual landslides right under the player's feet, because that's just not how Minecraft is, it'll be more like mobs without a hitbox.  Fumbling and shivering? This is mostly related to fatigue, not insanity.

    For another thing, some think that it's not fair to separate an avatar from a person whom it represents. If I myself do not fear zombies or darkness, why does my avatar? What if I myself is afraid of heights instead?


  20. I remember devs toying with this idea way back when. Seems like it's on hold for the moment. That IS a lot of work to add this stuff properly. Wiki's a good example, and it's not even about flavor out there, just dry facts.


    While I really do love the idea, I feel like most users would still refer to a wiki if the flavor text only added hints.  Writing it out in such a way as to make all steps perfectly clear, while maintaining immersion, would be essential to making this work.


    Something like, "I've found that a copper can be strengthened by adding 1 part zinc for every 9 parts copper,"  but, you know, with more flavor.  Preferably written by you. 


    Honestly, I think it's kind of a shame, because I remember the pre-internet days of video gaming where you really had to figure this stuff out on your own.


    How DO you figure out, say, a bloomery recipe? How would you even figure out there even IS such a thing in the game? Randomly throwing stuff at a workbench and seeing what sticks isn't as fun as someone might think it is. Especially confidering how much stuff there is to throw in TFC, considering there's even an intention to make specific metals/alloys to have a specific purpose and recipes to them (which I disagree with, but I don't exactly have a saying on the matter).

    Minor stuff like meals are left to figure out on your own. And you can figure out which of the two types of logs burn longer/hotter without looking it up, that's about sums it.
