Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sting_Auer

  1. Uranium

    Yeah, derp indeed >.> No worries! I was just showing examples of why the other guy was wrong about there not being a significant explosion.
  2. Uranium

    Dude, the nukes leveled enormous sections of the cities they were dropped on. Pictures show this, eyewitness reports show this, and I'm pretty sure if you asked a Japanese historian, they'd say so too. Wikipedia is a perfectly accurate source, it is very strictly moderated and has citations for everything, or else it's marked as [citation needed] or is outright deleted. Pictures for reference, from both Nagasaki and Hiroshima:
  3. Uranium

    uhm... what? Since when? Atomic bombs are the most powerful explosive known to man. They level enormous swaths of land in an instant.
  4. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    I appreciate the feedback and concern, Billybob! I have considered the possible drawbacks, and the time the server is up is not concrete and can be changed should the need arise. I am going to be doing a lot of experimentation with different things for the next few weeks - or possibly months - to decide on certain changes to the server to make it more fun and enjoyable for as many people as possible.
  5. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    The server now runs from 3:00PM PST to 8:00PM PST, a shortening of 2 hours of uptime (5 hours of uptime total).This is not an arbitrary change. For a while, the server would have 1 person join, then leave because nobody was on, and it would repeat many times throughout the day, making for an empty server for a large portion of the day. Decreasing the "window of opportunity" means that people are more likely to be on at the same time, meaning a greater community experience and more server action.Thank you for your time and cooperation, and please enjoy your stay in Aquor .
  6. [Stone Age] More realistic tools

    You aren't grabbing a twig from the tree, you're picking out the bigger, stronger branches. That's why you don't get a dozen sticks per leaf, you only get one every couple of leaves.
  7. Words of encouragement

    I agree wholeheartedly. Terrafirmacraft is the mod that created most of the things I've always wanted in Aquor, those being a requirement for team-play and greater advantages to defenders and settlers. Logs and stone taking longer to break, and cobblestone falling like sand, has made so many more possibilities and practicalities for defensive structures. The need for a steady food source once you've hunted the wildlife in the area helps tremendously with encouraging team play in a competitive server. You can have a single person or a small group manage the farms to make sure you'll have enough food to last you until next harvest, while everyone else divides their labor into other jobs. The only thing I'm concerned about is the coming changes to skills to make a stat-based skill system. I'd prefer to have things be player-skill based, such as smithing.
  8. [RUN SHAMELESS_PLUG.EXE] ---------------------------------------- Have you tried out Aquor? Aquor has the advantage of running on limited uptime, meaning that it's actually possible to defend your things if you have an active group. ---------------------------------------- I'm sorry to hear that your server didn't work out for you because of thieves and such. Best of luck to you!
  9. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Same hours, but I am considering shortening them in one way or another to increase player density. There's pretty much always been a fair amount of players, but they would keep logging on when nobody else was on, prompting them to leave because nobody else is on, causing the next person to be alone and repeating the cycle. EDIT: Server hours have been shortened, starting at 3:00PM PST and ending at 8:00PM PST. The server down runs for 5 hours instead of 7 hours per day.
  10. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Aquor is now back online with a brand new world and a spawn area under construction!
  11. Manganese. No not Magnesium...

    In reality, you don't want hard, rigid materials in your weapons (except spears because of the small size of the contact point) because the metal will shatter instead of bending or vibrating.
  12. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Oh, good, forums are back up. Server is offline because of our air conditioning going out (causing dangerously high temperatures for electronics) followed by rolling brownouts because of a heat wave. Server will go back online once the brownouts have ceased.
  13. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    World border has been expanded to ~5KM from spawn instead of ~3KM from spawn!
  14. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Technical difficulties involving PlayerAPI being dumb. The server went up about a half hour later than normal.
  15. Can't remove forge block

    Use a pick
  16. Advancing Ages : Making it Harder

    WOOOH~! I'm smart!
  17. Advancing Ages : Making it Harder

    Not really, there'd be an upper limit on how high your volume limit could go, and your weight limit would be fixed (maybe raisable by leveling up?). The inventory could be sorted by categories similar to the creative mode inventory, or maybe even custom "folders" in your inventory. Heck, it could be tied to which storage item it's in. Is it in a pocket, a your pouch, your other pouch, your backpack, etc.
  18. Advancing Ages : Making it Harder

    You could always switch to a menu-based inventory with a volume and mass limit instead of a tile limit . That would solve more problems than just the item metadata stacking problem. For example, it would be possible to make the player unable to carry a castle in their pockets while still allowing them to carry a bazillion seeds. It would also make backpacks, pockets, pouches, etc. useful and purposeful by initially limiting the players inventory to what they can carry in their arms and pants pockets. Making pouches, pocketcoats, backpacks, etc. would help boost your inventory space.
  19. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    It's getting better after a quiet spell. We're nearing our normal traffic again.
  20. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server will be offline from 5/11/2013 (Saturday) to 5/12/2013 (Sunday).
  21. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    The server is most certainly not dead ! I'm pretty sure we are on the latest version (hotfix 16, right?)
  22. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    The server has been updated to B76hf15.
  23. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Not telling at the moment . Don't want other server hosters stealing my ideas just yet XD
  24. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server will only be online for admins today. Testing is being done for the possibility of certain changes to the server.
  25. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    Server will be offline on Thursday (4-17-2013).