Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. blueprints are way too op

    I get your point here, I get it these tools would not be necessary for survival, however to use this mechanic people are spending way too much time on it to the point of tedium just to get one block done. Sure it would be great just to say you need to put in the work to benefit but think of much better work everyone could accomplish with a more efficent mechanic.
  2. blueprints are way too op

    Alright so its obvious that the rare tool compromise is being ignored so how about this, in survival mode we shouldn't have to (you don't really have to) work on something tirelessly and tediously but we also shouldn't be able to skip the work. In other words we should be given tools that allow us to work efficiently but not be lazy if we want something amazing we still should work for all of it. The question is now what tools would make chiseling more efficient?
  3. blueprints are way too op

    Its all game balance you could say the same thing if Bioxx decided to re-add wooden picks, or copy ee2 into our code simply don't use it won't fix the problem. What he is saying applies to multiplayer as well now suddenly making certain structures becomes a whole lot easier for those who use it.
  4. blueprints are way too op

    My point stands regardless only in tight knit groups would the lucky player even think about handing over his very rare plan and then chance of finding one for yourself, I highly doubt that Dunk and Bioxx would make these things common at all.
  5. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Can you make small patches for the following two mods they add a lot of believability to the industrial world which at this point in time is missing out on that a bit. Cogs of the Machine, adds gears as an early energy system and steam power. Think pre-electric steampunk. Assembly Line, a UE mod that adds a sorting system based on conveyor belts, it is in very early development but I think it would be nice to be prepared for when it does come out.
  6. blueprints are way too op

    I disagree how many people that you know give away free red steel picks? To everyone? On a large server? They may exist but they aren't frequent. I see sharing in a tight group and sales with a very high price tag. Its inevitable I see what you mean that it would be shared a little, perhaps it should require a certain expensive resource.
  7. We have gone through the crafting table expansion idea already that isn't the point of this thread go find that thread if you would like to discuss the mechanics of the workbench in the mean time, ceramics.
  8. blueprints are way too op

    How about requiring a tool? An expensive tool. A secret tool, using a secret plan like I have been suggesting for the last two pages! Dunk has already mentioned the secret plans found in deep crypts would this not be an excellent time to use it?We aren't bukkit nor can we use bukkit, last time I checked se were a little lacking in the server control area. It isn't our thing we can balance this, there can be a balance between tedium and OP, TFC is an example of that so what changed?
  9. Star navigations

    I agree a lot of work not a lot of pay-off, would be great if they had extra time to put it in but I'm pretty sure they are doing other things with a little more importance. Waveshaper: You addressed a lot of the issue of a mod like ours (compatibility, the possibility of learning right off the bat how to play, etc.) and its obvious you know what you are talking about however I think you are missing some things here our compatibility is actually pretty good right now and only requires world gen and recipe tweaks in fact work on patch is going on right now. This I agree is a bummer that we are yet to have full control but as we are in Beta much work still needs to be done just to allow gameplay control. Lets just get the features in first and then we can start messing with who wants what. Now understanding TFC I agree is difficult but I assure you this isn't our fault you can't tell me you started playing minecraft without looking at a wiki, have someone teach you or watching youtube, it simply isn't possible. Same goes here just all over again, there are simply way to many possibilities in this game to allow guesswork, it just isn't possible to guess things like recipes. If there was a guidebook that gave you hints or something like that (maybe achievements) that would be alright but these have all been shot down already. If you have a better idea to allow educated guesses without tearing out features though fire away.
  10. blueprints are way too op

    The first two were replaced with something better not removed and chests were tweaked(I haven't played in a while so correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think they're full size). The sticks were a good point though. But really with the way this mod has been headed lately I'm pretty sure Bioxx is in no mood to go back and forth because forum member, he is pretty solid in his opinions and I can only assume this is therefore his opinion and not a test like the sticks. In other words unless its gamebreaking Bioxx has never been one to go back on something he decided I could be horribly wrong but it sure seems this way.
  11. blueprints are way too op

    I see exactly where you are coming from that makes sense but sense the feature is already in the game I highly doubt it will be removed so instead we tweak it to make it balanced aka it takes a lot of work to skip a little work. These secret plans as Dunk described them would be a rare difficult thing to find, requiring a lot of searching and work just like the rest of the mod.
  12. blueprints are way too op

    You are correct sir, you are correct the original concern of the post was the fear that copying was far too easy or OP or whatever. My problem is that this isn't a bukkit plug-in we don't 'lock' blocks, it simply isn't believable in fact it hardly even makes sense. What are you locking it with so they can't copy it? Are you covering it? We can already do that. Preventing someone doing it with no effort is the real problem here, I certainly wouldn't want some noob running into my house and copying my amazing furniture. Sure it takes metal but why stop there, only the best of the best (or those in creative) would be able to copy.
  13. blueprints are way too op

    Explain to me how only allowing those who have played for a very long time and explored hard or have a lot of money (or a very impressive thief) to do this is exactly the same. The problem as I see it is that blueprints are OP, so what is the normal solution? You make them require more work to get. What is wrong with that it is how everything else in this mod works I'm missing why we should stray from that.
  14. blueprints are way too op

    I agree! But rather than making it impossible to copy someone elses and make blocks carry tags of who made them, why not just make a copier chisel? It could be one of the secret plans Dunk was talking about.
  15. Or we just make it necessary to resupply ink like what already happens, I'm with JAG and yubyub also. Its simple its easy and it needs no further tweaking at all.
  16. Npc´s

    But you can change OPs to apologies.
  17. More chisel modes

    Easy solution for more control here. Add a drill for the straight lines requiring that you are parallel. Easy plan to understand, nothing too complex. As for the copying what about one of the secret plans for a new tool like Dunk was talking about earlier. Additions aren't going to happen I don't think, not without a way of making them look horrible Edit: A way to change the radius of the chisel would also be great for chisel control
  18. Npc´s

    I would delete this as quickly as possible as you haven't read our "regarding to...." Thread. This has been talked about a ton, and I mean a huge amount and it got drilled into the ground. They will not be adding NPCs, period.
  19. [WIP] Mod Conversion/Creation Hub

    Incorrect RP2 pr6 is out now.
  20. Lurkers

    Seems like a mammilian version of an endermen to me. They already attacked like that if provoked. Which along with teleporting is really the only difference.
  21. New custom mobs, no minecraft mobs

    You asked for an explanation so here you go. Creepers are a special type of moving fungi which grow deep underground and after full maturity come to the surface in an attempt to breed they are led only instincts up to the surface as they remember the path they once took as young spawnlings. The time spent in caves serves two fold; as protectionary measures and a way for them to pull geothermal energy from the ground. As they surface fully mature (at night to prevent blinding) they began to search for live creatures, in particular humans, and as they approach they swell with forced pressure and finally explode releasing millions of small spores, some of which may land on the target. If the extreme pressure was enough to kill the prey, these spores begin to feed on the neurons within the brain, the only access being through decaying flesh, after feeding on these neurons for several nights and days they increase in size and gain legs, thus becoming adolescents (about the size of a lady bug, they are there but they are just very hard to see) after they have got their fill they rush to the nearest dark place attempting to burrow or, if lucky, scamper down to the deep depths where they feed and grow on cave spiders and geothermal energy, eventually becoming full size and resurfacing again. And so the circle of life continues on our planet Terra. This mod is about believability, we are not removing vanilla mobs, we may move them underground eventually, but they will not be removed. If it is explainable then it can exist, we aren't going to remove valuable game content in an futile attempt to become a block version of Sims, it simply wouldn't make sense. ECC: Believability, putting in game content that the real world could have had but thought was too challenging
  22. suggestion for geothermal vents

    Exactly, and I am in support of them, I would love to see these natural phenomenon added for their beauty, mineral additions, and other ecological effects. We could make quite a few minerals actually go where they belong rather than somewhere random.
  23. Slopes and Gates

    How about just a normal filter as previously suggested rather than filling our chests with water?
  24. suggestion for geothermal vents

    That is a negative, you remember Bioxx's example of Yellowstone, those definitely have a couple vents.
  25. We are talking about a deranged lunatic what do you think his thought process on this one was "well these guys on the tv kill people maybe I should too." No, no, no no one thinks like that, no one not even the mentally insane. He killed for real life reasons involving his mother not because he played video games. Our world is thrill seeking, we are a people of curiosity, hope, and fear, the games serve as entertainment and entertainment only. Or haven't you noticed, we are on a site about a game which involves and in fact encourages killing and although it isn't a main feature it is still there.As for gun rights it is the same problem, a madman shot that gun it did not shoot itself. Without guns being legal he can still kill just as easily not to mention a black market for guns that already exists. If anything loss of rights would make my life far more dangerous, now not only do the bad guys have all the guns but now I can't efficiently protect myself.