Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by bsb23

  1. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    All it will take is someone who will make a cross-over between the two, although whoever they are should probably wait until we are stable because right now it would be a nightmare.
  2. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    Fabulous piece of coding you have here, it certainly by no means is game breaking, but isn't quite what TFC needs. If you could incorporate this in a recipe book style item this would be absolutely perfect for our gameplay. The only difference is the flow of information, it is what makes a newbie a newbie. If they come in to a well developed server and we hand them the recipes it will ruin the system of discovery, which some people would like to keep. As a book instead information could still be traded and copied, but would also now require a flow of information. It could give way to many things, like libraries, recipe exchanges, while still allowing recipes to be confined to a small group(kitchen staff?) if such was desired.
  3. Protection Meter

    For now live with it if you want to, if not ignore it. For now we will have to assume this either going to be removed or redone as soon as they get all the mobs underground.
  4. I'm sure he wants to play eventually, am I right? Stop bashing him. We would all be doing the same if our computer was broken. Sda209 you seem like you have thought this post through quite a bit, my problem is, is that this so far is a tweak and is yet to add any real content beyond what taco could probably do in paint. After the introduction you gave I excepted you to give a full set of tweaks aimed at making combat more engaging or exciting. Although as I'm sure you know we have already had two of those though. Knowing that you have thought this through and have read through those threads I lie in wait for a true overhaul that I can only assume you are capable of.
  5. Particles

    Would you mind posting a video aeroc? You got me curious now.
  6. Feed the beast with Multimc Installation

    I agree with killster find the parts that are incompatible and then find someone who would be willing to fix the rest manually. Because it is possible to do it will just take some work. I have heard of only one time when someone was capable of mixing railcraft and TFC but nonetheless it is possible.
  7. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    I also agree that it won't happen but only because we are in Beta, not because of the forums I made a post on a the FTB launcher thread which included a forum rewrite. We would never have noob problems again.
  8. "A new Age"

    Thats all fine and dandy but tell me, are we in Beta? Yes. What will Bioxx want to add first? He will probably want to add new mechanics and then flesh them out later. You just gotta have patience.
  9. Coppicing

    While not a bad idea in theory this idea also approaches the end of our timeframe. King Henry didn't reign until the 15 hundreds, when they already had gunpowder and the industrial revolution was preparing to start. Another problem is coppicing doesn't make trunks it makes shoots which never really got that thick. We would need a new block to show this. I suppose we could use a leaf block also.
  10. Lightsouce: Torches

    For the record I was in fact the first one to bring it up you just fleshed it out. http://terrafirmacra...ut/page__st__20 Edit: first for dynamic lights I meant, I didn't know you were referring to colored light.
  11. Gems as Decoration Blocks.

    Psssssstttt... It's in the upper right hand corner, not the left unless you are behind your computer I suppose.
  12. Lightsouce: Torches

    Eye see what you did there I'm honestly not sure though I seem to remember a couple of them.
  13. Lightsouce: Torches

    No, dynamic light has already been discussed already as well good idea though.
  14. Glass Blowing

    Besides Dunk vetoing a complete overhaul. We need to happy what we got here, however there is one thing that I will probably have to kill myself with 1SDAN if we don't get and that is the expansion of plans. We need more plans I may make a thread for this in fact.
  15. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    Haha you are lucky I'm late and its tired, and you made a good recovery, otherwise you would have already been flooded with my "speeches" you are far more graceful with a shot-down idea then most besides sticking to it for a second too long. I'm pretty sure everyone has done that a couple times. I will just send you one speech in the morning, just to make sure though. Mention it aggressively again though and I will make sure everyone will drown you in speeches.
  16. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    People this mod is early development you can't expect us to have all the content yet. We are missing a huge a mount still and I'm sure Bioxx knows that and is working hard on it. These armors will undoubtedly be necessary for new enemies that we will face in the future which are just yet to be added. Have patience please. Seriously why would he add them for no reason? That doesn't even make sense. The next person to say "where is the purpose?" I will spam your message inbox with my speeches on why there shouldn't be a purpose.
  17. Sky Dimension

    Like everyone else here i like the Sky dimension and the Aether however we have nowhere close to enough fiction elements involved yet to use this it could happen eventually but we are missing a lot stuff that needs to go in-between the two.
  18. Is there a purpose for this mod?

    Wall of text ahead be forewarned it is a long one anyone who has heard my dream speech should probably just skip this, if not, read it. Hahaha I absolutly just love it when people compare vanilla to a normal game because of the enderdragon it is the funniest thing ever. Why? Because isn't why this game was created or what it could be. So what it minecraft what is the goal? Dream, that is the goal. You know the wonderful thing about dreams? Until the day you die, will never meet an end. You will never say well looks like i'm done dreaming. Our TFC dream here, its all about survival, and guess what until the day you die your fight for survival will never end especially not in conditions such as Steve's. Don't you hate endings? I sure do, (I'll do my best not be religous here so i will use the word paradise in replacement of the word Heaven as to not offend anyone) that is what i picture true paradise to be; eternal, everlasting, forever. Without any horrible endings to mess things up. No end to rest, no end to aspiring, no end to loving and no death. So you see ends suck. Will there likely be bosses or something similar for extra content? Of course there will, that is what the ender dragon was meant for just a milestone and nothing more. That is truly what our bosses will be, just a milestone on a journey to infinity. As for progressive difficulty you have once more confused us with other games. This is not a linear system, this a system of infinite impossibilities. Although we are yet to reach infinity, trust me we are working for it everyday. This game is wonderfully designed so that only you can increase the difficulty, by doing something new or brave. If you don't like infinite possibilities i would like to suggest you go back to tetris and mario since you obviously think they are comparable to the idea of true dream. Like you said they already have what you want why would need infinite possibilities.
  19. Post your story!

    All well guess my code is only going to be used for secret messages to my girlfriend after all. For the record though the code is very easy to mess with and doesn't depend on any letter. Plus since its IPA, it can be easily translated from any language (including Japanese according to my very limited knowledge of the Japanese language. Although I neglected to add any clicks.
  20. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    I'm not arguing wikipedia is "The main function of the Diolkos was the transfer of goods, although in times of war it also became a preferred means of speeding up naval campaigns. The 6 km (3.7 mi) to 8.5 km (5.3 mi) long roadway was a rudimentary form of railway,[3] and operated from c. 600 BC until the middle of the 1st century AD.[4]" Although it wasn't used for mines it was quite an efficient method of moving a boat over land. I know it ain't happening, its just good to give the Greeks and Romans the credit they deserve. As for true rails though I agree with you there and so does wikipedia.
  21. Loose Rock Placement

    Volcanic Olivine crystals cause the green. I was surprised to find that the pink was caused by manganese which would have caused purple glass interestingly enough. Our "sand" where I am at is mostly black but it is also all gravel so.
  22. Workbench new slots and more

    I'll expand on this besides it being a duplicate thread. My involves something I have previously mentioned so if it seems familiar that is why. In the players inventory there would be a 1x2 crafting grid meant only for basic assembly like putting a tool head on a stick. Any thing that is completely solid and you would consider one solid mass (wood/stone/a table/etc.) could be used as a 2x2 crafting table by right-clicking with your empty hand. The block must also be elevated above your own position. 3x3 is a furnished table which includes a plank block, cloth of some kind and two tool racks. The GUI is exactly what the previous two have except for one thing the eight outer slots are also buttons. So now instead of storage these become functional, once placed in their respective slots, the tools become locked in placed. When the button is click it becomes highlighted showing that this will now be used as the tool. Multiple tools may need to be selected for more complex recipes.
  23. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    Bleh why must we start repeating conversations again because new people are here. Can't we just go straight to our previous conclusion? Non-physical=no robberies without murder, only one currency, no physical banks or storage just single blocksUn-craftable=only one currency even if we add multiple the first kingdom would take easy control over the economy and offspring Kingdoms would have no possible way of being successful. Alloy=easily counterfeitable Eternal's system (Dunk and Jed also deserve a lot of credit the sum post was just by eternal though) prevents counterfeiting but allows an offspring kingdom to economically thrive if they have the resources. Different places may accept different money, money exchanges may be developed. The possibilities are quite endless.
  24. Loose Rock Placement

    We need more than black and white here. Remember these sands are an attempt to add a little pizzazz to our worlds they do exist beyond just normal color tints. We need to go beyond for beaches at least, deserts I can understand being tints but the beaches look amazing. For deserts if you want a tint try to keep it between red and yellow that should be easiest and make the most sense. As for the glass, you are both right in ancient times glass color depended on both sand used and mineral additives. At first only dependent on sand and then came into use later minerals used. Early glass was almost exclusively green due to iron found in the sand, for that matter most of our glass still has a slight green tint. Allow the actual sand wasn't green so that will mess with newbies a bit. My question is do you want to add in all the minerals required to color everything? I suppose we could use metals although this technically incorrect but much simpler than adding in everything. In addition to what we have, we need manganese, titanium, chrome, and selenium. Some of these aren't from our time period here is a link to a page about historic glass if you would like to know more. I just know that those elements would not be worth adding.
  25. Stone Variety And Metal Tiers

    I thought the consensus was we were going to allow trade and currency to be monitored by individual cities and just give a tooltip of who it was made by. That solves all problems right there.