Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ditto8353

  1. Boulders Spawn Rate

    [ spoiler ] and [ /spoiler ] tags are used for spoilers.And it does seem like there are a lot of boulders there, but have you explored? Is it just that one area or are boulders that common everywhere? It would make sense that there would be an area with numerous boulders.
  2. [b72] cant make sticks

    It was a bug in the previous version. Note: Fixed vanilla recipes not being properly disabled by default.
  3. [b72] cant make sticks

    This is intended. Welcome to TFC.
  4. The Hades Code

    First of all, that philosophy crap about the arrow is bull (my final paper for philosophy was aimed at tearing apart a similar proposal).Second, water is not infinitely divisible. Eventually there will only be one water molecule left, and if you continue the process, it is likely that you will remove that single water molecule. If you continue the process infinitely, it is guaranteed that you will remove that water molecule at some point in time. However, if you step away from the theory and look at the reality, apple juice has water in it, which fucks up the whole question.
  5. TFC Birthday Contest Discussion Thread

    Will non-creative projects receive higher marks than creative projects? What about projects that have already been completed, or started before now?
  6. the alpha caveman

    Why not? Because most of us don't feel like it.
  7. Bug Report Forum is Missing

    Don't use old maps or config files with new versions. You can't effectively test the game that way.
  8. Don't be a brat. "Known bug" means we already know about it. There is no reason to post about it anymore.
  9. framrate

    RAM - What speed?CPU - What framework? GPU - What card? You've given partial information on all of these things. P.S. - TFC doesn't use the nether and it will crash your game. That's why it lags you to hell.
  10. The Hades Code

    Yay! Someone knows bit rotations! Grats fellow Texan
  11. The Hades Code

    Some of these are still incorrect. What tool are you using to convert them? =CODE(<char>) in Excel will get you the correct conversions
  12. The Hades Code

    It's 8859-1There are more than 2 white-space characters, when you copy from the forum it doesn't give you the proper character.
  13. The Hades Code

    These are not correct. Be sure to use Copy-Paste for getting ASCII values. Some characters look similar, but are not. I don't want you wandering down the wrong path because of a silly mistake like this. Edit: Unfortunately, even with Copy-Paste, that space does not translate properly because of how HTML works. It is ASCII 160
  14. The Hades Code

    Laughed so hard. You do a good impression of the Google Translator.
  15. Temperature bar

    FYI you already consume slightly more Thirst when in warmer biomes.
  16. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    It's not ASCII. ASCII is decimal. It's a binary representation of ASCII codes. Just sayin'.
  17. The Hades Code

    My turn! ...I hope all of these characters print... ˆ’¨¨ž@’¦@¦ª Š¤@†ª¨Š Ok, so all of the characters printed correctly. This encryption is actually simpler than ECC's encryption, but I suspect that it will be more difficult to figure out simply because of the nature of the encryption. Good luck, and I'll give hints if no one can come up with an answer after a while.
  18. [Apparently solved] [B69] Cactus damage bug

    I never liked cactus damage anyway.
  19. Improved Inventory

    I fully support this idea. Unfortunately it's one hell of a workload, so I don't expect this to be included any time within the foreseeable future.
  20. Anime?

    From favorite, to least favorite. Loveless Cowboy Bebop D.Gray Man DeathNote Darker Than Black Howl's Moving Castle The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Trigun Grave of the Fireflies Princess Mononoke Spirited Away ...others...
  21. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

    Find a GPU benchmarking website. Chart them on a graph against their current prices.
  22. The Hades Code

    I have been very busy this weekend working on the computer for my girlfriend. Looking at your code now... ... ...Nope
  23. Encouraging specialization

    I like the idea of having tech trees, but I don't know if Bioxx does. I know they didn't want to have a skill system (last I heard), but I do not know if that would also apply to a tech tree. If there was a tech tree in place though, it would need an interface similar to the achievement interface. Without a visual display of your progress, tech trees are too difficult to manage.
  24. Painting

    Whew. Man you Italian folk are hard to understand. Lol.Yes, that is what I want.
  25. Painting

    I mean, if you paint on stone bricks I want it to still look like stone bricks, not just a solid sheet of paint.