Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by killster550

  1. *stands next to SDA staring at his caterpillar-esque mutant self*


    hmm....quite interesting...could you make other forms too? i'd like to see what all of these me's could become *shows SDA a infinite supply of killster550's*


  2. *snaps fingers, sda turns into fire*


    a bang you said huh? i can do that.


    *goes into fingersnapping frenzy, hitting SDA with a giant amount of fire time and time again, extinguishing the old fire for the new, causing tremendous trauma*


  3. *arrives*


    i am sick and tired, of these motherfucking frogs in this motherfucking universe!


    *dimensional shifts all frogs into the french dimension*


    now, shall we get this started? *blasts out a massive surge of power*


  4. *walks around in the dead thread* ah nostalgia....i miss this kind of craziness... *kicks the thread around a little, just past the next few planets* guess it really is dead huh? *sits on a rock, bored as hell*


  5. *turns into ichigo kurosaki from bleach* *slices your vertical slice horizontally, making it disperse.*


    enough with the massive attacks mkay? *snaps fingers and atomizes everyone in the topic*


  6. alas i cannot remember a crazy lamathingie, and CHANGE IS FOR THE WEAK! no really, if i want to do stuff like name me topic, i just tap into my vast reserve of insanity mixed with a shitton of anime and gaming experience :D)


  7. how about lunatics...lunatics is good :D




    (how i imagine dunk's mind sometimes ^ )


    naah, im a squad 7 kinda guy, even if i dont have naruto sakura sasuke kakashi yamato or sai with me :/


  8. dude, TFC doesnt require that high of a budget at all, im rocking this on a windows 7 AMD 4250 HD internal vid card with 4 gigs of RAM ddr2, on a core i5, nothing special XD just dont go throwing your settings into the crazy zone


    but if you do want to game, that thing is a wet dream for any gamer XD


  9. (integra is just a regular human in charge of the 2 most lethal vampires of her universe :3 she has no special abilities, but above human combat abilities anyway) 


    *integra sighes* guess we'll be stuck here for a while longer, ALUCARD, do not let these so-called valkyrurs interfere with our mission! *walkes off*


    ~as my lady commands~ goes toe to toe with the entire valkyrur army, solo.


    *meanwhile over at Kirito's location* what....what the hell? *seras victoria is standing amidst a wasteland, surrounding her are thousands upon thousands of human bodies, clearly having been dead since well before this war* 


    *asuna shies away from the real human bodies, still being a regular human at heart, merely here to defend her 


    dont look asuna, i....i will try and find out what happened here, SERAS, whats going on? why are you here, who are these bodies, and what happened to the enemies you were fighting?


    `asuna, kirito, dont move, dont do anything, amidst these bodies are several proximity-started supervampires, equal to my level, im dealing with them one by one but if you trigger multiple of them, we are doomed`


    *a metallic click is heard ringing out over the wasteland, and suddenly several bodies begin getting up* 


    WHAT THE? *kirito looks around with his detection skills, when suddenly he realizes, theres no way his wife could be here if he teleported over to this universe, shes probably safely at home worried for her kirito-kun*


    thats right, although you wouldnt have been able to guess earlier anyway, *a disguise falls off, and in asuna's place, there is now a man in a golden cloak, with a crown of leaves on his head, could this be the enemy emperor?*


    (btw, im going fully fanfiction from here, theres no boobytrapped supervampires or anything like that, im merely keeping the characters themselves intact, not what happens to them


  10. *looks back at the Vasel bridge* oh right, you guys needed dominance over this bridge for some reason right? *absolutely obliterates everything alive on that bridge* here you go, it is yours. *massive blue flames start emerging from the Gallia camp* wait, more valkyrurs but this time, from the good side? well isnt that just overkill? *barely manages to save asuna fro mthe massive blast headed her way* ehm, WHY IS MY WIFE UNDER FIRE FROM YOUR VALKYRURS? *draws sword* threathen me again and i will be forced to deal with this threat to my wife! 


  11. well, the point is, these vampires look just like regular humans, they just dont really want to die, at all, unless totally destroyed, surely there are rumors of 'undefeatable' regiments, or warriors with near superhuman legends behind them? well ill take care of all of these guys together with my friends, while you and your squads can focus on the regular humans, and make this war an easy victory (only when faced by a vampiric regiment you will experience difficulty in arms, and ill give you one of my teleport kunai so you can always summon me if needed, just plant it where you want me to go)



    *dashes off into the sunset, black clothes and sword shining*


    (alucard and Sir Integra) these 2, and that squad commander, they will do nicely, i lift restriction levels 3 2 and 1, you may use any force necessary to destroy all enemies to the cause. after that, lift the usual limitations on their human forms, but be careful not to break them. 


    ~yes my master~ *alucard goes absolute apeshit on enemy ranks while sir integra walks over to SDA to discuss him permanently joining her organization, across universes, terrains, situations, etc*
