Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Buczkowski

  1. Crossbows

    Ah. according to wikipedea it was the Polybolos. Wikipedia calls it a thyp of balista, but it seems much smaller than what I would define as a ballista. Probably just a vagary of the greek language. After a quck search I can find no real information regarding the size of the weapon, so either a large seige-crossbow or a small ballista.
  2. Rail prices are TOO DAMN HIGH!!

    Of course, if all we're doing is making light rails for hand carts/minecarts, then there's really no reason we couldn't use wooden rails as that's what the first rail tracks were made from.
  3. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Well the '____son' thing is fairly common in scandinavina names, sometimes not as an actual surname but as a patronym. That is , his name is literally Israel, the son of Israel. Likewise, John, the son of John. Though nowadays I guess it's generally used as a proper surname. Anyways, Israel is a fairly common jewish name.
  4. Emergencies

    According to Wikipedia: Dunkle-os-te-us. I assume 'Dunkle' is pronounced like 'uncle', then 'oss' like 'boss', tea, us.
  5. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    I would suggest bounding the knapping area and making the backgound image paler within that area. Once again it's just a bit too busy and some of the colors blend together too much. I do like the backgound image here but it needs to be separated a bit from the knapping area.
  6. [Clarified] Gardening

    It's much easier to put the tl;dr at the begining. If I see a massive wall of text, my first instinct is to read the fist few sentances and then immedeatly scroll to the next post, missing any summary.
  7. Naval suggestions

    This sounds a lot like how Ultima 4 and/or 5 handled boats and therefore I approve.Although if you guys can figure out how to give me a boat that won't break the instant is so much as looks at the shore line that would be great.
  8. Crossbows

    Gah. The info is from a book I unfortunately can't find at the moment but it was most definately a crossbow. Also, arbalest is medieval french not greco-roman. I'll try to find the book this weekend. I know I have it.
  9. Log placing

    Well, yeah. But you still have to light the campfire before placing the last logs.
  10. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Being burtaly honest, that gui was the first thing i've seen of this texture pack that I hate. The pictures really don't work with it. The 'character' field is way, way too busy, and the crafting grid just looks terrible. My advice, lose the painting and keep the wood grain. That part looks awesome. I also love the rock textures.
  11. Soil Nutrients

    It's bad enough that north is negative, but why is north/south the z axis and not the y axis? It's been a while since I last played around with openGL but I don't remember it working that way.
  12. The Feather Bed

    We really don't even necesesarily need a full blown spinning wheel. Just a blob of clay on the end of a stick to make a primitive spindle.
  13. Crossbows

    The Greeks and Romans eventualy developed repeating crossbows of their own. The fired much faster than a standard crossbow of the era and had a 'technically' infinite ammo capacity as more bolts could always be thrown in the ammo hopper. It's primary disadvatage was immobility, as it couldn't be re-aimed once set. Wasn't really worth it in the long run. But yes, crossbows shouldn't be shorter range than regular bows.
  14. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Oh god. Remember vanilla MInecraft before stackable food? We do not want that for TFC.
  15. Log placing

    Placing the logs manually can take too long. Time can be sensitive. Like when making a charcoal pit more than two layers high, if you move fast you can place a log pile over the firepit, quicky access the gui to fill the pit then quickly place another logpile before the whole thing catches fire. If you take too long you can't place the second logpile because you can't place logpiles on a burning block..
  16. Pottery

    What an odd way to use utter.You win this round English language.
  17. Lightning rods

    Since the discussion turned to the mechanics of a lighting stick, i felt this video would be relevent. It shows a bolt of lightning recorded at 7,207 frames per second.
  18. Pottery

  19. Pottery

    How do you utter a coin congress. HOW DO YOU UTTER A COIN!!
  20. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    Rei's, optifine, nei and inv tweeks. Don't see any use for content mods.
  21. [Clarified] Gardening

    I'll concede that point then.
  22. Prospector's Pick

    Although when using a word where the 'h' is pronounced as the letter, rather than as part of the syllable, I'd usually reccoment 'an'. 'An HIV vaccine' rather than 'A HIV vaccine.' It also gets rather tricky with the word 'herb' as some people pronounce the h, while others do not. Personally I prefer 'erb' over 'herb' but I don't think there are any hard rules about it.
  23. [Clarified] Gardening

    I was referring to ladybugs eating worms. Sickness in video games generally translates to lost health. I see no believable game mechanic causing spices from magically preventing rotten food from causing damage. A 'disgusting taste in your mouth' is not a game mechanic that exists withing the minecraft engine. Also, food spoilage was shot down pretty definitively in this thread.
  24. [Clarified] Gardening

    I suppose I can live with the perfume idea but Spotted dye is plainly rediculous. I like the ladybug suggestion in general but no dye. Likewise rediculous. I'm all for a little fantasy in TFC, but plausible fantasy. Good, I guess. Don't know about the hunger value given the hunger overhaul though. Again, not sure about this. Ladybugs eat mostly apids and similar insects which feed on plants. Can't see a ladybug having much intrest in a fly even if it could catch one. These seem fine. I don't see why this should work as that's not something spices do. I beleive this suggestion was regected already anyways.
  25. Sewers

    No diseases please.