Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by halfmaster1

  1. Idea for new the awesome new chisel setting you added!

    EUROPE! No, that isn't an adjective. ENDEMIC!
  2. Better HUD

    Numbers and tfc don't mix. How much health do you have in real life right now? No, I want an exact number. How many times do I have to punch you before you die? You don't know! Why should you?
  3. Better HUD

    Oops, I posted this in the double topic. Id a mod can delete this, that would be great.
  4. Time Settings

    That would be stupid, because if you change it while you are playing, things can get really screwed up.
  5. Drinking Rain

    Salt water tastes good, though :C.
  6. Research as indication of progress

    I prefer that research is something you do, not some variable in the game. Research is putting stuff together to find out if it works. It is in your head, not in your computer. You want to know if you can grow a tomato underground? Well, you don't find a ruin, and read a piece of paper, and suddenly they can be grown underground, you go underground and you try it. Now you know if it is possible.
  7. Crude Maps and Compasses

    Maps would be so much simpler if you could place a piece of paper, then rightclick it with a quill (ink and feather) and draw. You could draw a person, or a map. This way, map-making involves skill, not magic (A map that draws itself? Really?).
  8. Actual changes when you change the difficulty settings

    As well as that, in vanilla, I am pretty sure the mobs do the exact same damage in hard and hardcore mode. The only difference is you lose your world when you die. Also, do you realize how long you could live off one cow irl, if it never got rotten?
  9. Planks and Bricks

    And what do you get when you mine it? A brick? If so, then why can you use the crafting menu? Also, Yay! I thought my suggestion was tedious, but I couldn't come up with any easier ways. If Dunk can, that is great!
  10. Planks and Bricks

    Don't you guys find it strange that you can put a stack of cobble stone in with a chisel, and boom, out pops a stack of bricks? If the game is going to be like this, why can't we just put resources in our crafting bench, and place down a house? I think that in order to get a brick, you should have to place a raw stone somewhere, maybe smooth it, and the chisel it into a brick shape. You can then mine it, craft it with three others, and you have a brick block. Don't worry, you still have slab mode, so it shouldn't take more than 5 seconds. And if your really lazy, go make some blueprints. Of course, this would waste a lot of chisel durability, and a lot of stone. Alternatively, perhaps you could manage to cut the stone into two or even four bricks. If you don't want to got through all this bother, then you can take a chisel, go into detailed mode, and just draw bricks on the side of your house. This would make bricks more valuable, and perhaps make a bricksmith a necessary job in TerraFirmaCraft communities. My second suggestion is to change how planks are created. This one isn't nearly as annoying as bricks. You have to place down a log block so that it surrounded on all four sides when looked at from above. Simply mine it with an axe or a saw, and a third, or an eighth, will get destroyed and a plank will drop. Continue to mine it to get the rest of the planks. The destroy time would be pretty low, to make up for the fact you don't get the entire block and you already cut it down. So, what do you guys think? Is it good, is it horrible, or do you have something additional to suggest?
  11. Research as indication of progress

    That is why I said slightly. No more than a pixel. Of course, that could be a problem. Also, with the done button, if there is a done button, it is impossible to not get a perfect tool if that is what you want.
  12. Do prospector picks from higher-tier metals work better?

    I am fairly certain propicks give a false negative a specific percent of the time. Even if steel give that negative less often, it is so easy to check for, and if false negatives a rare, it may become harder, because when there is a false negative, you will trust it.
  13. Research as indication of progress

    They are randomized. Also, the amount the the little indicator thing moves by could be affected slightly by how long you hold down the button. That would make indefinitely working recipes harder, you actually need to be good. Also, no "Done" button. No.
  14. Support beams made sensible

    You don't even need support beams. Cave-ins are good, they help make the roof higher.
  15. [minor worldgen] sand and gravel beaches

    We also need large cliffs by the ocean. Also, the part of gravel beaches that touches the dirt from the land has to have a 2 block tall wall.
  16. Hidden Fun Stuff

    That is what we need. Dwarf bears.
  17. My Suggetion topic

    I say hunger and water go down really quickly at the start, but slow down once you aren't full. This way you can eat very little food but just not be able to sprint, not regen health, etc.
  18. Research as indication of progress

    You should tell yourself how far you've gotten, not the game. In this case, why don't we decide how nice our houses look by coming up with a formula?
  19. Chainmail

    If you want cheaper but less effective armour, only craft a chestplate. Also, it is pretty cheap already.
  20. Hidden Fun Stuff

    We have bears, so why can't we have dwarves? They don't have to be intelligent. However, I am against dwarves, so ignore that. Anyways, some sort of or that has no texture and only registers when you click on it with a propick, so the propick would say nothing of interest even if you clicked right beside the ore. It doesn't have to do anything, and once you mine it, the drop would be visible.
  21. Items with no use

    I like all these useless materials, as it helps with creating currency. After all, you don't want people making pickaxes out of your coins.
  22. Would dunk be opposed to me counting how many blocks I can destroy with one pickaxe?
  23. Method for cooling metal components?

    The reason this is a pain is because your doing it wrong. I came up with a way to smelt 3x faster in fire pits and have my metal stay at the right temp. So don't complain, just get better.
  24. Make a difference between sword and mace

    My suggestion was that maces have a slower swing speed, and knockback.
  25. More gunpowder

    Also creepers are being moved and you can't craft tnt with tfc sand.