Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by PublicToast

  1. Challenge vs. Annoyance

    That's really the problem with this game, there's no fun in something taking forever, and everything takes forever. Mining is a great example. Oh, lets make mining stone take extremely long, and make the ability to get better tools to mine stone faster require mining a bunch of stone. Why make it take so long in the first place? Just to annoy the player? There's no point, I might as well keep my crappy tools if getting better ones takes so long and is so ridiculously boring, especially since the work/benefit ratio is too high to make it feel worth it. Having to do something more or have something take longer isn't challenge, it's damn boring. I like having to do more than in vanilla, but doing one thing a lot more isn't really doing more, it's slowing progression artificially. Having more steps adds great depth and interest, and that should be the focus. I can't understand how some people want to slow/nerf things down to an almost realistic level. That's not the point, in real life most progressive shit takes forever, which is why you hire people to do that monotonous work. I see TFC as more of a simulation of the fun/cool bits and giving you a sense of accomplishment over time, not a representation of reality.
  2. What do you think about TFC2?

    I definitely see what you're saying, it's just frustrating as TFC1 never really came full circle, and now we have to wait as the whole thing is redone from scratch It will also be quite a while before TFC2 is at the same level of development as TFC1 is now.
  3. What do you think about TFC2?

    Rewrites, changes, yadad yadada. I just hope Bioxx has finally figured it out because I don't think I can handle a TFC3. But is this really the way to go about making a mod? The mod's main source of publicity (Spumwack) is going to have to restart from scratch in a game about progress. Don't get me wrong though, I really respect what Bioxx and Dunk do for free, it's just I can't really play a mod that keeps resetting my progress. I'd like to reach the metal age someday.
  4. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Yeah here: 3641256922118297720
  5. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    A couple pics from my recent world. Some of the area around my house. My pathetic little hovel
  6. Sickness

    It would definitely be a good way to bring in the negative potion effects. Diseases should be contracted also from eating uncooked food, staying out in the cold too long, zombie bites, etc.
  7. TFCF (Recipe Tracker)

    This seems to me very much like the many world mapper modes that show where all the biomes, strongholds, and villages are. Honestly though, it's nowhere near as bad as it doesn't find the recipes for you, and unless you're using a common seed their won't be any documentation on it anyway. This doesn't even effect servers now that seeds no longer showing up unless you're and admin. Live and let live, it's the players choice anyway. EDIT: After reviewing the example, I may use this as a much better organized cook book. Seeing as I'm alone in my world it's not cheaty, as all of the recipes will be of my own discovery. Maybe it'd be cool if there were craftable cookbooks where individual chefs can record their findings. EDIT EDIT: So apparently I need a server to even use it. I see. It'd be much better as a separate site that records them for everyone, but whatever.
  8. soooooo

    The issue is that you have to have a mature mindset to actually play this mod. It's a hell of a lot more unforgiving which is unappealing to those all those who want Minecraft to be easier.
  9. I woke up from sleeping and right before my eyes watched the lake in front of my house, as well as all surrounding bodies of water within view distance freeze over completely. At first I thought there was a new feature of seasons but the calendar says Early Spring. Anyone know what's going on? Is it a bug or a feature? EDIT: The temp was below freezing, oddly enough, despite being early summer it has stayed around 1 degree. My z coordinate is -14000, which is supposedly North, so my seasons shouldn't be opposite. Did I perhaps spawn far enough north for it to be cold year-round?
  10. Official modding API

    Dinnerbone posted on his twitter: Apparently they didn't mention the API in 1.5 in either panel, basically saying no API in 1.5.
  11. The future of safe mod downloads....

    Honestly I'm fine with adfly as long as I have AdBlock, I never see any adds when I click on the link. Of course, I'm sure normal links are fine as long as you trust the poster (in this case, Bioxx), so you should be fine.
  12. Better Shelters For Nomads

    I'm all for making tepees with leather, but branches is going a bit to far. Also as a side note giving us the ability to make pueblos would be pretty cool, if not for temporary shelter, just to add some more building options.
  13. Beta 67+ (WHEN? *Polite Tone Added*)

    Hey, you know what, he can take as long as he wants to ensure it's a good update. We have a relatively stable build at the moment, I'd hate for him to rush it and give us another buggy one.
  14. So my world has begun to freeze over...

    Hmmm, the temperature section of the wiki had nothing on that. Well that's good then, guess I'll wait until summer.
  15. My personal review. +Hi

    I don't disagree with all of the points you have stated, but keep in mind it's still a beta mod.
  16. How did you find out about TFC?

    The Minecraft Muse/ Spumwack brought me here, along with may others I'm sure.
  17. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    I use it and it's great. You can change the volume of certain sounds over or less than others in the new version's in-game menu. I have the wind turned down a good bit because of the height so that it's just ambiance.
  18. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    Right now I use Optifine and MAtmos (a really cool atmospheric sound generator) and that's about it.
  19. Tomahawks as an upgrade to Javelins?

    Just something I've been thinking. Tomahawks would be a ranged weapon that functions much like a Javelin, except do not disappear and do much more damage. They could be crafted with only a normal ingot, and while not stacking would be maybe a one or two hit kill on normal mobs. Unlike Javelins they would not have a chance to disappear.
  20. Tree growth speed/size

    Ah well I'm not too familiar with how the saplings work in this mod. I could simply be changed so that at least one sapling will drop per tree, if that's not too powerful...
  21. Winter in TFC

    It'd be cool if they implemented that "stacking" mechanic that was found in the game's code which makes it so as it snows 1/8 of a block is added on top of the first layer and successive layers over time, so that over time snow could gather in a spot that would limit at like 3 blocks high of snow, allowing people to get snowed in during the winter. Of course, there would also need to be a mechanic so that snow melts in the Spring.
  22. Tree growth speed/size

    I think that perhaps this would work if they also made it so fallen saplings will plant themselves instead of disappearing. This way would prevent servers from becoming devoid of trees. As for the growth rate, it should depend on the tree. Generally though, it should go from sapling to thin tree in about a week, to normal short tree in maybe another week, then grow consistently one block higher every couple weeks or so until it hits that tree's limit. For trees like the sequoia, the growth rater after going to the normal tree stage would be very slow, and eventually after 1000 years or so it would finally turn into a 4x4 tall Sequoia.