Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Vlad

  1. Did you know you can build charcoal pit out of glass? Or slabs? Did you know that you can even -deleted-

    Now this is something I must try.

    So slabs count as pit cover too? Even if I cut it up to 0.1x0.1x0.1 of a block??


  2. Or people find it obvious and not worse mentioning ;)

    But yes it a good thing to do.

    Also it's good to keep covering the top with dirt. That way you know when it's ready.

    I had one of these for a while, but have found it easier to go into the middle of a dense forest and just build an impromptu pit while I clear the surrounding forest. Saves me many trips between my base as charcoal stacks much better.

    I suppose I could be "environmentally friendly" and have a tree farm, but that's more work then I like to spend on charcoal.

    Cutting regular forest trees is a waste of time usually, unless it's a willow, sequoia or fir forest which are rare, so you better just grow your own.

  3. yup, I know...

    It'll be rocks, sand is just easier to implement since I'm not working with tfc code.

    So will there be a smoke trail eventually?

  4. as a game dev I shall tell you these things without numbers (but you should really just experiment for yourself, thats how real peoples learn about metals :) another thing to keep in mind is that metals get better with the tiers, which sort of follow the progression of technology and metallurgy irl, which for the most part coincides with finding better metals)

    Of the three starter tiers, bismuth is the worst, then zinc and then tin as the best.

    Of the bronzes, bismuth bronze is so bad that bronze's 3 copper ingots still give a better value/copper ingot than bismuth bronze's two copper ingots.

    Iron is better than bronze.

    Steel is better than iron.

    Black steel is better than steel.

    Red and blue steel are the best.

    Other metals currently can't make tools, but more non-tool based metal items will be introduced in the future :)

    But the most critical question is still remains:

    Blue or Red ??


  5. Like some other things in this mod, this still needs tweaks. To call it useless is shortsighted.

    Sorry if you misunderstood me.

    The idea is good.

    The current implementation is useless (doesn't bring any use).

    Also does each person affect the protection? Because it will be better that 10 people generate more and faster protection then just 1.


  6. http://denver.cbsloc...-in-metro-area/

    This is exactly what i got. My Pc is hosed and wouldnt you know it yesterday i got laid off due to lack of work. When it rains it pours man it really just never seems to stop.

    But on the bright side, at least I still get to pay taxes! Yaaaaay.

    So no TFC for me for a very long time... My music files are lost that i have been working on for the tfc soundtrack too.

    This sucks monkey nads!!

    lol, first you catch a virus that asks for 200$, then a repairman says he'll repair it for only 100$.. I wonder who created this virus?

    Sorry for your loss, losing hours and days of work is really terrible, and most important is that you will find an inspiration to do it again, maybe even a better job.


  7. The idea is to avoid this awkward finite-infinite streams cut offs:

    like this - http-~~-// 0:50

    Dunk: Links or it didnt happen. I want toseeeeeeeee

    Vlad: I am not sure changing water into source blocks is exactly 'TFC.' Finite water were artificially added to bring some believability(and shut up a group of 'realists' I think) into water mechanics.

    Can't say what is TFC and what is not, but the idea sound nice.


  8. more interesting, and how would one go about finding regular water? remember, if you have even 1 opening in your source, it'd flood non stop from that opening ;)

    why? only to the sides and below it and only if it's not full already, so if the sides are full it wont fill it more.. (you should guess it btw)

    You didn't happen to see the tsunami video of Crysyn's? It was from some early tests with finite water and a similar mechanic. If there is a water source somewhere high up, your entire world fills with water.

    Not from what I can tell, can you give a link?

  9. I am just making an example. MC or TFC does not have "build" a boat mechanics. I been thinking about having a "engine" block in MC of which will give you thrust in one direction. And you build a "boat/ship" with that "engine" block attached and red stone circuit to button controls in the cockpit.

    So engine facing forward can stop a boat, facing backward is thrust, facing left and right turns the boat. And bigger the boat, the slower the boat goes, and u need to add more "engine" blocks to make it go faster.

    Sorry I derailed there, but I am a mechanical engineer and building something like that in MC would be awesome.

    First it wasn't an answer.

    Second what is that has to do with anything you've said before (the purpose)?

    You are making a ship building suggestion now (why not put it in suggestion thread then).

    The game can't predict what you want, and if you do expect it to, then you are confusing our technology with a few hundreds of years a head.

    "MC or TFC does not have "build" a boat mechanics." - it's can't make you cookies too you know ;)


  10. sure, it seems nice enough, until you walk into a flood due to your mountains becoming one big watery grave ;) the limit was there for a reason, else we'd be using gills already

    The problem is that it's always covered, so unless you release it..

    Also I never seen water about sea level.. is there?

    Also don't forget that finite water can enter water source and disappear (into the sea for example), and since it seeks for the shortest way down, you will get a nice river going into the sea ;)


  11. Alright, I will play TFC as it is as well and enjoy what it offers. Mean while I hope you guys will come up something like that, a unforgiving, realistic survival game which does not boils down to find this find that. But rather I found this and this, what can I do with it to fulfill one of my survival aspect.

    I been thinking a game like that in my brain but unfortunately, I am not a software enginner, otherwise I would be writing my own MC too hahaha.

    I hope you guys will success in your projects.

    So you say that the only thing that is missing is that the game will tell you, "OH YOU ARE SO GREAT FOR BUILDING THAT WALL OF IRON"

    This game is not designed for this, RPGs are, princess: "OH MARIO YOU SAVED ME"


  12. But Endgame doesn't have to be the same for everytime you start a new world. End game doesn't has to mean killing a boss.

    It can be, if you crashed on an island, you have to gather enough material and make a raft go sail home (X, Y location) etc.

    What is stopping you then?

  13. So we have a water source and a finite water.

    Finite water is great, but how about turning the water source into an actual source?

    Here is how the new water source should work:

    instead of awkwardly spreading the ?semi-finite? water in 7 blocks range that never fills anything and never stop either,

    make the water source to constantly fill any adjacent air (or non solid) blocks with finite water. (under the source and on the sides)

    So for example you can dig a poll near a water source, then connect it to the water source via some channel, and then you can sit back and watch your poll slowly filling with finite water.

    What do you think?

    The change is not big either

    Don't you want to find a water source on top of a mountain and flood the whole island :D


  14. No problem. I'm really bogged down on animals atm, and i thought horses needed more effort than I had time to put into them. Avi already knows how to make animals properly ridable and has experience with mobs, and because she liked TFC she was the natural choice. I'm really enjoying working with her :)

    A coding question: doesn't minecraft already have ride able pigs? So what are you actually adding to this hourses?

  15. I'll add what I can one more time:

    ask your self "What is the purpose of life?"

    Same here, sandbox, set your own goals.

    About the "Look MC have goals", not it's not, think about it.. someone forces you to kill the dragon?? (hint: no)


  16. Hey, with all the various types of metals and alloys I find myself confused as to their properties with no available source of information on the subject. The wiki only has information on heat levels and tiers.

    So which metals are better? What are their statistics? Is Bismuth Bronze better then normal Bronze? While we are at it we could write a Wiki article on the subject.

    It's not allowed to post numbers about the game.

    But it's known that Bronze is the best at it's tier, after that I think it's Bismuth Bronze.

    And that each next tier will always be better. (I think)


  17. Depends on how much you value your time. Bronze pick makes a big difference when compared to anything before you get iron. And - let's face it - branch-mining is the only reliable way to go so far.

    I mean that iron is very easy to find,

    so once I find copper I won't stay on bronze, but just skip it. (that's also why I believe the copper tier is useless, and all this verity is for nothing)

    "branch-mining", what is that?

    My best way is to dig strait down, you dig only H blocks, and you reveal 27*H block, no cave ins too..

    if you dig tunnels you dig 2*W blocks and reveal 28*W, so it's twice less efficient + you have cave ins.

    Exploring caves is good, but requires lots of fighting.


  18. Even if you make it 2 chunks in radius, mobs still will notice you when they wonder around.

    So again, unless it will be bigger, at least 4 chunks in radius, it's useless against mobs, and I don't see any other uses for this.


  19. Well then I guess you got really screwed by rng

    Or I'm just lucky :)

    In the end you don't need more copper then nickel, and mostly you just need iron.
