Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by CouchSurvivor

  1. In my opinion the survival in terms of food procurement is too easy. Therefore, the plant density should be influenced in the TFCOptions.cfg. It might look like: crops   Options which affect crop growth.


    cropGrowthModifier 1.0   This is a global multiplier for the rate at which crops will grow. Increase to make crops grow faster.


    enableCropsDie false Should ripe crops eventually die if they aren't harvested?


    new:cropDensityModifier 1.0   This is a global multiplier for the rate at which crops will spawn. Decrease to make crops rare.   Set to 0 to disable crops.


  2. Version #: 79.13 on forge

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP

    Suggested Name: burning out torches under roof while raining

    Suggested Category: unimportant

    Description: I built a roof of lumber-sticks. It's a dry place under this roof while a rainy day, but my torches


    underneath this area burning out like they stay outsite in the rain (very faster than 2 days).

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes


    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

    If yes, which mods?


    NEI, smartmoving, fastcraft, laterns, leatherwatersac, mapwriter

    If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them? No Optifine link of the Crash Report: No Crash


  3. I wanted to write something on this topic for some time but didnt really bother, but as the topic still seems active i just want to give my cents.


    I play single-player + peaceful for some reasons, one is the fact of lighting and how it works in TFC.


    I may not build the most artistic/beautiful contructs but i play for a certain personal RPG feeling. My house looks a bit like a real house, with tiny sheeds on the side and the furnace in the backyard etc. Everything on very small space even if i had all the space in the world but i want to be somewhat realistic. I do like the fact that light behaves realisticly... ...................................


    Do that and please underline words like "believeable" and "immersion" and you made a class A fool out of yourself. No offense, it's just my opinion on this topic.




    torchBurnTime 48
    This is how many in-game hours torches will last before burning out. Set to 0 for infinitely burning torches.



    scary people  = torchBurnTime 0


  4. Yes... partially. I have intercut the different songs of vanilla (.minecraftassetsvirtuallegacy*.ogg) and


    TFC (.minecraftmodsTFC-0.78.17.jarassetsterrafirmacraftsoundmm0.ogg ... m4.ogg)


    to five samples together and named it m0.ogg ... m4.ogg.


    These files you have to copy in .minecraftmodsTFC-0.78.17.jarassetsterrafirmacraftsoundmm0.ogg ... m4.ogg and replace the older.


    So you have a remix of minecraft and TFC-music or what ever you want.


    Unfortunately you have to collect all you music in these five files.


  5. A Great Idea. I use Map Writer for a similar game-feeling but it disturbed me that you don't need any kind of resources.


    The paperwork should be a hard thing so every new waypoint or wider map you will have, need the creation of a lot papers, pins and ink.
