Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by necrobard

  1. I need Dynamite!

    Historically black powder based explosives actually were used for mining however the earliest record of this was in the 15th century.
  2. Looking for Help Setting up Server Jar

    From my experiences the best practice with making new server jars is usually to test it. Install Forge without any mods, run it and test it again. Then install PlayerAPI, run it again. Now that you know the jar is in good shakes then you can add the mods. Though unfortunately without knowing what or where his problem is, it's rather difficult to offer and better advice. If I had to guess he either forgot to install PlayerAPI or didn't install it properly.
  3. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    It's the upper left hand corner of the guiicons.png
  4. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    CustomStuff2 I added a bunch of recipes for typically unobtainable vanilla stuff on my SMP, mostly for nether stuff my friends missed. Ruby + Stick = Blaze Rod, Topaz + Rocks = Glowstone, and other similar things. The clock was just the vanilla recipe. Sadly because of the different health values in TFC the brewing stand is still worthless atm. (A potion to heal 5 health is quite worthless when you have over a thousand). Still, it looks cool though.
  5. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    True art takes time... explains why this mod is still in beta. My alchemy lab:
  6. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I have 6 empty rooms in the house yet so there is defiantly more to come. I also recently planted a bunch of random saplings and also desperately looking for a redwood forest. Most of the newer furniture I'll be making will be out of wood, which should contrast nicely. We have lots of kapok available as we are surrounded by jungle, but I find the purple to be tacky for a full set of furniture.
  7. When updating my server

    As always it's a good idea to make a backup of your world. But, for TFC usually deleting the config files is the only thing that needs to be done in between updates. I updated my server from 69 - 71 then to 72 without any major issues. We had to replace a few doors and some stairs needed to be remade as the slabs changed metadata a little bit to support the detailed chiseling. But no crashing or any major world corruption occurred.
  8. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Some random chiseling stuff from my SMP server. fancy bed: fancy window: creeper throne: fancy door way: practical use: bloomery cover can drop ore through it but a player can't fall through it
  9. Allow size of month config instead of size of year

    Anything that can reduce user error is always a good thing.
  10. The detail chiseling is not working on my SMP server. I just updated to B71, placing planks seems to be working fine, and we can convert blocks into the 512 sub blocks, however trying to remove the sub blocks of that block does nothing. For me an another one of the players on my server it seems to be working fine in SSP, just not in SMP.
  11. Temperature bar

    Right, the idea was, I though you were trying to get at with forge working and lava environments was suffering from hyperthermia, which is a trigger for dehydration.
  12. Temperature bar

    It's an interesting idea, I have always made jokes on my SMP server that my skin was melting when I was running our 4 bloomerys and our two forges at the same time. I think it would also add an interesting aspect to building homes, as well as work well with the seasons, if you need to worry about cooling/heating. I remember reading a suggestion for constructing a hearth that would effect an area's ambient temperature which would play well with this idea. Dehydration could also play a factor into the hotter environments, increasing the rate at which your thirst bar would decrease.
  13. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    - Breaking a fruit tree branch with your hand causes the branch to respawn along with all potential leaves that could be connected to that branch, even if the branch had no leaves at the time. If the fruit tree is in season you can use this exploit to gather infinite fruit.
  14. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    More screenshots from our new project, still not finished sadly but making great progress. (the underground base got scrapped because the bloomeries don't work right near bedrock for some unknown reason). *Huge Image Warning* I love this texture pack.
  15. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    I Think this is a fantastic idea! For some reason I have also always wanted to brew beer in minecraft.
  16. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Thanks for the bloomery update. Found something else, the HUD icons for the tool modes of the chisel and hoe are missing.
  17. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Looks great I just got my server updated to B69. I love the new GUIs however the Bloomery GUI texture isn't updated to reflect the new B67,68,69 style. This was the GUI bioxx posted in the changelogs.
  18. Build 67 Bug Report

    The issue seems to be that the texture sheets are case sensitive; and for whatever reason got renamed in that last update. If you compare the file names of the texture sheets in 67 or 68; you will see that they are different from those in 66. If you rename them and match the case as it was in 66 it seems to fix the issue.
  19. [B67] Bloomery Crash

    I am also having this issue... only in SMP. It is only crashing the client, and not the server. I think it has something to do with the GUI ID changing. Occurs in both 67 and 68.
  20. Armor Repair

    I feel that since the health scale changes armor takes too much effort to craft vs how long it's durability really holds out... I have no qualms with it's added protection, but I'm pretty sure it actually takes me longer to forge armor than it does for me to wreck it; so despite having tons of metals I rarely get motivated to smith new armor for myself... and then when I do I never know what to do with it when it's around 20% durability I make a new set... if so I can't waste the current set since there is no storage method for armor currently, and they both have too much health so their would be some waste if I repaired them by merging them. My proposal for this would add an armor repair mechanic that works with the welding system... so that you when I smith my armor I can make a few extra armor sheets to use to repair my armor. The idea would be if you weld an armor sheet to a piece of armor it would restore an amount of durability equal to the amount of sheets it took to create; for example weld an armor sheet to a chest piece it would restore 25% of it's durability since the armor takes 4 armor sheets (or more precisely 2 double sheets); boots and helmets would be 50% per sheet and the pants would be 33% per sheet. I think this system would my armor a little bit more desirable to use; as I know for me and my SMP group we usually do our forging in rather large batches, and we can't make extra armors since we have no way of storing them. With this when armor is made we can just make a few extra armor sheets to account for future repairs.
  21. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    The Default Minecraft Item sheet is missing a few items, like the spider eye, glass bottle, and the writtable/written books. I made a quick fix that adds the defaults back into the item sheet as place holders so you can actually see them in game rather than them being invisible. Drop it in the gui folder of the release zip.
  22. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    With Dante80's blessing I'm posting the GUI replacements I hacked together from his texturepack. You can add them to his currently released texturepack; just download them open up his zip file and place all these into the bioxx folder. I still need to do knapping, sluice, scribing table and metallurgy table. However here are the rest: Anvil Bloomery Food Prep Forge Log Pile Quern Here's a quick download zip that contains all 6 done so far.
  23. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Yeah also wanted to call attention to the stuff I had hacked together from your other work before your released your pack today in the gallery I posted. The bloomery; bellows and anvil GUI I was quite pleased to see the ones included in the release were nearly identical to the ones that I already grabbed from your other packs.
  24. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    Yeah sorry it was a mis-match of the pack I was piecing together myself in combination of the stuff included in the release today... The chests look good; however we don't really have to many near lots of wood blocks to get a real comparison... I might try it out was we continue our new base. The new base is being build underground at Y 15 over a lava lake so I felt that the Kenget, the darker texture variants, were more appropriate for an underground palace/castle.
  25. [64x] [WIP][B69] Albion Texture Pack v3.02...C:

    I took some screenshots of parts of our old base on my SMP server. Everything looks fantastic... you can view the album here; https://www.dropbox....o3lv/ARI4fOQ5w8 I'll be adding some more screenshots as we finish up our new building... we are trying to design it with these textures in mind.