Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by valkupo

  1. Seeds instead of saplings

    I remember seeing the trees dropping seeds somewhere before, but this seems a little more fleshed out and slightly different. I think the primary concern for the other one was seeds being all over the place and the added calculations causing lag. Or something. I can't find the thread I like the concept of the idea at least.
  2. Fire help!

    From holding down right-click I guess? Doesn't bother me personally.
  3. Confused about Ores

    I'm saying Black Bronze does not in fact require any tin.Rose Gold is made from Copper and Gold, worked on a Copper Anvil Black Bronze is made from Copper, Gold, and Silver, worked on a Copper Anvil Bismuth Bronze is made from Copper, Tin (not helpful in this particular scenario), and Bizmuth, Worked on a Copper Anvil. Bronze is made from Copper and Tin, Worked on a Copper Anvil. Brass is another potential option yes, but you will notice you can't make Silver, Gold, or Sterling Silver tools/anvils either. This means Bioxx has plans later on for them that may have you saving it for other things. I am not shooting down your Brass idea, I am letting you know you have alternatives already. If you want to make Brass another Bronze-level metal, I would say put it in the Suggestions section.
  4. Confused about Ores

    The firepit's heat is definitely effected by elevation. I was saying that there was never any proof that it was enough for copper to be workable.
  5. Mobs and Damage Overhaul

    Minecraft has combat, Call of Duty does not have side scrolling (in the gaming meaning of the phrase). Your analogy is flawed.Regardless, that is no reason to not try and make it more interesting. This mod has weapons. There will be combat. There is no harm in trying to make it require you to think about what you make/use.
  6. Confused about Ores

    I'll respond to each of your paragraphs individually.1)The whole Rose Gold, Bismuth Bronze, and Black Bronze thing is an alternative to making regular Bronze, not starter metals. 2)It has been said many many times from early on that Copper can be smelted in a firepit under the right conditions, but to my knowledge the only proof is hearsay. There have been no videos or pictures of it happening as far as I have seen. It could be that it once worked, but the heating system has been changed numerous times since and may have made it impossible. It may have never worked in the first place. 3)Brass is actually in the game made from copper and zinc like you said, but has no applications yet. After a quick google of its uses, the primary choices are mechanisms (like locks, gears, and doorknobs), musical instruments, and plumbing/electricals. It could be Bioxx just has one of these options planned for the far far future. There are a lot of "useless" things in TFC, but it just means they have plans that aren't relevant now. As for the comment about copper and zinc not being viable for tools, you have to remember that this mod is not going for realism, it is going for Bioxxrealism. Basically stuff that makes sense. Example: metal with low melting point> easier to obtain> lower quality metal tools. We have Red and Blue Steel, and those don't exist after all.
  7. Limonite in SMP

    I have to ask the rude question. Are you using a bellows to get the heat up? You did mention checking in biomes, but the bellows should still be needed for enough heat for iron ores regardless.
  8. One post one question topic

    The chisel and saw should have multiple uses. I'm pretty sure a tin chisel does more than a stack of brick at least. The saw should not break after one use. I remember hearing about that problem a long while ago, but not lately. You may just need to get a newer version of TFC.
  9. World generation question

    Strongholds/mines/dungeons are not supposed to be in the game. Also look at the thread This shows the bizarre world generation of walls like you are seeing, and I notice you are in the biome "hills10". Comparing that to what I found in the other thread, I am willing to bet the biome area where the wall is is called "Hills10 Edge". This means that the whole generation as a whole (as far ass the huge walls) is not messed up, it is just the particular biome. Like that time a while back where certain I think River biomes were stuck in perma-winter. As for the ore, I dunno. Possibly unlucky?
  10. Sticks

    Ah. I respond with my signature.
  11. Is these things in seeds common!?

    I finally came across one myself. Outside the wall was various other biomes. The wall itself was Hills10 Edge, and the entire interior was hills10. Is it the same for the others here? I have never used forums beyond typing though, so if pics are needed I need to be told how to go about doing that.
  12. Sticks

    Different stick types were removed in the most recent update.
  13. Recycling Anvils

    I make progress Totem Poles as well
  14. Refined Sign crafting

    Yes! I have a personal playing rule that no logs get put in a chest, and I hate using so much wood to label my woodpiles. Even without my odd rule, this mod lends itself to making a lot of chests that could use labeling.
  15. Creation of Clothes

    I like the idea, but I guess it comes down to how hard it is to code in an extra layer of something visually between the player's skin and armor. Only other thing would be I worry about players that get spawned in an unwelcoming biome. It would be a bit unfair if someone got some bad luck and immediately started taking damage from the harsh environment.
  16. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I think that this fits well with the mod, and would be easy to understand and visually notice. You pretty much implied it, but I would add fertilization (whatever we end up using to make it happen) makes it get darker. I don't know for sure, but it sounds easy to code at least.
  17. Javelin Quivers

    That's actually pretty good, considering it would be used mainly by the people who do not have armor.
  18. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Potatoes would be interesting. It's a fairly simple and hardy plant. I like it.
  19. The most recent version of forge is not such a good idea, as Bioxx is building TFC based on one version in specific, which is mentioned on the download page. (Forge
  20. A few questions from a newbie

    I put half-blocks over the water. Works the same as lily pads.
  21. Enchants!

    How delightfully evil. At least that's what would be in my head as I used it.
  22. Early power systems

    To be honest, the plow idea was because it was the only other animal powered idea I could think of at the moment. I was more thinking of the mill idea for taking animal power and making it mechanical power. A player would only be using it by pushing a bar attached slowly (because of the effort) in a circle over and over. If they used an animal, they could let the animal take care of it and meander off to do his own thing. Would keep the mechanical energy coming as long as the animal was taken care of. Could go into a whole animal-powered clockwork idea starting from a basic use of spinning a mill for making wheat into flour.So I guess I was more thinking animal power branching into clockwork? Or maybe just wanted to talk about clockwork? I dunno my head is starting to get fuzzy. I should probably stop dawdling around here and go to bed.
  23. adding cherry blossom trees

    I think Jivix is right. If you brought this idea up again later when the mod as a whole is more fleshed out, I think it would have a better chance for a positive response.
  24. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I want those stairs in the last pic SilvaDreams. Looks awesome.
  25. Enchants!

    Chisel idea I like a lot, and Saw one is interesting. For the Scythe one, I kind of want to point out something from pre-release 25's changelog:"Sapling drop chance (scythe) is now 4% from 3%" Basically your regrowth idea at the first level happens at the exact same rate you get saplings with a scythe for the block it's used on. I think that's a bit overpowered, especially when the highest rank is 4x that. Same problem with the 3x3x3 area chances. It may be smaller percentages, but since it can effect up to 8 blocks (since you have to break one to reach the middle) I can forsee someone having a near-neverending stick/sapling supply.