Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ThomThomson

  1. It's exciting to see a new server around here, been a while! How long are you planning on having this server up, and what sort of player-count do you usually get?
  2. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: ThomAThomson Your Age: 22 Your Time Zone: AMT UTC/GMT -3 Hours Location Country and State: Nova Scotia, Canada Tell us a bit about yourself: I'm a university graduate looking for a good place to play some Terrafirmacraft, especially looking forward to using the ships mod. How can you help us: I have a BFA in film/Illustration. I could make videos or drawings/designs for the community. Check out my portfolio at
  3. [TFC 0.79.23+] Merchants Addon for TFC

    Hey Hey, First off, wonderful addon. Way to go! Secondly, I am having a small issue that may just be my own stupidity. When I have the Hammer, Trussel and Flan on top of the Anvil Dye, the mint button stays grayed out, and will not press. Otherwise, everything works great! thanks
  4. Yo Bruuff, I got on the server, but to make things easier, you could post download links to the exact files on the mod's websites so that people can get up and running quicker with the correct versions.
  5. Hey, I am having trouble connecting. I have both the correct versions of carpenter's blocks and minetweaker. When I try to join, it gives me "Mod rejections [FMLMod:MineTweaker3[3.0.9], FMLMod;CarpentersBlocks[3.3.0]"
  6. Biome Ids for Terrafirmacraft Biomes

    For the past while, I have been trying to create a custom worldpainter map for use in TFC, but I am unable now to test my theories inside the game because TFC crashes if a vanilla biome is included in the map. In order to get around this roadblock I need the biome ids for all of the TFC Biomes. If anyone can help me locate these, I would appreciate it.
  7. Hey, I'd like to join the server. in game name: P1eGuYyour age: 21Why us?: Looking for some modded Terrafirmacraft
  8. PhysicsCraft Now Open Source

    I was afraid all the promise of physicscraft would go down the drain when the coder decided to retire it. My fears were thankfully unfounded, as of November the 1st, the physicscraft devs made it open-source. So many suggestions here require physics, maybe someone here should take a look at it?
  9. PhysicsCraft Now Open Source

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but if someone had the expertise, could they not merge this in with TFC without getting in trouble with the original creators?
  10. Artist looking to help out

    Hello to everyone in the Terrafirmacraft community. I am an artist studying in my second year at NSCAD University, in the fine arts program. I am extremely interested in Terrafirmacraft, and have experience creating textures for minecraft. I would love to help out, and if anyone wants to see some of my work, ask and I will upload images.
  11. Artist looking to help out

    Thanks for the question. I look forward most to texturing the armour, and all the types of rock. I think I can really get some creative flare there. I am looking forward the least to all the leaves. I find leaves boring to texture, and there are so goddamn many types.
  12. Artist looking to help out

    Alright. So I log on to 142 notifications. I feel as though I made an impression. First of all, my pack is very very very advanced. It uses CTM on most blocks, and I also have custom biome colouring for each block type, and I want to keep that quality up. Secondly, I have lots of trouble with animations, and my water texture is just still for now. If anyone could help me find a resource for animators, that would be awesome. Thirdly, none of my items are done. If anyone has feedback for me, or suggestions on how to accomplish anything more, let me know. All of these things will delay this texture pack for quite a while, and the TFC compatibility will come even after that. As a fine artist, I am not afraid of criticism or the undone, so if anyone requests it, I will hand out the working file of my pack in full, for anyone to test. I want suggestions, and I want feedback. Also, (Forgive me, I don't quite know how to use quotes, I'm not much of a forums person) Dante, your work is impressive as well, and thank you very much for the compliment. I would be very open to working with you, like other members suggested. Dunk, Coming from you, a compliment gives me the good-feelies, but if you care to elaborate on the wonky grass, any suggestions would be awesome. Everyone, thank you very much for the likes and the support. I've got a texture pack to make.
  13. Horse Cart and pole drag

    'Just' was absolutely the wrong word. But that functionality is so damned cool, that I figure it should be used everywhere.
  14. Better Shelters For Nomads

    This idea seems to be rejected, but I think I have an idea of how it could work. Especially since it is much too easy to make an ugly dirt, cobble, and wood hut early in the game. Sticks could be placed just like small fences in the middle of a block, and right clicking on them with a hammer would angle them down diagonally the opposite way from which you were facing. From there, you could pick up leaves, ferns, animal hides, thatch, or palm fronds, to make a first shelter. It would be a part of stone age building, but could be extended into later ages with poles or beams instead of sticks, and wooden or clay shingles, instead of leaves for an easy way to make any shape of roof. I think that would make the building aspects of TerraFirmaCraft stand out completely from normal minecraft, and allow for a much bigger variety of building shapes. I may expand on this in it's own topic at a later date.
  15. Horse Cart and pole drag

    I learned in history class last year that there just weren't enough roman soldiers. They paid barbarians to defend their borders against other barbarians, and guess who betrayed them. I certainly agree with the corruption topic though. Empires never fall for only one reason. Either way, for roads, couldn't they just give the shovel another mode that 'chisels' off bits of gravel blocks?
  16. Cubic Chunks in TFC

    I think cubic chunks would be an excellent choice for this mod. And coupled with the 'partially loaded chunk' theory that was presented earlier, could make for much more realistic worlds. Also, screw compatibility with other mods, and screw forge. Terrafirmacraft is it's own beast, and other mods aren't so much in my mind.
  17. Artist looking to help out

    I've got a texture pack, but it's a huge job. It uses maaany features from the HDPatcher. So far, I am about 30% done the vanilla textures, but after that I will do TerraFirmaCraft stuff. I'm also open to doing any skins or helping out with any artwork people need done. I was thinking of making some fan art as well. Just a teaser of my pack: