Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Emris

  1. Fly Mod [1.4.6]

    I know that for many players things like flying or warping are not so interesting in TFC. But for some, it would be a nice feature. So i made a /fly server side mod. (works in Singleplayer also) It has no permission system and ones installed, anyone can use the /fly command. But it works really nice with Permission system mod from fihgu http://www.minecraft...vanilla-server/ Download => v1.2 Changes 1.2 It works in Singleplayer now. 1.1 No more damage on landing (When /fly is activated, there is no fall damage at all...still working on that one) Have fun with it
  2. Make Prospector's Pick display type of stone

    I understand the reasons for not wanting to add other features to a tool that is made for a specific purpose. So i made this Server Side Mod that adds a chat command /bn that will give you the name of the block you are looking/focusing at. /bn => TFC Block Names => Not working on Singleplayer at the moment, but if there is enough interest for that, i will add it to singleplayer also. edit: it was much easier then i thought... version 1.1, works in Singleplayer also
  3. 13w09a snapshot

    You can already cut tall grass with Shears... why not add a system to make hay out of it. And we already have a Scythe, a tool used for cutting grass. (i used to love doing that with my grandfather when i was a boy ) That could & should give more then one grass when used on tall grass. The grass could be used to feed the animals or to make hay to feed them later. Making it stack like charcoal would also make sense and look cool
  4. Sure thing, go right ahead. My code is open source so you can use as needed, but being a part of TFC code, it will probably have to be different anyway. Looking forward to it
  5. TFC Build 76!!!

    I stand corrected. Bloomeries works only with brick blocks. It would still be possible though, only MUCH harder. You would have to work with zinc, tin or bismuth and a firepit, making enough pickaxes and propicks until you find Gipsum... and then be able to make a bloomery. Come to think of it, i would probably need about 2 or 3 tin pickaxes to find gipsum... but maybe i'm just lucky at mining
  6. TFC Servers for rent?

    I would like to know what you guys think about this idea. If i were to make a bigger investment in a hardware upgrade, i would then have enough resources to even rent TFC servers to the TFC Community. The question is, would anyone be interested in something like that? It would be something like, unlocking a TFC server for 31 days where you have admin rights. After 31 days, you have ~5 days to unlock the next 31 days, and so on. The server gets deleted about ~1 Month after being locked. For 2Eur/Month it will not get deleted, but stays locked.(ssh and ftp would still work) The payments would be made to my PayPal account. The price packages would look something like this. 5Eur/Month CPU: 2 x 3.20GHz Intel Core i7-3930K RAM: 1,5GB HDD1: OS Ubuntu 12.04 LTS HDD2: 5GB for the World on Raid 10 SSD HDD3: 50GB for Backup on Raid 1 ftp, ssh 10Eur/Month CPU: 2 x 3.20GHz Intel Core i7-3930K RAM: 2,5GB HDD1: OS Ubuntu 12.04 LTS HDD2: 5GB for the World on Raid 10 SSD HDD3: 50GB for Backup on Raid 1 ftp, ssh 15Eur/Month CPU: 2 x 3.20GHz Intel Core i7-3930K RAM: 3,5GB HDD1: OS Ubuntu 12.04 LTS HDD2: 5GB for the World on Raid 10 SSD HDD3: 50GB for Backup on Raid 1 ftp, ssh 20Eur/Month CPU: 3 x 3.20GHz Intel Core i7-3930K RAM: 4,5GB HDD1: OS Ubuntu 12.04 LTS HDD2: 6GB for the World on Raid 10 SSD HDD3: 60GB for Backup on Raid 1 ftp, ssh 25Eur/Month CPU: 4 x 3.20GHz Intel Core i7-3930K RAM: 5,5GB HDD1: OS Ubuntu 12.04 LTS HDD2: 8GB for the World on Raid 10 SSD HDD3: 80GB for Backup on Raid 1 ftp, ssh 30Eur/Month CPU: 4 x 3.20GHz Intel Core i7-3930K RAM: 6,5GB HDD1: OS Ubuntu 12.04 LTS HDD2: 10GB for the World on Raid 10 SSD HDD3: 100GB for Backup on Raid 1 ftp, ssh All servers would be behind a firewall and have a (shared) 100Mbit/100Mbit Down/Up Network speed. I have monitored the network traffic on my server and for about 12 players you need ~2Mbit, so 100Mbit could cover about 600 slots...but to be safe, i would say 500 slots. And i would also help anyone that needs help in installing and configuring there own TFC Server. I also made a poll to get a better feeling of where the interest would be. This hardware would be dedicated only for our TFC Servers.
  7. TFC Build 76!!!

    Why not use Gypsum in mortar recipe? That would put an unused mineral to gut use. note: I started playing Dworf Fortress, and now i'm getting all kinds of ideas
  8. Server Problems Connection Timeout

    Have you tried another port, like 12345. It seems the port you are trying to use is used by another program.
  9. Server Problems Connection Timeout

    In you file, change "address=localhost" to "address=[your lan IP address]
  10. Crash: First attempt at creating world, crashes

    [sTDERR] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: iq.getServerPlayerBase(Ljava/lang/String;)LServerPlayerBase; [sTDERR] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ays.getPlayerBase(Ljava/lang/String;)LPlayerBase; It's a PlayerAPI problem. I use version 1.7 for MC 1.4.6 Maybe the order is not right. 1) Forge 486 2) PlayerAPI 1.7 then 3) TerraFirmaCraft B75 4) [Other mods]
  11. I need help ASAP please

    Are you sure you are using - Minecraft version 1.4.6 - minecraftforge-universal-1.4.6- and - PlayerAPI 1.7 for MC 1.4.6
  12. I need help ASAP please

    As far as i know, that happens with a wrong Forge version.
  13. I need help ASAP please

    Did you also install PlayerAPI? And to help you, we need more information... a crash log would also help a lot. You can also take a look at my signature, maybe you missed something. and ... Welcome to the Forum
  14. I tried it with 500, then went looking for a creeper. I guess i could have spawned one, but it was night, so i went looking for him. But guess what...he found me...and seeing the health bar go down like that... i had that creeper feeling again
  15. It's a TFC class. TFC uses Forge hooks to override/adapt vanilla damage values. I used the same method in my Fly mod to not get any damage when i land.
  16. PlayerAPI 1.7 for MC 1.4.6 is also installed ?
  17. Mapper for TFC?

    It's called DynMap, and there is a Forge version now that supports TFC, but its a bit CPU intensive.
  18. Download version 1.4.6 minecraft.jar from http://assets.minecr...6/minecraft.jar Take a closer look in my signature "Dedicated TFC Client", all the info is there
  19. [SOLVED] problem with crashing instantly

    Edit your first post with "Edit" then "Use Full Editor" With full editor you can change the topic.
  20. Charcoal pit test

    A while back, Jee and a few of us made the biggest charcoal pit that TFC allows, and sadly it crashed the server. So i decided to make a mod that makes me a charcoal pit, of any size, to test which size the server can take. 9x9x9 15x15x13 21x21x13 and 25x25x13 I had NO problems firing them all up. The server was using about 160MB RAM the whole time. So if anyone would like to repeat what we did, it shouldn't be a problem for the server.
  21. Actually, all it would take is to add this code to else if(event.source == DamageSource.explosion) { event.ammount = 500; }500 being the damage to any living entity. edit: you could make that to "+= 500;" , that would add 500 damage to vanilla damage, that way TNT would also work properly ....that is if we had any
  22. You are using Minecraft Forge TFC needs Minecraft Forge And did you install PlayerAPI 1.7, that's also needed. You can take a look in my signature for more info.
  23. What other mods do you use with TFC?

    Left click on the post number... yours would be #61