Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by pwajnkaim

  1. Stealth

    It would be nice if we got a prone feature like in smart moving, perhaps crawling around in tall grass and sniping a deer with a bow like in AC3. Also leaves should make you nearly invisible to hostile mobs.
  2. Critical Hits

    Sorry, I had to
  3. Its a good suggestion but please name your threads something along the lines of what your suggestion is.
  4. Using Shears to Shape Hedges/Leaves

    Those are links to threads which mentioned shears.
  5. Windmills

    I have so far never heard this being suggest it, correct me if I'm wrong, everyone want's windmills to act as a generator for some kind of new power system in the mod, I however would love them for my quern. What if you could make a windmill like this: [W][P][W] [P][O][P] [W][P][W] W: Wool P: Plank O: Wood Block This would replace the handstone in the quern and would create a little windmill on top of it. The job of the windmill is to automate the process of grinding flour but at the cost of an inpractical location and much slower process. The windmill will only spin in certain conditions, it needs to have a certain amount of block spaces available in every direction to perform the best, 10 to every side and no block at all above it would make it work at its top speed however this will increase the higher it is placed on the map. Even at it's top speed the windmill turns very slowly to make up for the fact it spins by itself, I think it should produce one piece of flour every 5 minutes at top speed.
  6. Using Shears to Shape Hedges/Leaves

    This would be awesome, making cool bush statues in your garden.
  7. Book and Quill?

    are you using an inc sac or ink markings.
  8. exp

    The game is in alpha, it's not finished bla bla bla, the devs are working on more important things right now so come back with your suggestion when they have time.
  9. Star navigations

    east, however it is on the north side of the moon.
  10. Star navigations

    best idea so far. Actually I'll change it a little bit. 'The northern boot'
  11. Random floating block in SMP

  12. Random floating block in SMP

    In the new patch whenever I join a server, no matter which it is, I can see huge chunks of floating blocks such as stairs or piston heads, water lava ores, the strangest blocks, the ground also has lot's of holes in it and it just generallly lags a lot. I reinstalled but nothing changed. I heard on a server someone was having a similar problem but I don't see anything about it on the support page.
  13. Windmills

    I was thinking of a mini windmill, being able to fit in a one block space above the quern something like this:
  14. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    I don't as much care about the positives but the whole concept of getting drunk makes the game much more fun. Also what if when drunk the game automatically makes typos for you to make you sound drunk.
  15. Glowstone temp fix

    Why not use world edit to replace every single sulfur ore near the playable regions of the map into glowstone.
  16. crops not staying in the ground help!!!

    I believe a temperature number pops up in F3
  17. Forge can't be used to melt metals.

    I heard that a forge is too impure to smelt ores and would simply corrupt them and produce very low quality metal.
  18. Ceramic working, The Second Technological Tier.

    It could also detect traces of peat
  19. ridiculous damage on chisels

    it just seems that the chisel durability is much lower then compared the the other tools made with the same type of metal, you could cut down at least 50 small trees with a tier 0 axe yet you can only chisel off half a block with one chisel.
  20. ridiculous damage on chisels

    After the new update I decided to make a cool window using the chisel detailed mode, however the damage that my chisel took from making it (used one block) was ridiculous, I spent 2 chisels to make it and I ended up with a half broken one, I really think they should lower this.
  21. blueprints are way too op

    thank you
  22. Star navigations

    What if stars were scattered randomly for every seed, that way every map would have a different set of stars, kind of like the meal mechanic. Also I happened to notice that minecraft stars aren't randomized, they remain the same every night, if you actually pinpoint different star locations at different hours facing a particular direction you could work out a navigational system. After playing around I got a good picture of the night sky facing west (sunset side). I took the liberty of creating a constellation, Ill let you guys name it whatever you want.
  23. blueprints are way too op

    Ok I might have a solution to everyone's problems. What if using blue prints was changed so that when used on a block, every single micro block that is supposed to be broken becomes highlighted on the block, the belivability would make sense since if you were to draw out a design it doesn't automatically get created but you know what to break away. And it would make repeating things slightly easier knowing exactly what block to break however if you clicked too much you would mess up. Blueprints would also have unlimited uses because looking at something doesn't make it vanish. In creative people could have access to the current blueprints to automatically recreate designs. And for the multiplayer problem of people 'stealing', your creation, I think a server option in the configs dictating whenever people who didn't make a sculpture can blueprint it, could be added. If people still aren't pleased then perhaps it could take around 5sec, after clicking a block, for a blueprint to be created (drawing time).
  24. smart moving and slab ladders

    I have recently noticed that if you have the mod smart moving enabled you cannot climb slab ladders made from chiseling blocks. I'm not sure if it's smart movement's fault or tfc's but since quite a lot of people use sm I thought someone could look into it.
  25. blueprints are way too op

    I don't see the problem everyone has with this new feature and how apparently it makes the game 'too easy'. Blueprints weren't added to make the game easy but to save time, what if someone wants a 1x1 tiny block chiseled around their house, do you expect them to spend hours just clicking blocks and doing the same thing over and over again? It's funny how everyone wanted a copy feature added to the chiseling but now that it is everyone hates it, not only that but blueprints even disappear when you use them which makes no sense yet is there to stop it from being too easy. I am fine with the way everything is right now single player terms, however if you are worried that someone will 'steal' your little couch then one of the best options would be to make blueprinting only work for people who made the block, which would however increase memory usage.