Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bioxx

  1. Alternate Mob Spawning - Bonepiles

    I'm not exactly fond of this specific idea, but I would like to foster discussion on alternate spawning solutions so I'll leave this comment here. Should do the trick i hope
  2. This thread is for discussing the combat revamp. Please keep all discussion confined to this thread.
  3. Thank you for licensing TFC under GPL v3!

    0) It took me a while to decide on a license honestly. I would honestly prefer a license that more or less says "You are free to use the code for learning/personal reasons but not for redistribution", however I couldn't find anything that fit my tastes. So I decided to just be as open as possible. For the record, I hate licenses and having to deal with any of that crap. But such is life. 2) You are allowed to make your own release, although it can potentially cause a headache for us if said release ever stops being supported as players will without a doubt come looking to us for answers. So we would really prefer that you didn't unless its for a small group of players only etc. Any changes to the code outside of helping us bugfix etc, I would prefer to be in the form of a mod as that will undoubtedly help continue moving TFC forward for all of us. Kitty answered 1 and 3 just fine.
  4. War Comes to TFC

    Most of the ideas here are very doable and I'll be mulling over some of these things. The horse stuff is all dunk, but the armor changes seem balanced enough. I was very meh about speed penalties, but a slight penalty as you describe wouldn't be a major headache to play with while at the same time providing a decent penalty when compounded with the drain in other areas. :I need a smiley for thumbs up:
  5. is terrafirmacraft growing as a mod?

    There is still plenty of work being done. Build 78 will actually have quite a few new features as well as laying the groundwork for future things. So rest assured, yes TFC is making progress. As far as this, that's not entirely true. I don't often chime in on discussions in the suggestions forum, but I do browse from time to time, and Kitty usually lets me know if there is something good to be seen. Sometimes, the amount of work that a good feature might require is outweighed by my need to overhaul smithing again or some other such feature. But I do tend to file things away in the back of my mind for future use.
  6. New Scribing Table Mechanic

    The scribing table has been removed in Build 78 in favor of a simpler more direct system of selectign what you want to make via sub-gui from the anvil gui. We'll post more details later.
  7. Looking to the future

    So it's been a good long while since I've released a meaningful blog post and I'm kind of bored so I thought it would be a good time to write some nonsense in order to pass the time. I'm sure that a lot of longtime fans have noticed how slowly that we've been releasing major updates this year and that is entirely my fault. The amount of time that I find myself in a coding zone has been drastically decreasing since the early days of tfc development. Some of that is just me, but some is due to how monumental it has become to add new features since more often than not implementing one thing has an effect on other systems, and it takes a lot of care to not create tons of trouble. That said, I do want to apologize to all the fans that hope for more frequent content updates. Now onto what is coming.. Build 78 wont be here until the new year most likely. We haven't really narrowed down what HAS to be in 78, but it doesn't 'feel' close to done yet in my opinion (This is totally how I choose release dates, and it pisses dunk off ). As far as confirmed contents, we've got quivers, wild berry bushes, and a heavily reworked ore spawning system. I'm not going to go into too much detail at this point, but the ore spawning bugs that have plagued TFC since time immemorial have been dealt with ala the Y60 bug. Another change along side this that a lot of you will appreciate is that sedimentary layers no longer spawn below the first layer. Additionally, Metamorphic rock cant spawn below the first 2, so only igneous rocks will be found in the bowels of the earth. This is just a few of the things to come. Lastly, I wanted to make everyone aware that dunk and myself can now be found on twitter @TFC_Dunk and @TFC_Bioxx. Dunk has been on there for considerably longer than me, and many of you may know about his account already. I on the other hand just bothered setting it up, but I'd like to start using it going forward to post screenshots of new features as they get added, so definitely follow us to get all the pretty pictures.
  8. Website downtime

    Hey everybody, I wanted to let everyone know that the website will be down on Sunday as our host moves all clients to a new server in NYC. So when the wiki isn't loading, you'll know why
  9. 0.77.20 Blast Furnace won't smelt iron

    fixed in 21, sorry
  10. New Mod Dev *Solved*

    You failed to link the API.
  11. 0.77.15 Naturally generated iron blocks

    This is a weird bug. I took a cursory glance and saw that it is indeed reproducible. However, a quick investigation lead to no clues, I'll need to see more examples of this to be able to be able to narrow down the precise cause.
  12. A well written OP that hits all the points that I would make regarding this topic. I'll be keeping my eye on critiques made here.
  13. Alas the time is finally upon us! After several months of on and off development and a mad dash in the past two weeks or so, the long fabled Build 77 is now available to be played by the public. There are so many changes that I cant really remember most of them. If you head over to the changelog page however, you'll see a good list of them with varying states of detail. The wiki may take a few days to get many of the changes documented so please bear with us until it is updated. To make things easier, Dunkleosteus put together a video demonstrating many of the changes.
  14. brilliant ideas of a madman

  15. With this update comes an extremely important fix for worldgen stuttering. As everyone has surely noticed, generating new chunks would cause a 2-5 second stutter where the world would freeze as the chunks loaded. We managed to find a simple way around this problem, however the cause itself is actually due to how vanilla/forge decide to send chunk updates. Because TFC worldgen doesn't change very many blocks when decorating the world in comparison to vanilla (I know right!?), the networking engine chooses to use a different packet than just sending the entire chunk to the client. This seems to trigger a massive number of lighting updates and devolves into a giant mess of lag for a few seconds. There is also a whole host of other fixes and tweaks, so I recommend that you head over to the changelog page to see what all has been affected.
  16. 77.10 Crash

    [Minecraft-Server] Encountered an unexpected exception OutOfMemoryErrorI would recommend increasing your maximum allocated memory in the minecraft launcher from 1GB to 2GB.
  17. Can't Launch [Report file included]

    Looks like you installed wrong "ClassNotFoundException: TFC.TerraFirmaCraft"
  18. High-Tier Alloy Recipes

    There is no good way to make dynamic materials, and as transcengopher stated, metals don't just mix and become better/worse in a linear fashion. There are a ton of properties at play. The original intention of this thread however is technically feasible. The resulting metal itself would have to be hard coded, but the alloy makeup itself could easily be made to be dependent on the seed. I'm not saying that I'm going to do this, but I decided to chime in because I like to theorycraft on how to make things work.
  19. High-Tier Alloy Recipes

    Its technically possible, that's all I'll say.
  20. Update 8/2

    After several days of getting next to nothing accomplished, I finally started getting some work done thanks to dunk taking the initiative and figuring out how to create the new bloomery in a way that I hadn't considered. The biggest problem with overhauling features is that if you're the one who brainstormed them in the first place, your mind can get stuck on one track and you don't see any other way to do it. That's a large reason for the incredible delay with 77. Well, that and me just being lazy/unable to get myself to look at code. I'm actively trying to push towards a release at this point since we have a ton of bug fixes and improvements in 77. Off the top of my head, the final thing we need to get working is the crucible for end game smelting and alloy production. After that, general bug fixing and testing should be all that's left. I'll be sure to create a longer post closer to release which will describe all of the changes and instructions on how things work now.
  21. Forum Validation

    Forum validation was temporarily broken. If you attempted to make a forum account in the past few days and never received your validation email, try to click the button to resend your validation. Hopefully we have it fixed now.
  22. New Health and Medicine System

    I still view this from time to time since I would still like to have a meaningful injury system. Alas, there are only so many hours in the day.
  23. Has anyone had any success using a gold pan?

    The gold pan sadly still doesn't function exactly how I want. I'll probably recode it when I have the time.
  24. Wiki is back Online

    The wiki is back online, so hopefully everything will continue to run as smoothly as they are right now. Thank you everyone for your patience.
  25. Hotfix 19 Available!

    So a much needed surprise for you all today. Crysyn wanted to play some TFC recently but was put off by a few of the more glaring bugs that are present in Build 76. As a result he took it upon himself to get a working build 76 dev environment setup and merged in a few of the fixes from Build 77. As a result, Hotfix 19 for Build 76 is now available. Get it from the downloads page! Changelog Tweaks Reduced Skeleton damage. Bug Fixes Fixed crash that would occur when chopping down very large trees. Fixed player used bows doing vanilla damage instead of tfc damage. Re-enabled vanilla writable books