Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Bioxx

  1. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I won't address all of the points so far but the theme of theft is ongoing so I'll comment on it. Yes, thievery can bring a lot of interesting mechanics to the game. However it needs to be VERY carefully balanced. There is no fun whatsoever in logging in and realizing that everything you have has been stolen while you were offline. This comes back to the protection provided by cities and towns. I will not force something upon players that I dislike myself, therefore at the very least, thieving will be configurable somewhere and most likely off by default. edit: Also I updated the OP
  2. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Here's a rough theory on how I see the town system working. <I'm not sure how to start the process> Player A purchases/creates a Home Stone. The Home Stone is a special engraved stone encrusted with jewels and metal which acts as the founding stone for a town. Depending on the resources used, the radius is larger or smaller. Once a player places a Home Stone, they become the mayor of the town, able to sell or rent out land to other players. Players can register themselves as citizens of a town as well as pay taxes or w/e we add. A neighboring town can declare war on another town which would remove the special protections that are in place to prevent griefing for those that are citizens of each town. Towns should have a minimum number of citizens in order to prevent abuse of this system. Ideas: Players can buy land which extends from 128 to 256 where no-one may build.Players can buy mineral rights which extend from 0-128 wherein no-one may mine.Players can build outside the city limits freely but will be subject to the anarchy of the wild.Monsters will not spawn within city limits.Rarely NPC raiders may attack towns.The more things that are handled by the server and not by OPs or Admins the better as far as I'm concerned. Nothing is more lame than playing on your favorite server and no-one is online to accept you into the town or w/e. Edit: This is purely SMP. At this point, SSP is becoming more and more irrelevant in my design decisions. I understand that folks like NPCs, but everything about them helps ruin balance.
  3. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Got busy in here quick. I should make a big point that I won't be doing any of this until Beta 2 is done i.e. not any time soon.
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    That's what this thread is for suggest these types of things.
  5. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    If/How npcs enter the equation at all remains to be seen. This will not make starting the game any different unless you're starting on a server that has been around for a while. There will be some trading mechanics to facilitate an economy.
  6. Surveyors, and other things

    Get a room you two! On Topic: I have no intention of adding more things to make pinpointing ores even more precise. The time invested is what makes the ore valuable. Besides the amount of time needed to do any type of core sampling would would be useless in MC where you can just tunnel straight down. The amount of time needed to add this vs the value of gameplay added is not worth the time to create this.
  7. If you want to edit the wiki.

  8. Texture Artist Submissions

    This thread is purely for the submission of art for those who are apply for the new artist position. Please refrain from holding discussions here. Please attach your art submission to your post.
  9. If you want to edit the wiki.

  10. If you want to edit the wiki.

  11. Ore generation- Is this permanant?

    All of the nay-saying is a bit overboard. How many times have I altered features drastically? Answer, many times. Balancing a mod this big is very precarious, especially when you are attempting to balance for the future as well. Yes the chest and ore gen changes could've waited until there was more infrastructure to accommodate. Q. Why do you guys think that I made those changes now? A. No matter when I made the changes, I was going to hear the whining. So I decided to make the changes ahead of time in order to get a good feel for the difficulty without all the other stuff. Not to mention that when things change later, you'll have a much better appreciation. I think that by now I should have earned enough faith from you guys that you should know I don't do things just to add tedium. I have reasons for these changes even if you don't get it. The mod is in BETA. I'm not done yet! Not every feature will be complete when I release it. Many times you'll see something added and taken away and re-added in a new form. It's an iterative process. Sometimes features will totally break the game balance. Often times there are reasons for this as well. If you want to complain that everything is going downhill etc then fine, but at least be fair and make those claims once the mod is out of beta. What you see today is not at all representative of what you may see in a month or even a week. I make a changes and push it to the public because as a designer, there are some things that you can't predict on your own. You need to be able to see large scale testing. That is where you guys come in. I appreciate all the hours that you guys put into the mod and the feedback. Just try to understand the process.
  12. Religion

    Final word. I'm not a religious man myself, however all this religion bashing needs to stop now. Do you think you're superior because you don't believe in something that has been apart of human culture for thousands of years? You're not. You're being as close minded as the many religious zealots that you claim to despise. Live and let live. If you can't engage in civil discourse about a topic that you may or may not agree with, then simply don't engage at all. This is not Reddit or /b/. Be civil to all; sociable to many; familiar with few; friend to one; enemy to none. - Benjamin Franklin Religion as a gameplay mechanic can work fine if properly implemented with things such as sacrifices etc. I've stated time and again that TFC is open to having fantastical elements. The likelihood of TFC actually adding this is exceptionally small.
  13. If you want to edit the wiki.

  14. Freezing the SSP Developement?

    The performance for most users should actually increase with the 1.3 change because SSP is slow as hell. This does not affect me at all because I already solely develop for SMP. The way that my workspace is setup, 95% of my code is shared between the client and the server. This is essentially what all modders are going to have to do anyways. So 1.3 shouldn't affect me very much. But we'll see.
  15. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Added those of you that I missed. I'm slow and forget to check this topic now and again.
  16. Built Minecraft.jar file download

    Closing this thread because the thread title suggests an illegal activity. Also, I do not support modpacks of any kind. This includes technic. As to MDub's installer, I am not against automated installers as long as the mod zips or not distributed along with it and the source is available for interested parties to look at. I have thought about doing something like that at some point anyways. That said, MultiMC is extremely easy to use. There is no real NEED for a one click solution. Maybe some wants because a few folks can't be bothered to read 4 lines of instructions, but not a need for one.
  17. Bears!

    Correct I take no responsibility for the animal bugs
  18. If you want to edit the wiki.

  19. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Added This is not the place for general wiki discussion.
  20. If you want to edit the wiki.

  21. If you want to edit the wiki.

    AddedTo everyone else please read the addition that I've made to the OP about post count.
  22. If you want to edit the wiki.

  23. If you want to edit the wiki.
