Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Bioxx

  1. 20 hours ago, Darmo said:

    Was down in the tropics and found a 'desert' island that had no sand at all.  It appeared low moisture in color, but had large kapoks in abundance.  The biome map shows rivers and lakes everywhere.  I wasn't sure if this was as intended, or what.  The big kapoks just seem kind of not-desert-y to me.  I expected kapoks to be limited to higher moisture areas.

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    On a separate note, I was flying around this island looking for the 'spires' feature to find the re-written spires generation, but I never saw anything I would recognize as a spire (though by no means did I cover every inch of the map).  Are spires an extremely localized feature now?

    It would probably be useful if a little bit more detail could be added to the biome map, maybe in the form of dots in the center of the hexes.  Maybe white for 'man-made' (like dungeons), and black for 'natural'.  Just those two for now, to keep things simple.  Then I could have looked at the biome map, looked for black dots in the middle of some hexes, and went and took a peek.  Maybe spires, maybe the small crater.  But it'd still help me find the features faster that just randomly flying around the island.  Dungeons could even be whole-hex colored, like the portals.  They're rare enough they wouldn't really obscure the underlying biomes.   But I would assume that some geographic features may be wide-spread enough to obscure the biomes excessively.

    Your seed there is the default 0 which means your client never generated an islandmap for itself. The features listed in that case are simply incorrect for the mountain. On the server half of your game it has chosen to generate what i suspect to be a subtropical island. Try doing a "/dbg report" for us from that location. Relogging from that world may also fix what you're seeing.


  2. 51 minutes ago, Darmo said:

    Too me the angled back legs without haunches above looks weird.  Irl that angled piece of leg starts below the body.  I'd go with the original orientation, personally.



  3. 31 minutes ago, Stroam said:

    I was on grass. So I then I dug down the 3 blocks until I hit stone and placed logs and it didn't make a difference. I did this for the entire house which is a shell of 12 logs around a 3x3 section. It has no roof and the walls are 12 high with a spiral staircase also made of logs. Every time I tried making a window at any level it broke all the logs above it into sticks which have at least one other pillar of logs touching it. Even if it were unsupported, should it be turning all the logs into sticks?

    I've made some significant changes to collapse code for the next version.


  4. 2 minutes ago, Xardas said:

    When I use JEI with TFC2 and Pam's stuff, knapping doesn't work because the knapping overlay does not appear to be on the foreground.

    Press O to turn off JEI, that is not a tfc2 issue.


  5. 7 hours ago, Stroam said:

    When ever you build your house out of logs and then break a block in the wall for a window or something it breaks all the blocks in a vertical line up turning them all into sticks.

    Were you building your house on sand or gravel by chance? Try building a support column down to rock so you aren't sitting on soft ground.


  6. Kitty has been pretty busy irl of late, but I'm just waiting on her to get the tfc2 wiki subdomain running and then we can start filling out the information. Right now, things are so fluid anyways with regards to how mechanics work that I dont really want to set anything into stone anyways which is why this release is being handled the way it is. 


  7. After letting this topic simmer for a very long time, I think I'm ready to say that I'm formally ditching the idea of procedural metals. Beyond just how much of a pain it would be to implement, my plan now is to allow magic to be the force that augments progression past the steel islands. That said, your ideas are still very valid in some altered fashion Stroam.


  8. 28 minutes ago, n3urotoxik said:

    For the same reason why knapping didn't working in smp but in ssp? IMO

    Naa not possible to be related in that fashion. Pam's generators are not supposed to be able to generate any gardens at all. I wrote a custom generator for it which I will have to go back and work on. That said, Pams generator is still generating things when I told it not to, so I'll have to take a look.


  9. 28 minutes ago, n3urotoxik said:

    Hum, another bug, in SMP always,

    I go through a first island portal, ok it works, i walk over the way in black and go through portal again.

    When i supposed to be teleported to the second island, the connection with server is lost. I have no crash report client side, but server side :

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    19:32:54] [User Authenticator #2/INFO]: UUID of player n3urotoxik is ffb42e3f-07a9-40b8-b516-6e7bee40eb98[19:32:54] [Server thread/INFO]: n3urotoxik[/] logged in with entity id 24147 at (1835.0, 92.0, -2857.0)[19:32:54] [Server thread/INFO]: n3urotoxik joined the game[19:32:56] [Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exceptionnet.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Exception ticking worldat net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( ~[lh.class:?]at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]at [MinecraftServer.class:?]at Source) [?:1.7.0_80]Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: ~[WorldGenTrees.class:?]at ~[WorldGenTrees.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld( ~[GameRegistry.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at ~[lv.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[WorldGenCliffRocks.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld( ~[GameRegistry.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.syncCallback( ~[ChunkIOProvider.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.common.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.syncChunkLoad( ~[ChunkIOExecutor.class:?]at ~[lv.class:?]at ~[lv.class:?]at ~[lv.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at com.bioxx.tfc2.Core.setBlock( ~[Core.class:?]at ~[WorldGenGrass.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld( ~[GameRegistry.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at ~[lv.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[WorldGenTrees.class:?]at ~[WorldGenTrees.class:?]at ~[WorldGenTrees.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry.generateWorld( ~[GameRegistry.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at ~[auo.class:?]at ~[lv.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at ~[ajs.class:?]at com.bioxx.tfc2.blocks.terrain.BlockGrass.func_180650_b( ~[BlockGrass.class:?]at net.minecraft.block.Block.func_180645_a( ~[alu.class:?]at ~[lw.class:?]at ~[lw.class:?]at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?]... 4 more[19:32:56] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: /home/minecraft/servers/mine103781/./crash-reports/crash-2017-04-20_19.32.56-server.txt[19:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server[19:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players[19:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds[19:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level '0a1a10'/Surface[19:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level '0a1a10'/Nether[19:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level '0a1a10'/The End[19:32:56] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level '0a1a10'/Paths



    Found and fixed for next version thanks.


  10. 1 hour ago, Mathias Ademar said:

    *not a programmer* is it possible to leave the vanilla spawns and replace the drops and "felling" and physics behavior when they try to harvest it?

    It's not the issue of chopping down the tree, that part is handled by the axe, its the gameplay repercussions from allowing vanilla logs which don't obey the same rules as tfc logs.


  11. 29 minutes ago, n3urotoxik said:


    Since 0.1.9, impossible to knappe anything in SMP, my brother and i can't knap anyting, we have fews "rock" in our hand, but right click does nothing

    Edit : after few minutes disconnected, i go back in world, Ok it's working now, really odd. Maybe Server overloaded =/

    Version 0.1.10 released.

    I have no idea why it started working for you(that sounds like some other weird/beneficial bug) but I was able to reproduce this consistently on my end. Could've sworn I had it working and tested properly. This issue was severe enough in my eyes(even tho it was smp only) to make me put a new version out just for it.


  12. 8 minutes ago, CtrlAltDavid said:

    Vanilla trees, I think it's a bug!


    World Seed: [5183831074243325738] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=986, y=74, z=-7105}]

    *Sigh* It's a drawback to reporting correct vanilla biome information that we keep having vanilla stuff spawning. Thanks, I'll trace this one down as well.


  13. I don't yet know if I'm going to change how we get crops from harvestcraft. For now the gardens are an effective solution while I work on the far more important aspects of tfc2. 


  14. 14 minutes ago, n3urotoxik said:


    I'm only using TFC2 mod and pam harvest :

    When i try to knappe "rock", the game crach immediatly

    (I'm not in solo game, it's hosted server)

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    Thanks, I'll sort that out.


  15. 28 minutes ago, dudo_fuzik said:

    I have just installed the new prerelaese and found these bugs:

    When finished pottery is broken instead of right clicked it doesnt give you anything.

    Drinking out of jug doesnt fill up thirst bar.

    When gamerule doMobSpawning is set to false TFC2 mobs still spawn when generated in new chunks. (Also I know that mobs arent finished, but why the heck does fox kill you in one hit?)


    World Seed: [-1061424437646769833] | IslandMap: [0,-2] | PlayerPos: [BlockPos{x=1202, y=74, z=-5490}]

    Could've sworn that the jug was working properly at one point :/ Anyways its fixed now, thanks.

    As for gameRules, I rarely if ever support those. If support is added its because I need it for testing or Kitty comes behind me and adds that kind of stuff. Just not worth my time.


  16. Updated to 0.1.8

    Firepits now require 4 straw in addition to the previously needed resources.

    Notable new feature is the addition of pitkilns and pottery. They work a bit differently now than they used to. After you find some clay(for now always near freshwater) right click with them in your hand to open the ui and craft your clay object. Next, right click on the ground in a 2 deep pit with the clay item to place it down(only 1 item can fit in a block) then right click with straw 4 times. Use a firstarter until you see flames begin to rise from the straw. Now quickly add a log on top of the straw, and then a piece of dirt/gravel/sand on top of that. If you did everything correctly and fast enough, you should see smoke rising from the top of the pile. After 8 in-game hours you can dig up the pottery. This process also creates a small amount of charcoal now which must be shoveled from the block before you can retrieve your item.


  17. All things considered, the island IS a mountain. That said, as far as smaller scale steep ascents, yeah I could add an island feature for something like that.

    Edit: This should be discussed in another thread but I am interested in hear ideas for other types of island features. Features in this sense is a type of terrain adjustment that is randomly chosen to appear on an island.


  18. There is actually a climbingrocks block that I have in game that will be like naturally ocuring handholds for you to climb up those cliffs. Right now I'm not happy with them but they will make a comeback, don't worry.


  19. 59 minutes ago, CJHKing2 said:

    I thought I forgot something - I added the /dbg report info to the spoilers. This particular map brings my 4 core Intel I5 to a crawl when loading terrain. Of course it is a laptop with an Intel 3000 GFX built in :-( Thanks so much for working on TFC2 Bioxx! I reallllllllllly LOVE how this is looking so far! The hexes and streams with the trees make such a HUGE difference in the feel of the game.

    Those spires are not a bug, they are just a crappy implementation of a feature. I'll look into the other thanks.


  20. 22 hours ago, CJHKing2 said:

    6. Attempt to build a firepit (still have not gotten it to work yet)

    Stand in a spot and throw down 4 sticks, 4 rocks, and at least 1 log(this will require 4 straw as well in the next patch). Then using a firestarter, aim at the block where the items are sitting and hold right click for a while. You'll see smoke for a bit and eventually a firepit will form.
