Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Bioxx

  1. 1 hour ago, natsuarashi said:

    Did the river made a circle at the south of the island?

    It would appear so. Bit of an issue with hexes that generate at the exact same elevation. luckily it shouldn't happens very often so I won't bother spending time on that.


  2. After a few days of heavy coding, I mostly took the weekend off but I'm back into fixing stuff now before I close out the night. I want to say that I really appreciate the response from everyone so far. I know that there are still a TON of broken things but the ability to get feedback and have you guys focus me in on issues to work on and mechanics to improve has truly been invaluable for getting my butt into gear. I'll keep working hard.

    The next update will have some pretty sweeping changes to island shapes. As has been pointed out a few times, we have a real problem with orphan islands creating bad spawn locations. In addition, portals can potentially spawn on those islands making them virtually impossible to access. As a result, I'm imposing a min and max circle to islands. This ends up making the islands more round which unfortunately makes them slightly less natural looking when viewed from space, but it DOES solve 95% of the orphan islands issues. HERE is an example. What I did to fix them up a bit was to make the size of the circles fluctuate based on some 1 dimensional noise and the angle from the center of the map. This makes the island edges more jaggy and causes more bays and peninsulas to form. Overall I think it still looks quite good. If you would like to generate your own images like this use the following command "/pi biome <filename>" and a png will output to your minecraft directory. Note: In the next patch, this will require that you be in creative mode.

    I've also cleared up some Portal bugs and will have a number of other misc bugs fixed (hopefully more than I create).

    A note on stalactites, I think they'll look better once I add some variation to their size perhaps.

    I'd also like to point out that SubTropical and SubPolar climate zones may be replaced by Temperate. This is not a bug if you go north or south from the spawn island and come across another temperate island.


  3. Yeah ChunkHunter, your seed gave me a new/different portal issue that I had to fix, which IS fixed for the next version. Anything animal related is just using some crappily copy/pasted code between them. Anything animal related needs a ton of work. 

    As for the land being too near the map's edge, that's something that I continue to work on.


  4. Thanks for the reports guys, I'll start looking into these. Most of your food related bugs are due to them spawning without decay values on them which instantly destroys the items.

    @Natsuarashi do you have a world seed for that?


  5. 16 minutes ago, Konlii said:

    Even without a boat, I could easily swim west to the next island relatively quickly.  I left at sunset and arrived well before dawn only using up about half of the first hunger bar.

    I know this is not supposed to be a suggestion thread, but if you really wanted to keep players from doing that, I would make those flat-walled transitional areas wider and deeper.  More like the edge of the continental shelf that drops down into the inky depths.  And in the deepest waters spawn eldritch abominations that can swallow the player whole!  Mwahaha...ha......ha... sorry, got a little carried away.

    I haven't implemented the code that will prevent you from swimming to other islands yet.

    35 minutes ago, Narmo said:

    So I have a bug to report - when I harvest food (vanilla like apples and from pamharvestcraft) and take it it disappear from my inventory.  It has sound of taking but nothing else.

    This happens when harvesting from pam's gardens?


    Thanks for the coordinates guys! And yes I do mean for you to give me the coords of the portal entrance.

    In the future, the Paths dimension will be a lot more complex than it looks atm so don't judge it too harshly yet :) 


  6. 19 minutes ago, SnoopyMicrobe34 said:

    EDIT: Also, portals don't seem to work for me, just die in void.

    if you are on 0.1.4 and portals are not working, please give me a seed and the coordinates of the portal that you originally entered so that I can debug, thanks.

    48 minutes ago, Darmo said:

    I also noticed that in caves, sometimes large areas of natural stone collapse, with no molestation or block updating actions on my part.  Apparently this is where the cobble and gravel I've been seeing are coming from.  Does this mean that the collapse code is currently in game?  And intended to stay?  It seems to help clear out perhaps 'odd' floating stuff in caves, but not all.

    Yes, collapse code is in game and functions as intended afaik.

    1 hour ago, Aaron215 said:

     (not quoting the entire thing)

    Most of those bugs are minor or at least temporarily intentional. I haven't been seeing the infinite firepit bug that you describe. Also, I'll have to take a look at the duplication bugs again. I thought I'd fixed that already.


  7. 21 minutes ago, MrBlack said:

    I haven't read anywhere that its singleplayer only, attempting to start a server gives this error log.


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    Testing MP honestly completely slipped my mind. This crash and others have been rectified for 0.1.3 which will be out in the next few hours.


  8. I'm doing the release just here on the forums so that the potential pool of bug reporters is fairly small. It's way easier for me to track this thread than to deal with it on github. So far its fine, but if I need to change things up, I will.

    If you're in a ocean hex its saltwater, otherwise its freshwater.

    Pam's gardens do generate, I've just disabled the harvestcraft generators and use my own.

    Ore spawns but there is no surface indicator at this time. That's a subject that I haven't figured out how I want to handle just yet. 

    Do you have the world seed for the world where you keep dying when going through portals? I thought I had those working properly at this point.


  9. 22 minutes ago, Aaron215 said:

    Here's a strange one... in this save file I attached I can't break rocks unless I right click on them, and I can't break anything with left click. I relogged a few times, made a new save file and tried in that one (it worked there), and went back and tried in the original and it still didn't work. Figured you would want to take a look and see if you can figure out what is going on with it. Easily re-creatable for me, but that's on this computer and I don't have another computer to test it with.

    Dropbox link to save file:  Let me know if you prefer some other method.

    Thanks for the report. You're being forced into Adventure mode because for some reason, this starter island isn't unlocking properly. All Tier 0 islands should be unlocked by default but this seed is behaving strangely. I'll look into it.


  10. 1 hour ago, Konlii said:

    And with v0.1.2 I find my fists ineffective, and must resort to bashing heads in with a rock.

    Is this a permanent thing?  If so, just cancelling the event is no good.  The bear doesn't care that I'm punching it anymore!  He just stands there with a bored look on his face!  Also, even if fists do 0 damage they should still have that bit of knockback, which is super useful if you're fighting something nasty and your only weapon smashes to pieces.

    Does Minecraft let you fire off another entityLiving.attackEntityFrom using a 0 damage amount?  Does that give knockback and aggro?  Is punching entities no longer going to be a thing?  Or is this only a temporary change while you work on something else?

    Making it do 0 damage seems like it would be even more confusing than just taking away the ability at all. Bears will be auto aggro in the future so its not really an issue about aggroing. It's something that I'm going to leave in place and we'll see. Should give more incentive to use a knife or axe to defend yourself. Although many of the entities use tfc1 levels of health atm (1000+) so they might be nearly unkillable.


  11. 4 minutes ago, Aaron215 said:

    Some possible bugs for you: 

    When chopping generated trees with a stone axe, the axe takes no damage and chops down as fast as vanilla axes, not slowly like TFC1 did. When chopping placed wood blocks, stone axe *does* take damage.

    Grass does not yield straw when broken by hand or with a knife. 

    Some odd land generation: On beaches there's lots of random little rocks, looks odd so I don't know if it's intended. Here's a picture of the rocks.

    Lots of random pillars? Here's a couple pictures:  1  and 2

    Can't get the firepit to work (4 rocks, 4 sticks and a log?) Instructions unclear: made a pile of stuff.


    Sorry if some of this is intentional, great to see an alpha build! :D Anything specific you want us to be looking for?

    You need to use the firestarter, hold down right mouse button where you tossed the items, it'll eventually light.

    Those rocks are only found in hexes with a nearby cliff (greater than 10 block height difference with nearby hex).

    The really tall rock pillars are called spires, and its just a random terrain feature that can appear on islands. I need to add more features with time and they'll be a lot less common(I'm seeing a lot of people mention them so they must be generating a bit too often)


  12. Firestarter recipe is now fixed. Suppose I should also inform that making a firepit has changed since tfc1. You now need to throw down 4 rocks, 4 sticks, and at least 1 log(these will autodeposit in the firepit). Note that the firepit doesnt have much use on its own right now unless you cheat in some tools from pams to turn it into a cooking device. R-click on the firepit with a saucepan/skillet/cookingpot to upgrade it. Many of pams more complex foods have not yet been integrated with tfc2 decay but they DO function as food.


  13. Thought I fixed it in v0.1.1. I'll put a new version out in a little bit.

    I'm not making big announcements when I update for the time being so just keep an eye on the version in the thread title.


  14. Pam's will be required moving forward, however it is my intention to handle all setup stuff myself so that the players only need to acquire the mod themselves. With TFC2 I am taking a much different approach and trying to not create extra burdens upon myself when it really isn't needed. Post MC1.8 development is hard enough as is, may as well let other mods carry the load where appropriate. Ofc, as you may have noticed pams food decays in true TFC style, so there is little functional difference between using her mod, and me having implemented all of the items myself. It's just a massive time saver.

    As far as agenda, It's my intention to make sure that the stone age stuff is completely playable before moving on. That should include pottery and some other basics. Getting the entities that we already have added to be completely functional is also a high priority.


    Keep the feedback and questions coming guys, your interest keeps me interested and motivated.


  15. 2 minutes ago, Bedantis666 said:

    Seems there might be some problems when rock biomes transition from one to the other. Im surprised tho that the walls are not hexigonal but flat  with intervening holes to the void along the way.

    I assume you mean when transitioning from one island map to another every 4k blocks. If so, that isn't really an issue since the player is never meant to reach those locations. Since the map is mad of hexagons, there are inevitably small locations with no actual hex covering them on the edges of the square map. As long as the water is there in the ocean and its not air, I'm fine with that for now.


  16. Hexes store all relevant information about themselves, so it's usable any time. Due to the way I designed the island system, nothing is lost at generation, it is all saved in a map file to your HDD.


  17. Hexes may have their own biome information which is simply based off of the hexes internal data. It is used for some bits of generation, but not used extensively. But it is not the same as the vanilla biome indicator that you see with F3.


  18. 1 hour ago, Konlii said:
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    I sometimes spawn on a tiny island with no other land in sight.  There always is more land, it's just too far away to see, even with my render distance cranked up to 24 chunks.  In this example, the mainland is 400 blocks away and I had to go into creative mode and circle my tiny island at a distance to find it.  Is this sort of thing supposed to happen?


    Hex-based world gen is interesting.  It's still a little weird to see, but I'm thinking I might get used to it in the same way that no one questions why everything in the game is made out of 1m square blocks.


    Lakes and streams are cool.  I too have noticed after chopping trees that the leaves like to hang out in the air afterwards, though I do like the better-style leaves.  I have also noticed that some trees (spruce, for example) drop massive amounts of logs, like almost a whole stack.  Is this normal?  Admittedly, I didn't stop to count them, but it didn't look like there were that many individual log blocks in the tree itself

    That is definitely not supposed to happen. I've noticed a few other island shape issues that I'm going to have to take a look at. It is supposed to find your spawn location by locating a hex in the middle of the map and constantly searching downhill until it finds beach. If you're ending up on an island, then I'm guessing it started in the wrong place or something. Not really sure, I'll look into it.

    As far as the trees. I haven't directly noticed any log duplication myself but we'll see.

    4 hours ago, Darmo said:

    After a few very brief 1-day playthroughs in survival, I noticed that I can start knapping with only one rock.  But then when I start removing pieces the texture disappears (grey pattern area remains though), and I can't actually get an output.  But would probably be best if I cannot start knapping with just one rock.  I also couldn't figure out how to make firestarter.

    Love the streams with gravel banks! 

    I can't be sure but I found some food in the vicinity of another  garden, by a stream.  I don't know if the water destroyed a garden and left the food, or what, but it appeared that a couple other gardens had been destroyed by the environment somehow.  The food was sitting on the gravel bank by a stream, so maybe it generated a garden on gravel which then wasn't a valid base and it despawned?

    At one point I found a soggy garden on a hill at elevation 100, and noticed that according to f3 I was in a swamp biome.  Not sure if that's desired?  I didn't really try to investigate just how large the swamp biome was, to see if any part at all of it looked more swampy.  The hill was rather large, and one side was beach and what appeared to be ocean.  So there was nothing obviously swampy looking in the immediate area where I found the garden.  No cattails yet, it seems?  Or maybe I just didn't find any freshwater lakes...

    I too found some minor water issues.  One where two flowing blocks were not flowing over and down, and another where one block of water appeared different.  I didn't have waila installed and only later realized f3 gives info about what you're looking at, so I'm not sure if it was a random vanilla block, or what.

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    I also noticed grass is generating on the rock floor of ravines, and cave openings.  Not sure if that's intentional?  What little I've seen of caves are awesome, btw!

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    Though I did just notice after posting that screenshot, the top left stalagtite appears to be hanging from dirt?  I did notice at some ravine lips, there were stone blocks neighbored only by dirt, where it was starting to 'curve back over'.  Kind of minor I guess.

    Can hardly wait till tonight to do some creative fly-throughs!!!

    I was having a few other issues with knapping when I found that knapping bug myself and it must've gotten lost in the confusion. Thanks. 

    The F3 biome indication *should* mean absolutely nothing in TFC2. That said, maybe Pam's is doing a double generation and I forgot to disable it. I'll add that to my list.

    I have no idea why that water block looked different, unless it's a biome colormultiplier thing. As for the water blocks not flowing, that is a vanilla issue of the blocks simply not updating. I've been fighting that since I first started work on streams. So far I haven't found an elegant solution.

    If you guys find anything cool or weird in terrain generation, take a screenshot and share it.


  19. This thread will be the temporary location for TFC2 releases for the time being. At some point we'll create a proper download page, as well as a tfc2 wiki domain.

    TFC2 is in VERY EARLY ALPHA, there are many issues and a lot of missing content.

    TFC2 requires Pam's Harvestcraft

    Not using Pam's Harvestcraft means that you'll most likely starve to death as TFC2 does not implement any food items of its own.


    Please keep issues related to the Prerelease in this thread

    If you happen to find a worldgen issue that I may need to investigate for myself, please use the command "/dbg report" in game at the location. It will copy some relevant information to your systems clipboard which you can then paste into your post.




  20. For something like this, I would integrate Railcraft support, just as I have done with Harvestcraft. This will probably happen when needed as I have always loved railcraft. And, just like harvestcraft, I will use ASM to tweak railcraft to function nicely with TFC2. But that is something for down the road a ways once I have more base content in TFC2
