Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Bioxx

  1. 4 hours ago, Sugar_Fox said:

    God, that's such a relief
    Haven't heard of any sufficient news for months, but this...

    This is GOLD
    And I really mean it

    Never have I been so hyped about TFC2 as from now on

    Don't get too hyped. Like I said, there is very little gameplay to be had at this point. I'm just trying to get some basic stone tier things setup before release. Other than giving me some very valuable feedback, there won't be a whole lot to do other than explore until I get more features in. TFC2 is in a VERY Alpha state currently.


  2. Yes there is some level of API available, but as usual, if it's a mod designed for tfc2, it'll probably be easier to just build against the full mod. That said, if it's meant to be standalone and you need something added to the api when the time comes, just let us know.


  3. Ok so right now, I don't want to release anything until I have the firepit completed along with a raw implementation of the temperature code. Ideally I could have this done in 1 or two days if I wasn't busy with other stuff. I think that these are the only features that really feel that I need in place before I'm willing to push something. 

    Animal AI is virtually nonexistant atm so there isn't much threat in the world besides vanilla baddies spawning(i'll do something special with them later). But with some basic cooking and knapping in place, there's at least some basic gameplay elements.

    We aren't too far off from a release but I don't like to give release dates on stuff because I'm notorious for missing my own internal targets. 


  4. Sorry guys, I've been pretty bad about working on TFC2 for a while. I really should update you guys more on things when that happens. 

    Edit: I might do a release with what we have right now, which isn't very compelling and missing a LOT of content just to see if I can get myself back into things. Let me know what you guys think and I'll think about it.


  5. 17 hours ago, ChunkHunter said:

    I'm curious - What is it that you find strange about having each island in its own dimension?
    It will certainly achieve your goal of not being able to swim from island to island - or even, heaven forfend, to the "wrong" island.
    I don't see a gameplay problem with switching dimensions instead of simply teleporting (a mechanism you have suggested in earlier posts).
    Of course the number of dimensions available to you in MC may be so limited that it's not a practical solution of course.  Alternatively, it might pause a huge problem for servers with pre-generated maps, I don't know.  There may also be major compatability issues with other mods that use alternative dimensions.

    (Or have I completely misinterpreted what you wrote?)

    I am not talking from a gameplay aspect. Coding that stuff is a bit strange.


  6. Actually kotoro thats why I went with the hex system, I dont care about the blocks until I'm building the world, there are a ton fewer hexes and you can do all of the calculations on a hex by hex basis instead of block by block. That said, No I don't have the rain shadow effect being taken into account. The hexes are all perfectly aware of their which hex is downslope to them, so if someone wanted to mod that in, it would actually be super easy. But its not really on my radar.


  7. This actually helps a TON. Thanks!

    Looking at the files, its actually possible to do the blockstates and models in a slightly easier way now since forge lets you define submodels, but just like how I never redid the complicated grass blocks, now that its done, screw it! :D 


  8. Good news, as far as the macro spawning this is sort of how it already works!

    • Each animal has a habitable climate zone.
    • Each island selects several species (iirc its small random number)
    • The animal spawner then queues X number of each creature to spawn on the island in groups of Y to Z where X, Y, and Z are arbitrarily controlled numbers based upon our own balancing choices.
    • When animals are killed, they subtact from the population pool for that animal type.
    • As long as the population pool is not emptied, the spawner will queue up more of that animal to spawn in an appropriate hex.
    • When the island ticks, it will replenish the population pool over time.
    • Killing or in any way altering(taming or moving an animal via portal) will cause it to leave the population pool for that island.

    I'm still making up my mind about extinction or not. We'll leave it in for now and see how it plays out.



  9. Yes sea distance as well as elevation affects the local moisture level. Hexes that are very low elevation will end up having vegetation even on a desert island just due to them being the lowest elevation and that's where water eventually goes. 


  10. 43 minutes ago, Miner239 said:

    Um, regarding the integer/decimal values, why not just have two bars, one with a big scale and one with a small scale? That way you can fit more (integer) values. That way, there would also be two red arrows, one on the big bar, and one on the small that only shows when the green arrow lines up with the red arrow on the big bar.

    That would probably be rather confusing honestly.


  11. That is correct Konlii, I can perform the color dying myself which means that we only need a greyscale texture for the base and a greyscale texture for the overlay. A color multiplier can be used to alter this on the fly without the need for tons of art.

    As far as the download, I totally forgot to upload the file to dropbox after I zipped it. The problem has been rectified.


  12. For the final version of the Camel saddle, it would be a good idea to use a double mesh for the blanket. One for the base color, and one for an overlay color.

    Additionally in MCMC, I've added support for decimal places in box sizes so you can use up to 2 decimal places if needed to reduce some z-fighting.


  13. Performing a global scale would probably be doable in MCMC, but in this case, I would probably recommend using a larger texture to allow for smaller pixels per quill. Then just use 2x2 pixels for each individual pixel for the rest of the porcupine. Or alternatively just make the quills thinner, they do not HAVE to be 1 pixel wide.
