Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Mastropiero

  1. if only world-gen rocks contain ore, new players won't be able to tell if the area they're in has been picked clean of world-gen rocks, leaving them with no way of finding ore, or if the area simply doesn't have any ore at all.

    The problem is worst without respawning rocks, isn't it? If a random player harvests all the rocks in the area without signaling metal ores, there is no way to find it again without sluicing.

    If respawning is set to a long time, it would disallow metal farming, without crippling newcomers.


  2. It would definitely fit better with the stone age ambiance. That would introduce candles and lamps as more permanent lightning, but i am worried about how the torch timer would be handled, as it would rely on block updates OR a periodic update... wich is harder to code...


  3. My understanding is that those were the swords hanging on the wall, not the ones that did a lot of hacking at shields and armor.

    The bulk of surviving medieval arms and armor are ornimental.

    Posted Image

    The "Tizona" sword, belonged to Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, "El Cid", who expelled the moors from Valencia. That sword was used in battle multiple times.


  4. SOLUTION: To use Optifine with the TFC Launcher, get the version of Optifine that works with current minecraft version (1.5.1 right now) and place the zip file in the minecraft/bin/jarmods folder, next to the Forge and Player API files.

    THEN, go back to minecraft/bin and open the file "loadorder.txt". Add the exact name of the Optifine file, including extension, and that should do the trick. (Optifine will only be loaded this way if you use the TFC Launcher).


  5. Instead of toolhead plans, there should be claymolds as SunsetSpecter proposed. They would be crafted copying current toolhead shape, but with clay, then, you may put it in the lower slot at the firepit/forge, and a full ingot on top, so the molten metal fills it. Then, you may recover the toolhead by simply putting the mold in your crafting menu.


  6. Personally, I wish we didn't have to sacrifice the underground areas in favour of the mountains, but given the choice, I'd go for the mountains

    Ore generation should not depend on absolute depth, but on depth relative to the surface. That way, mining mountains would be an easier way of getting high tier metals, as they would be generated much higher.


  7. Nope...But if you think about it, it makes no sense..Breaking stone with stone. That is like trying to chop down a tree with a stick..

    You can break rock with rock.

    Posted Image

    Also, you can take adventage of the geometry of the rock to break it.


  8. I made an account just to post here.

    I've had terra for a few weeks now and I can honestly say that I'm a master of terra construction. By terra construction I mean general terraforming and aesthetically pleasing Exo- structures while constructing the building proper.

    Anyone can use game mechanics to help build a structure (house, bridge, dam etc etc) but I feel I've gotten it down to a science.

    Efficient resource management and design with accessibility to the actual construction in mind, AND it all looks spiffy!

    Can you show us your art?


  9. And also... how would that work in SMP? Everyone has a different name for the same thing, the first that takes the item decides, or what?

    I think he is talking about meta game: the game will not tell you what that item is, you must figure it out.


  10. The Italian is the same thing, because it's a Latin language and you can guess how much hard is learning it :). It has a lot of exceptions and a lot of other small things that can ruin a whole phrase. It's like programming with a veery difficult language, but the other person can understand even if there are some errors. Luckily.

    Many long conversations can be sustained by an Italian and a Spanish, both talking in his own language and both understanding each other. I have done it with my italian cousins.


  11. Another random thought... there could also be hot springs? Pools of warm/hot water in various spots in the world. Although you would need a way to visually differentiate them from cold water.

    This is an extension of Murphy's Law: Hot Glass looks the same as Cold Glass.

    Jokes apart, i like the idea, and some "vapor" should help with that.


  12. How about you can mix sulphur and saltpetre and whatever else you guys like to put in your gunpowder, and then put it on the floor like redstone. A firestarter, and you have a string of small explosions, doing very little block damage, but still hurts. Take some paper and put the gunpowder in it and you have a small explosive, doing a little block damage, and mix them together and you have a much bigger boom.

    I love how tnt works in tfc, cobble blocks fly everywhere.

    Gunpowder does not explode if it is not compressed, it only burns fast.


  13. I like the idea of checking if you are under a tree/shade... not sure how much lag it would cause if you had alot of players on and it checked often.

    That's why I suggested the possibility of just checking for an enclosed room and storing that "space" in the door's data. Only have to check once, when the door is placed, and then just adjust the players temperature while they are inside. Obviously that wont work too well if shade is taken into account while exploring....

    Still might be an idea worth exploring if there are any future plans for housing...

    Thing is, it is not only hard to find if a room is enclosed, if you want to store that data, a lot of memory would be needed. Checking at real time with a greedy algorithm does not waste memory, and it is quite fast also.


  14. Also, arrows don't need arrowheads. To balance it, as was proposed before, metal arrowheads would be (almost?) always retrievable, stone arrowheads, would be retrievable only if it does not do damage (or maybe, sometimes?), and headless arrows would be always lost, as they cant withstand any kind of damage.

    If the amount of feather you can get from chicken bothers you, you can think on it as a "pile" of feather.
