Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by gloryofarioch

  1. I simple don't feed them anymore, is not worth the trouble with the current mechanics

    Really? It doesn't really take that much feed to familiarize an animal. You don't need to get the meter all the way full, just to the white border is good enough for the most common tasks like riding a horse, breeding, and shearing/milking. Taming a horse is one of the things I do first in a new TFC world because fast travel is amazing for exploration.


  2. What's the benefit of having a river? They are always sunk into the ground when I find them, so you can't really farm using them. Boats are finicky and expensive and really hard to navigate down a river; I prefer horses for fast travel.


    I guess I prefer mountains for scenery, too.


  3. I think the fishing thing is more meant to represent your ability to claim usable meat out of the fish, not the size of the fish itself. If you suck at butchery, you're going to make a big mess when you are cleaning the fish, etc. With more practice, you can increase your yield.


    Regarding your other problems, it sounds like you just got a crappy map. I started a new map in 79.10, and after a couple of kilometers of traveling, I had found rock salt, flux, a breeding pair of every non-poultry animal, and acres of fruit. (Fruit trees in particular are much harder to find before 79.10; have you upgraded recently and started a new map?) However, minerals have been an absolute nightmare -- I have only found one scant source of poor copper so far, and even that was in the middle rock layer and only showed up in debris because it was pressed up against the top rock layer. The temperature on my part of the map is also very, very high, so my food rots very quickly if I do not pickle and dry every single scrap I get and store it deep underground (and even then, the temperature underground is 16°C!) However, that's the breaks on TFC — getting everything you need in one area is pretty difficult.


  4. A trick I've found is to fill a large ceramic vessel or barrel with water is to just right click on water with an empty barrel or vessel -- it will fill the entire thing in one go. No need to bail water into them with a jug or bucket.


  5. The disconnect here is that the UI says "PICKLING" when the barrel has too little vinegar in it to actually do the job.


    Could I request that the UI only say "PICKLING" if there is enough vinegar in the barrel to handle the food you're trying to pickle?


  6. Gonna throw another anecdotal confirmation of only ever finding fruit trees at 1000.


    Finding that sweet spot where you have a 250 rain area (the most animal spawns) and a 1000 area (fruit trees) in the close proximity is the first thing I do before settling down.


  7. I found the problem. I use a texture resource pack and therefore the heart icon does not show up. The resource packs I tested were PaintedCraft, Summerfields, Faithful...


    So... what can be done about this? I would like to continue to use a resourcepack.

    The problem is that the heart indicator graphics are stored in a way that makes them replaceable by a resource pack. You have two options:


    A) Find the default sprite sheet, copy the default familiarity indicator, and paste it into your resource pack.

    2) Wait for the resource pack to update.


  8. no man, i need it, wool cloth recipe in this page, i have wool yarn


    to , I think I understand, but the wiki is wrong , because teaching is an easier way to get wool cloth

    The wiki is not up to date for the current version, unfortunately. Vaxyl is correct. In addition, you need 16 wool yarn to make one cloth now, and you have to make it on a loom as he described. The four wool yarn recipe no longer works in version 79.


  9. Thanks for the info, gonna try it next time.

    Where did you get that info? Since it's nor in the wiki nor the change log.

    I see it just fine in the change log:


    [*]Added Leather Rack. Right click on the top a horizontal placed log with a soaked hide. Then right click on all of the spots on the hide with a knife to scrape the pieces off. Scraping the last piece off will give the scraped hide.

    [*]Tannin can now only be made with a full (10 bucket) barrel of water and a single Oak, Birch, Chestnut, Douglas Fir, Hickory, Maple, or Sequoia log.


  10. Yeah, contiguous areas of rock seem a lot larger in these versions. I'm also seeing the same behavior with trees -- in my current world, I spawned very far to the north, and for many kilometers there were nothing but white cedar trees (which cannot make tannin.) I had to resort to making a boat and sailing around the world until I finally got far enough to get non-cedar trees spawning.


    As for clay, you can tell the amount of rainfall a biome gets by the grass. If it's the scraggly, patchy grass, there isn't enough rainfall and there will never be clay. Biomes that get enough rainfall for clay to spawn also have the solid grass textures on dirt. (The same rainfall requirement for full grass also applies to one of the two requirements for fruit trees to spawn -- the other being average biome temperature.)
