Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by ciekma

  1. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Backup is always recommended, but no need to reset your world, worldgen was untouched since v.1.33. Elevator parts belong to Environmine portal to other dimension and I forgot to remove it from NEI (other dimensions are not working well with TFC, AFAIK). BTW, Blazes and Ghasts are spawned in overworld. Unfortunately yes, especially native metal nuggets, which can be directly melted in induction furnace. Other issue is that poor nuggets are output of IE crusher and treated as ore grit for composing blast furnace batch. Nuggets are also used for handling overheating of small metal pieces in forge pit. I'm afraid that changing it would produce loops of infinite metal production.
  2. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    TFPP arrived at Traincraft station! Finally version 1.52 with implemented Traincraft mod is available! There was a hell of the job, every recipe was done from scratch, because Traincraft Workbench recipes were not customisable and not compatible with TFC. Fortunately Traincraft creators was so kind to add option to disable NEI for native recipes, thus there is no mess in recipes, only valid recipes are visible. Unused items are hidden. I added also some new items, mainly wheels and wheel parts. Currently only basic rolling stock is supported, mainly four-wheelled German wagons, some log transport stuff, some small steam locomotives and diesel shunters. Larger locomotives and cars would be added later. Adler and Cherepanov locomotives can be constructed in bronze age, better locomotive need iron or steel, diesel locomotives require advanced chemistry for fuel and welding. Traincraft 3D tracks can be conveniently created using iron workbench, they are cheaper than standard rail stuff (except wooden rails). I added 3D track tooltips for better NEI filtering. Other changes: improved Enviromine fruit tree leafs physic, added alternative for tar (creozote oil evaporation), some tooltips indicating items gained by loots, altered recipe for IE generator (more advanced but cheaper). If talking about Graphite - it is special form of carbon, not possible to find in ordinary charcoal, you need high pressure/temperature to convert ordinary carbon into graphite (hence there is a such recipe for Acheson furnace, obviously accessible in later stages of the game, just in case when you run out from easy accessible natural graphite source). In TFPP modpack, there is additional source of natural graphite: pegmatite rock vein, which can be located in granite rock layer, using prospector pick. If you are unlucky finding marble, gneiss, quartzite or schist layer, but see granite nearby, try your luck with searching and digging pegmatite veins, there is a small chance to get graphite powder and some other minerals and gems.
  3. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Seems that it is related with this mod: however I cannot reproduce this bug.
  4. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Previously I added gravestone mod, but there was some issues, therefore I removed it from modpack. Similar feature can be achieved using Forge Essentials mod.
  5. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Hello everyone, I was absent awhile whit all TFC stuff due to my PC failure, and I didn't notice that there are new posts here (seems that notifications stopped working). Briefly: paper can be made using cellulose pulp and primitive wooden press, or achieved as loot from zombie messenger, or from wood using advanced paper machine; pistons need grease, without advanced technology it can be made from crude oil (only in shale biome) or from slime ball (slimes are everywhere below 40, but rare, most likely under sea due to lack of other creatures); there is already quantity metal bonus from advanced technology, but not 100%, more like about 10%. The most notable impact of technology is just easier and faster processing. lebeg134, seems that there is indeed some mess with tar, probably because I started to introduce Traincraft. I will try to fix it in new release.
  6. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    You should get IHL book on wake-up. If it is not working, change settings in ihl.cfg. the reason, why ship block access is limited, is to prevent lags in case of massive ship block production (they are not falling, but we don't want to let users build bridges from it, because it is entity block).
  7. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    So you have first opportunity to see it Go to .minecraft/config/ic2/shaped_recipes.ini, find recipe with lumberWood (there is one with rotor), remove or comment out, restart, voila: every plank have 19 or 20 recipes instead of 2. God of Randomness know, what else is messed up, I reported this problem on IC2 forum, hope that they can fix it.
  8. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Thanks IjuanGB, you spotted seriously bug, I'm now trying what is responsible for, IC2 is suspected because problem is solved without this mod (however I removed two other IC2 dependants).
  9. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Not leaves, logs have gravity, and when you harvest leaves, logs are falling. Unfortunately, these dropped logs are in cubic form, not TFC "rounded" items, so I decided to change drop to leaves blocks. It is the only method to get leaves blocks, which are useful for improving air quality in mines. I have also willow plantation and there is no problem with getting saplings, one must just harvest carefully, outer leaves blocks rather than those near tree trunk. Could you specify example of such recipes? Usually I'm using oredict, so any plank should be correct. Only long bow need specific planks. Maybe you are looking at recipes with impregnated planks? Insert any plank into barrel with creozote or olive to get impregnated plank.
  10. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    I can't reproduce this bug, alloy furnace works fine, however I got crash during removing foundry hopper.
  11. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Thanks, no problems with recipe makings, rather with some items graphics (sometimes I need to add new item) and with coding - there is special mod for this modpack, to fill some gaps. For example, I want to make something like TFC sluice, but using sulphuric acid instead of water, to leach uranium ore or spodumene. Keeping these ores in wooden barrels filled with sulphuric acid looks weird.
  12. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Of course, OpenComputers and Modular Turrets are next to include, I already made some preparations, your thoughts about these silicon wafers are accurate
  13. Thatch Placement Bug

    Are you trying to place it in water? BTW, consider update of TFC and Forge.
  14. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Also check TFPPHelper mod, should be v.04
  15. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    Seems that you forgot to update mod folder. Delete tfcprimitive mod v.02 and replace with v.03
  16. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    New version 1.34 is available. Besides of new TFC Primitive Technology mod and some fixes and recipe tweaks, I changed simple Achievements mod to Achivements Books mod - the latter one works properly on SMP, each player can have own diary, not a common one. For those wondering how to make ship block, IHL manual book is not craftable, but is added to zombie engineer and zombie messenger drop list. Such approach is to avoid players making long bridges from cheap tiny ship blocks, which can levitate (not only a cheat, but also would lag a server). No need to wipe worlds, just type /nml confirm on server start.
  17. Primitive Technology TFC add-on mod

    I can consider faster draw or/and higher damage, but I don't want to ruin game balance. I assumed slingshot as simple cheap "hit and run" weapon rather than strong offensive weapon, the main clue is to use it against skeletons, when melee weapon is not accessible (skeleton is in water or deep in a cave/ravine), because skeletons are immune on arrow/javelins. But I'm not asking about ideas, rather how to code it and keep mod simply, without messing with ASM. My idea is to extend firestarter and flint&steel class to force creating custom firepits. Such firepit would explode if water block is detected nearby. Not sure if it is possible (I need to check how often firepit is updating itself). Such approach would help to fix other problems, for example TFC firepit doesn't accept straw or other materials. Also production of ashes would be more natural, just as a side effect of the wood burning, instead of strange "heat up a twig".
  18. Pit kiln not lighting (solved)

    Press Q key.
  19. Pit kiln not lighting (solved)

    Try harder, there is only a small chance to catch fire from single firestarter action. Or just drop one torch on pile. It is easier.
  20. Living on the edge

    Fortunately I found normal Garnierite vein and was able to prepare more amounts of improved steel. I started preparations to build railway line between my north and south proprietaries. Bridges must to be strong enough, because blocks can fall down. Meanwhile I decided to expand my factory, I underestimated how much place is needed to operate all devices. I decided to left small patio surrounded by buildings, instead of one large square building, which would cause some issues with roof collapsing.
  21. Living on the edge

    I would like to share my adventures during trial run of my TerraFirmaProgresivePack. This game is in pure survival mode, no cheats/creative/peaceful helpers (the only cheat is Reis Minimap with radar enabled, but I need it to control custom spawning of creatures). My creations are rather ugly, because I was focused on their functional purposes (and trying to survive). I chose to play seed 8324927933154456079, with spawn located in subtropical acacia jungle. It was rather hard to survive, especially because spawn was located at the top of a trees - it hurts! There was very thin layer of soil covering basalt or shale solid rock, therefore I was unable to dig trenches. I cut some trees and run along the beach seeking some drinkable water. I found a pond adjacent to hot springs, not fat from the sea and with some lava fissures nearby and spectacular lava fall. Spot was located near the edge of the acacia jungle, wood-less plains and mountains extend in a north direction. There was also clay, but thin layer was exploited quickly and give no possibility to make cover up - therefore I panicked start to throw some logs here and there, creating small, ugly shelter just before dusk. Making temporary shelter from logs was not a good idea - i takes some time (and many stone axes) to disassemble it later (using log heaps and thatch blocks is a batter solution, if you have a little more time), but least I had safe place to make stone tools and pottery. The only animals were pigs and chickens. With fireplace I was able not only to prepare food, but also use ashes to make dirt base liquor, which allow me to prepare leather, unfortunately acacia had no tannin for finishing leather. This wood had also too low temperature to melt sand. I decided to make excursion to the north. I don't have many pictures from the beginning, because I was trying to survive.
  22. Primitive Technology TFC add-on mod

    According to the topic: I already changed rock hardness in my TFPP modpack, because it is strange, that granite or basalt is softer than coal. I like idea with crushing rock with heat, I want to utilise it in my PrimitiveTechnology mod, for example if water is flushing a firepit, small explosion is created. It would help in initial stages of the game, especially in servers, when players are frustrated because all nuggets are exhausted, and they can only look helplessly at exposed ores. I'm not sure how to code such feature. Make special bucket which can be used to flush TFC firepit, or create custom fire starter and custom firepit, which can detect flowing water? Meanwhile I released v.1.00.03 with ceramic bricks and wooden mace added.
  23. Maybe this is your answer:
  24. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    No need to wipe, I'm still using my old worlds in SP and MP.
  25. WIP [TFC-0.79.29] TerraFirmaProgressivePack

    After many days of testing and tweaking, I present new version of TFPP: 1.30. Two new mods are introduced: Hardcore Darkness and Enviromine. Hardcore Darkness make real black darkness during new moon or in caves, no gamma cheating. But thanks to the Dynamic Lights mod, no need to put torches everywhere, you can carry torch as portable light, you can also drop torch to enlighten cave or ravine bed. You can also use Hard Hat as portable light source, very convenient during mining when you cannot keep torch in hand. Enviromine brings some challenges to the game: Sanity decreases, when was hurt or exposed to the monsters in dark caves, it will recover during day if you see open sky, you can also drink alcoholic beverages or lemonade to recover your sanity (remember, don't overdose alcohol). Air quality decreases, when fire sources, lava or engines are located in enclosed room/cave/mine, if depleted, you will suffocate. You can improve air quality using respirator or placing leaves blocks/saplings. Vertical shaft to the open sky also helps a lot. Block physics affect most of blocks, except TFC igneous rocks, glowstone, vanilla logs (made from olive soaked TFC logs), reinforced foam, railcraft metal platform and some multiblock machines. There are following tiers of block endurance, which affect maximal span of bridge, roof or other hanging structure: 1. sand-like (log pile, pumpkins) 2. loose - 2 blocks span (thatch, cobblestone and smooth stone walls, vanilla cobblestone, mud bricks, clay) 3. average - 4 blocks span (ordinary wood planks, road bricks, sedimentary rocks, smooth stones) 4. strong - 8 blocks span (olive or creosote treated wood planks, stone bricks, vanilla bricks and wool, carpenter blocks, TFC logs, metal structures, concrete etc). Rules of thumb is: cheap/easy bocks are weak, expensive are better. Here is an example: f from bottom left to top right: cobblestone, arched cobblestone, wood planks, arched wood planks, logs, olive treated logs, chalk stone, concrete with different configurations. Note, that above spans in tier list are for single lane of blocks, wide/thick structure is stronger. For example, thicker bridge can have larger span between supports, and making arches would save some building material: Of course Enviromine physics is not applied to the block already handled by TFC physics, such gravel, cobblestone, dirt, and ignenous rocks. I tested it both in singleplayer and multiplayer mode and it works fine.