Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by vgcatsfan

  1. Use shears to craft wool into carpets!

    +1 on idea +9001 on the gemstone smiley idea
  2. Things That Are Too Easy

    4. I already kind of covered this above, but killing things is actually very easy once you catch up to them. The flaw here isn't in how easy it is to kill, but how slowly the animals run away, and how they don't run from you when they smell you. These are being changed, however, and the default passive mobs are being changed into more aggresive, non domesticated mobs, who will fight back, so your wish is kind of being granted. wait i get to see (vgcatsfan was killed by a pig/chicken/cow) if so i'm happy.
  3. stay away from the zinc mines they need a new flooring so there not a iemeat danger of fall to falling damage death or lava
  4. lol if i had 100$ i'd donate it to ya we need it to be 20 players at the lease
  5. how big are we going to make the town? and i can't get on the server now...
  6. i made 10 pro picks(heads) so we can find metals soonar or latter. also what is the geral idea of houseing? are we going to build just one giant building appartment to live in? or make a small town that grows bigger? i've aways been a get ready for the later times kind of person (better safe then sorry has saved me alot of times in mc) so thats why i'm asking.
  7. i have joined to help out
  8. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    i think i got a basic idea done. just got to upload it.
  9. Furniture?

    i have a mod downloaded but not used that lets you make furniture like tables/chairs/drapes/a friege-freazer combo/desks/drawrs and all that fun stuff but it all uses vanilla stuff to make and i have no clue if it work with terrafima anyways
  10. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    i'm going to try to make the 10+ block high mob useing a chisle in game now to see if i can make it :3
  11. Animals dont drop anything

    i hope so i think my avatar is sick to death of eggs by now
  12. About construction changes possibility

    i agree with jed allways wary allways careful and better safe then sorry
  13. Bushes?

    pricked to death=catus spines killing you
  14. mob drops question

    i just remembered that certan mobs have a "rare" drop chance and i was wondering if they still do have this chance to drop there rare drop (zombies droping iron ingots/swords/helms) if so theres our way of getting buckets.
  15. regrowing leaves

    i was trying to think up any kind of way that a tree farm could be a useable idea to get the logs needed for crafting/house build/charcoal makeing but with how saplings like to rarely spawn out of a broken leave block i thought what if the leave blocks could grow back if left alone. they could not grow that far away from the trunk of a tree maybe just 2-4 blocks away left/right and only 1 block up/down(i'd take screen shots but there to big
  16. Basic protection/armor

    chain male armmor i thought was a good agenst crushing/horrable agenst percing damages.(a warhammer/battleaxe/2h sword would not be abble to do much but a dagger/spear/arrows would get to flesh and bone easyer) also how hard would it be to implment the tools to have some kind of damange? i want to ba abble to easely kill monsters with a pickaxe/hatchet/chisle
  17. Mod compatibility wishlist

    i'm useing smart movement backpacks and somia.
  18. What would you find in the dungeons?

    yes and even more yes this is a god send idea to add even more so with servers to use these on.
  19. Multiplayer Ideas

    maybe make coins out of bronze/silver/gold? or make mobs drop coins that can be picked up(only hostal mobs)
  20. Multiplayer Ideas

    there are server plugins for currency and i think one that lets mob's drop money when killed.(if they would work with terrafirma)
  21. Agriculture and Livestock

    well if we go with diffrent crops we could put it to where we need to swich out what crop we grow where because of nutrishion for the crops has changed in the ground.
  22. tree chopping

    to be honest i agree with alex. finding a very tall tree and not being abble to get the leaves on it is just annoying.
  23. Agriculture and Livestock

    i could see it now being killed by a heard of cows for attacking one. maybe make there eyes go red. i can also see it on a server XD vgcatsfan was a victom of a stampide. vgcatsfan slipped while grabing the bull by the horns. a cow sat on vgcatsfan. or for a death by chicken. the spy chicken assassinated vgcatsfan (insert ledgon of zelda death by cuccos here)
  24. Tools Availability

    i like this idea. i know that sdk's gun mod+ultilys had a item you put on the wall that would let you put items on it.