Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Road_Kill

  1. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    Nickname in Minecraft: Ruhl4 Age:15 Location:AUS Fluent english: Yes What a perfect server for you would be like: to work, help and meet people of the server What you would bring to our cozy little community: Anything from building to farming ~ Ruhl4
  2. God-tier songs

    I'll start off. That is all.
  3. Dead body [idea for TFC]

    The pile of bodies made by a griefer at spawn might cause a crash or two.
  4. enchanting like diablo 2

    While I did enjoy Diablo 2's enchanting, this is not Diablo 2. Gem-encrusted weapons tend to not set things on fire in reality (inb4 shitstorm), and socketing weapons in Diablo required dragon scales or something, which there is a lack of in TFC.
  5. Dead body [idea for TFC]

    USE THE SEARCH BAR DAMMIT This is alright in theory, but it has too much potential for spawn-killing, especially on MP. The pile of entities could end up crashing the server.
  6. Vegetarian TFC

    Goddamnit, we need berry bushes. And the ability to make more appealing recipes than soups.
  7. Moving water blocks

    I can make long channels to moisten my crops by digging a 2x2 shaft and continually keep placing water in there until it's full. When winter comes, I smash the ice and the water turns to source blocks (and keep my crops moist).
  8. As you made a new tool and all, I imagine you are planning on making more wooden things. Props to you if you make a dugout canoe from multiple logs.
  9. Two small things to make stuff more realistic

  10. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    My timezones +10, so on the best of times I'll only be around for 3 hours.
  11. I probably won't be in until the servers updated, but: My in game name is ruhl4 Age group is teens My time zone is +10 (Strayan)
  12. Old Aquor Thread, please ignore.

    When its updated to the latest fix again, add me: ruhl4 Y'know, if the server isn't dead.
  13. Monster balance

    Monsters are getting the boot, to be replaced by more believable night-time friends, like wolves and bears.
  14. Cheese

    Stomachs would be good for stone age cheeses, but I'd like to see some more advanced versions of it later in game.
  15. Musical items...

    Maybe have a UI that doesn't obscure vision too much, but still allows you to pluck strings/tap drum etc... Either that, or make it keyboard controlled, ie 'a' for an A note, 'b' for a B note. Let us play songs and make money!
  16. Does this modify any game files? If so, run for it, dunk is against add-ons that change TFC code. If not, well done!
  17. Dung, sugarcane and a roof over your head

    Getting dung would be nice. I'd like to see how players would deal with too much of it. However, a house made completely out of dung is quite silly (and stinky). A mix of clay, water, reeds/straw and dung would be a suitable solution, however, very similar to Sumerian brick composition.
  18. Brewing in TFC - SPOILERS

    Potatoes make good ol' vodka. Any prizes? On the topic of easter eggs, what is the unnamed brown block in the creative menu?
  19. Hey everyone this is ruhl4 here I am look for new people to join my town and if you are new I or XioXio729 will help you learn how the mod works. I have 2 spare house up for grabs(that are free of course) I have no towny here because is is hard to work and is bugging out for me See XioXio729 or me Ruhl4 to join us ~ruhl4
  20. TT can u add my city to the front page pls thx ~ruhl4
  21. hi this is Wornox using this account atm and i would like to join this server to play the ruhl4 and look at new game play and explore the new world of TFC. Wornox
  22. Chainmail

    IF the weight effects are actually added, chainmail would be a lighter but weaker alternative for archers and light infantry.
  23. Brewing and beverages

    That works for wines, but not for beers.
  24. I had a streak of 17 hours. When I found gabbro underground.
  25. Hidden Fun Stuff

    ADD DWARVES. This mod is apparently based on dwarf fortress? Make dwarves rarely spawn in caves, where they eat and sleep for days on end and whine about the lack of booze.