Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Canoes

    Not moving sail boats was something that I would agree with. It makes sense but that's not why I agree with it. Adding a feature just because it's realistic is silly, but I think in this PARTICULAR case, it might be interesting. It might encourage players to build a dock or possibly a miniature port on a server.
  2. Canoes

    I think the ability to add a chest might be what separates a sail boat if it were added from a canoe.
  3. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    This is usually because silica has a low heat capacity compared to water, which deserts have very little of. Heat capacity is also why oceans don't usually freeze. Might see about implementing that in some way.
  4. Tomato fix (fruit not vegetable)

    Before someone else jumps down your throat about this with personal opinions about the use of either a pragmatic or literal definition of "fruit", it's not going to happen, and that's something we both have to deal with.
  5. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    I think one of the important things for body temperature is a proper UI so that players can easily keep track of it. Easiest solution I think would be to have an indicator in one corner of the screen with a symbol in it. It would have to be able to communicate all relevant information, such as the air temperature (ie whether it's cold, warm or comfortable) and whether you're currently able to withstand it. Maybe a little box with a snowflake if it's particularly cold, a little flame if it's particularly warm and like a smiley face if it's comfortable. By default, a green border around this symbol would indicate that you are able to withstand the temperature comfortably and for a long time. A yellow border would indicate that you're a little uncomfortable but that you're not in any immediate danger. An orange border would mean "This isn't fun and you should probably fix this". A red border would mean "stop what you're doing and deal with this NOW". I say "default" because I know some people find green and red a little difficult to distinguish, so there might be a config option for it.
  6. Reflections on suggestions

    Suggestions certainly do have an impact. (Also, good to see you Jed) Just recently, canoes and a change to the shears recipe have got the go-ahead to move into prototyping to see if they work as a valid feature. Both came out of the suggestions forum.
  7. Diminishing animals

    Pictures please. Did you wait 3 months? It takes that long for them to grow up. I've tracked down a bug that might be contributing to this, but it shouldn't have that much of an impact.
  8. They have 3 to 7 babies.
  9. Body Temperature Mechanics and Implementation

    I'm going to post the current concept for body temperature here. (not in any small part so that i can look at it again when I'm not at work >.>) Body temperature will take a number of aspects into account. Specifically, temperature-related clothing modifiers, clothing moisture, "environment" heat capacity, environmental temperature, player activity. To explain what these mean, Clothes will have two types of modifiers a heat-control modifier and a cold-control modifier. These modify how well the player is able to stabilize their body temperature. Wool will have a moderate cold-control modifier which means you can wear it in the cold to avoid getting too cold, however excessive cold will still be a problem. For this, you would need to use fur clothing (the current model is that you're merely wrapping yourself in furs). Fur clothing therefore does not need to be crafted. Fur clothing has a high cold-control modifier but a negative heat-control modifier. If you wear it when it's not cold, you risk getting too hot. No other cloth types are currently confirmed, but it's likely that straw clothes will be added. Straw clothes are very basic and only provide a small heat-control modifier, however the straw hat protects players from the sun. More on this later. Clothing moisture: if clothing items enter the water or the player is wearing them and the player enters the water, the clothing will become wet. When clothes are wet and the environment isn't incredibly wet (essentially, it's not ridiculously humid and/or the player isn't in the water), the player will cool down much faster. The rate is somewhat relative to the difference in temperature between the environment and the player and the difference in moisture between the player and the clothing. If it's cold and you're soaking wet, you're going to have a bad time. However, in the heat it may be nice. - Player Moisture: player moisture is also affected by jumping in the water, however it's easier to manage. If the player is wet, they can put on dry clothes to dry themselves off. Environment Heat Capacity: this is pretty minor, and is just the difference between air and water. 20 C water is much different than 20 C air. Environment Temperature: this is pretty straight forward. There's a range of temperatures within which players can regulate their body temperature reasonably well. Clothing modifiers can expand this range. If the air temperature is outside of your manageable range, you begin to either heat up or cool down. When it's warm, being in the sun is makes the player warm up faster. Wearing a straw hat or underneath another block can block this effect. Standing near a lit firepit, forge or other source of heat will begin to return the player's temperature to it's normal state. Hot springs will warm the player up nicely, but will also wet them. Best practice would be remove clothing before jumping in and putting it back on when getting out. Not currently clear how to dry clothes off. To take it all together, clothing makes it easier for the player to adjust to different temperatures. Moisture affects how the player heats or cools. This is mostly just conceptual and not well designed.
  10. Oxygen and Height

    On earth, temperature decreases linearly for the first 11 km or so as you go up, and this is the area I wanted to replicate. I think the actual calculations try to mimic the temperature change between sea level and 2.5 km on earth between TFC's sea level and the world height of 255 blocks, but instead of doing this linearly (as it would get weirdly cold a few blocks above the ocean) it does so quadratically. Each block represents more distance as you go up, which is why in Etho's video the temperature was getting colder faster as he went up. Oxygen might be a factor, but it shouldn't cause any problems: "However, most people can ascend to 2,400metres (8,000ft) without difficulty."
  11. Is this a bug?

    then there's no risk
  12. Shears recipe

    iron shears. no other metals. stop discussing it. Clothing is for body temperature regulation.
  13. Ocean Freezing

    The oceans freeze at -2 C which is the same temperature they freeze in real life. Haven't you heard of the polar ice caps? The north one is entirely sea water. Normally, oceans don't freeze because they have such a high heat capacity, it takes a LOT of cold to cool the whole thing down enough to freeze it. TFC can't properly simulate that, so it freezes at -2 C.
  14. Hardcore Quest Mode in TFC. What do u think?

    Forgecraft related mods are a lot easier for us to associate with since bioxx and I were invited by pahimar to the server / community, so HQM is one of the easier things we could work with.
  15. Canoes

    This is a problem. Also, once body temperature is implemented, you MAY want to think twice about jumping into the ocean in the winter...
  16. Canoes

    I hope you guys don't want cloth physics. Besides, bioxx and I were talking about sail boats a while back and we looked into how sailing works and it's pretty complicated :/ Adjusting the sail, using the rudder... I guess we DO have most of the materials... Cloth, rope, planks... If they were added, there'd have to be some limitations to them for sure... For starters, no picking them up. They'd probably have to be built at or very near the water. No ramming them into blocks, that'd damage them... Probably have to weigh anchor or tie them to a post to steady them. Next, how do you sit in one? are you locked into a seat or can you move around? Can you put other entities in them and how would that interfere with the boom? How do you adjust the boom and rudder? Will it end up being an ugly mechanic? The angle of the boom looks like 38 degrees for all points of sail except with the wind, which has it at 13 degrees. Math time If we call the angle of the boat's heading perpendicular from the wind directionλ(lambda) and the angle of the boom perpendicular to the windθ(theta), the velocity of the wind as V, then we can see that the magnitude of velocity in the direction of the boat's heading is equal to cos(λ)V / tan(θ). (I think). The no-go zone makes sense if the angle of the sail is 38 degrees, as it means that the boat is unable to sail when the angle of the boat is closer to against the wind than the boom is. As far as controls, let's just say that [a] and [d] control the rudder and that [w] and control the boom? That could probably work. Having other entities is I guess another thing to consider. Maybe a way to move animals over the ocean? As for building, I think it's a little difficult. Having individual "parts" crafted and assembled just sounds messy. What about a "boat builders' bench". You place it next to the water and right click to open its UI. The interface has a number of slots for items with associated ship parts and item quantities, such as "Hull", "Deck", "Mast", "Sail", "Rigging", "Rudder", "Keel", and "Boom". Possibly more. Once you have the required items, you place a saw and a hammer in two tool slots (like the anvil). And then for each piece you can do a mini-game that operates similar to the anvil, but where the theme is cutting and attaching planks together. Not sure how this would work, but it would be possible to mess up. No cooling metal though. Once you've constructed all the parts, it'll just assemble them into your boat in the water and there you go. The sailboat would require planks and saws obviously as opposed to the canoe. It would be more difficult to steer, especially upwind but wouldn't require constant paddling like a canoe and could go much faster. THIS is just an idea. Discuss it, talk about it, whatever but don't assume this is happening.
  17. Is this a bug?

    The reason that alloys don't split into their components is 2-fold. First, it would make the more advanced alloys rather complex and second, that we would have to record data on the exact metal ratio for the alloy. Using the average won't work, for example if a player had only enough cassiterite to make 5 ingots at 8% tin : 92% copper (ie 40 units of tin), they could take the bronze out and then put it back into the crucible where it would now register as 50 units of tin to which they could add more copper until they had slightly more than 5 ingots of bronze. They could repeat this process to stretch those 40 units of tin as far as they liked. Storing the alloy ratio isn't impossible per se, but it would complicate some things such as ingot piles.