Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Is this a bug?

    Some of the late game alloys are alloys of multiple alloys. If we split alloys into their components, the recipes would get very complicated.
  2. B79 provides an update for the tips ......

    Is it possible to get someone in here who can help him communicate his thoughts better? Google translate isn't very reliable.
  3. [Solved] Why can't i check nutrients with my hoe?

  4. Shears recipe

    Shears probably wouldn't be required for clothing making, but I'm sure most tailors would tell you they prefer to work with scissors than with a knife when cutting fabric.
  5. Nocturnal Animals

    It's not necessarily you that the animals want, it's probably your food. Whether you have a problem with THEM is the issue.
  6. Canoes

    I never liked vanilla boats anyway. Whoever heard of a [steerable] boat without a motor, sail, or paddle? How about this: scrap the vanilla boats entirely. Place 3 logs down on the ground (sideways, lining up). Right click on [the top of] one with an axe, it creates a hollow across them down the middle (also shaves the front and back to be more pointed). Keep doing this until you get a full dugout. Craft a log, knife and stick into a paddle. Break dugout, get canoe. Place in water. Get in boat. Press shift to sit down (shift again to stand up). While sitting, press right click to paddle on the right side, left click to paddle on the left. If you paddle right, you turn left and vice-versa. Maybe allow up to two players to sit in it. Alone, click left-right-left-right to go straight. Two players could just pick a side each. In a canoe, the person sitting at the back steers. Additionally, holding either clicking option holds the paddle in the water. This creates a lot of drag on that side. If you hold the paddle on the left side of the boat, you turn left sharply but also cut most of your speed. Right click while standing to get out. Left click while standing to hit someone with your paddle (if you feel like going for a swim, that is). This is an idea. This isn't [necessarily] going to happen. I'd have to talk to bioxx about it first. He liked it. Now onto the next step: figuring out whether it has a use / how well we can implement it. If it's a hassle, it may be scrapped.
  7. 'Pest' AI for deer

    It might need some balancing for wild crops, but it's probably doable.
  8. Green Evergreens

    They [the evergreens] still turn brown? Damn. That should only be happening when it gets dry.
  9. Nocturnal Animals

    Skeletons aren't so different that they need to have an animal made to replace them.
  10. Shears recipe

    If this is added, shears will be made from iron. Knife shearing won't be removed either. Shears may also get a use in a future clothing-making mechanic.
  11. TerraFirma+ : Animals & Carts

    Wild animals won't be "useless", but if you try to kill them, they'll get pissed off and try to kill you back. You can probably still shear sheep etc, but they'll grow wool more slowly, cows will give less meat and produce milk less often, pigs will be vicious, etc. Domesticating isn't as easy as just breeding two animals. You have to find out which animals are less aggressive (not easy when starting out but there IS a way to do it that's already been discussed with Bioxx) and then after that, the resulting baby has to pass a series of checks (through out its adolescence) for nearby players to decide that it's comfortable around people. If you can manage this, you can get a domesticated animal. Breeding that animal with a wild animal won't guarantee you a domesticated baby, so you'll probably have to keep your genetic line clean. Once you get a breeding pair, you can start making animals that are a lot easier to take care of. Something of note is that individual animals will have different characteristics that make them better or worse at certain things. Docility is the primary trait when getting domestic animals, but others may give much more useful animals.
  12. Scythe work

    aw look at you... posting on my birthday I don't think the scythe should be a weapon, its good at cutting grain, but has the disadvantage of having the blade on the inside: whatever you hit with it will get yanked towards you, and if you don't kill whatever that thing is, you've now got a very angry something invading your personal space. On that note, machetes might be a scythe-sword crossover
  13. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    Mechanical power satisfies the need for processes to happen at a more industrial scale: grinding grain into flour for hundreds or thousands of mouths. Sawing the planks to build homes for your people. Hauling the tonnes of ore from your mine. We just don't have the demand for the expense required. You don't NEED a huge wind-powered milling machine when you can just click a quern a few times and get all the flour you can use.
  14. Traps

    They did initially, but it's since been changed with custom AI to attempt to better move away from the problem. However, mobs have a hardcoded pathing algorithm. I've thus far been unable to decouple them from it or switch them over to something else, which means all i can do is tell them to "walk towards this location". How they actually do that is determined by the vanilla code, which can lead to circles and issues when they get stuck. As for animal breeding, that is planned, if it can be properly balanced. I'd have to do more tests and crunch some numbers though. It's one of the challenges players will have when attempting to selectively breed animals: the animals may not necessarily agree. Unlike vanilla, TFC is quite alright with events happening while the player hasn't loaded a chunk. All we need to know is how long the chunks been unloaded and we can do a few quick calculations to determine what's happened in that time. If an animal has on average a 5% of mating on a given day and you leave for 4 days, it'll just do a little math to check if it got pregnant, and on which day and act like it happened while you were gone (ie it might be a day or two into the pregnancy when the chunk loads) Ideally, wild animal breeding would be such that the animal populations would remain stable amongst wolves picking off a few and players taking the odd meaty meal. Over reliance on animals will certainly lead to population declines and the larger ones can't be easy to kill. As for small game, their populations are far too large to actually have an individual entity for each one. Instead, it's easier to have the number of game animals in a chunk stored separately. We can have "instances" of these animals appear from time to time; maybe you see a rabbit dart behind a tree, but you won't be able to catch it, and as soon as it's out of your field of view, it will despawn. The likelihood of a game animal appearing would be relative to the number of them in the area. If there were traps, you'd set one up and leave. While you're gone, it'll just do some random checks to see if you catch anything. In the end, the game feels like it has rabbits in it: you can see them (albeit briefly). You can catch them and eat them, but behind the scenes it's a much lighter load on the game.
  15. Water Pump the TFC Way edited again

    minecraft doesn't like diagonals
  16. Woven Grass

    I think the early stone age is too short to squeeze another tech level inside it.
  17. Shears recipe

    Bioxx and I both like the 2 knife blade recipe for shears.
  18. Explosives, a use for gunpowder.

    TNT is made with vanilla sand, which you can't get.
  19. How to show support for suggestions?

    The old format of the forums used to display a list of who had liked a post next to it's like button. I've always missed that feature..
  20. Sanity implimentation

    Maybe just go play don't starve :/
  21. A New Brewmastery Skill!

    Certainly enthusiasm here, but I think it's a bit too much depth for one aspect of the game. It's just not what we want to focus on. Cooking, smithing, agriculture... All are important aspects of the game vital [or extremely helpful] for gameplay. Brewing is more esoteric; it's for fun and isn't meant to spend any more time in the limelight than it has now. There just isn't the depth and breadth to warrant it.
  22. Costum Year lenght.

    I thought i noticed nights being warmer than dies back when i wrote the climate code, but i dismissed it as nothing. Maybe it's time to look at it again. And yes, each day has a slightly adjusted temperature.
  23. Flux! and 2x Ingot Storage?

    hehe, yeah I added that after this thread originally died
  24. Mechanical Power. Doing things Better, Faster

    Steam power isn't happening because I couldn't come up with legit ways to use it. Things in TFC don't come cheap... The pipes were shaping up to be ~1 sheet per unit, so it would get expensive pretty fast, not to mention managing the fuel in the furnace. I couldn't come up with a solid way to make it all worth it. Steam engines are good at rotating things, and since blocks are stationary, that probably means operating a wheel, conveyor belt or something of that nature. Implementing THAT would mean adding water wheels or wind wheels, and then we have to differentiate between what you can't do with those that you CAN with steam power. Steam power was looking like the end-game content of a complex feature that didn't exist yet. Bioxx's original design for TFC has it working with other mods like railcraft or some other similar mod, with TFC operating as the base game and the other mods supplying things to build and do with its resources. In that world, TFC has none of it's own end-game content, and so steam power had to go.
  25. Missing Blocks/Chunk Generation

    The only blocks that are showing up are gravel, wood, torches, sugarcane, leaves, and water, in other words, modified vanilla blocks. I would agree with kitty; the most likely cause is the server thinks it's running a vanilla world.