Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dunkleosteus

  1. I'm baaaack!

    They're unable to leave, as I talk to both of them daily outside of the forums. They couldn't get away even if they wanted to >: )
  2. Transportation Infrastructure

    That isn't wrong, but we can go back on our word too There was discussion a while back about horses and carts. Wheels certainly do better on flat surfaces, and not so well on 1 metre cliffs. If they get added to the game, roads may have a purpose, if not as an explicit structure, but that running carts over stone or cobblestone might be faster than dragging them over grass, dirt or sand.
  3. Support Beams not supporting?

    I believe this happens because walking on grass that has an air block under it has a small chance of converting the grass into dirt and falling. I think this process supersedes the support calculations, which is why having two layers of dirt would work: the bottom dirt is already being held by the support beam and the grass block won't turn into dirt when there is dirt beneath it.
  4. Some companion mods suggestions

    Those things aren't mutually exclusive >.>
  5. Ranching: tending to your animals

    The reason is to help balance animals. Pigs produce a lot of babies, and if you can't handle that, you shouldn't be able to keep them. If they only get thin, you can still stock up as many as you like, and then simply fatten the ones you want to kill. If they don't die, they don't solve the problem we're trying to rectify.
  6. Frames and Plaster (scaffolding and building block)

    We're not going to add a block with an incorrect recipe just to use a material. It feels shoddy and half-assed. The block won't be added for wool, but if you feel like changing your original post to use plaster instead, we can continue the discussion.
  7. Armor Compatibility

    As kitty said, the quiver was implemented quickly for b78, as it was easier to squeeze it into the old armor calculations and rendering than to create a brand new section of the inventory and player rendering. However, this is what will be done for b79.
  8. TFC/BTW Collab?

    uh... >.> erm... maybe not hold us to the stuff we say so much...
  9. Buckets and fishing

    Assuming Bioxx hasn't already scrapped it (which I think would be pretty dumb, as it worked quite well and there's really no need to scrap features just because they aren't yours), I had a nice mechanic working for fishing in which you had to cast out a line and reel the fish in. It was actually pretty fun, and made fishing feel more rewarding. I tweeted about it a month or two back, around May 9. Go check it out
  10. Ranching: tending to your animals

    In response to older conversation: it's not that I can't code poop, it's that I don't want it in the game. It was my least favourite part of BTW, although I'm afraid we might have to add it eventually, I'd prefer to avoid it. For the time being: no. As eternalundeath mentioned, I have talked about this in more detail in his thread. Animals will most likely need to be fed in order to survive. Check out my post there for more information.
  11. Frames and Plaster (scaffolding and building block)

    I feel i should mention that those walls are made of plaster, not wool.
  12. Can't craft a book

    Must have been changed since I saw the code then
  13. Prospecting Pick.

    I'll just answer this now to clear up any confusion. First: the pro-pick doesn't use a "radius", per se. The 12 block range equates to a scan area of a 25x25x25 space with the block you click on at the very centre. The reading you get back will either be a false negative or will count the number of blocks within that scan that are ore blocks of whichever type that block will tell you (there may be multiple ore types in the scan, but the one it displays will be random) The level (traces, small, medium, etc) is exactly related to the number of ore blocks located in the scan. Traces could be as few as 1 block, large is much higher. They are discrete, so they never overlap. A medium sample is at LEAST 1 greater than a small sample. I won't give you the exact numbers, but I will say that "very large" has no upper limit, every number above a certain value is considered "very large"
  14. Plans

    Sounds like a rewrite of the original code :/ it wouldn't be quick, and it would be ugly.
  15. Can't craft a book

    Just did it quickly correction: it's 1 stack of 3 paper and a leather. you have to have 3 paper, but only one will be used
  16. Disappearing Helmets!

    It's because of the quivers, and we know why. We're working on a fix for b79
  17. TFC/BTW Collab?

    he's practically the dead sea.
  18. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    Kitty, I'm aware that if I want something done differently, I have to do it myself. I never expected you or bioxx to just listen to me and do what i said. We already have salt and water barrels, it's just a few lines of code to brine olives.
  19. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    If you have to process them, you have to process them, or we eat them raw. Don't use a cop out just because it's a little more difficult.
  20. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    took me a long time to find any sort of reference to unbrined olive nutrition, but it seems you're right, their natural sodium content is quite low.
  21. [Solved] Chalcolithic Achievement not working

    the ingot-tool casting is really only still in the game to allow players to cast metals that they smelted previously. I guess we could add the achievement to the ingot mold as well :/
  22. I can't dig clay with a shovel.

    all blocks are a lot harder than in vanilla, breaking dirt by hand in TFC takes longer than breaking stone by hand in vanilla, so you should remember that "slow" doesn't necessarily mean "as slow as it could be". Clay doesn't have a 100% drop rate either.
  23. More stable straw

    The difference between those is usually whether I'm pretty sure I know how to implement it (which I am). If I can find the time, it'll be for b79.
  24. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    I don't eat maple syrup because it makes me sick! Canadianism is a way of life rather than a state of physical being. All you gotta do is come here, act nice, and shovel your driveway
  25. Need Help Adjusting Flavor Profiles

    hey, I'm in Toronto