Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by dunkleosteus

  1. Sticks

    I'd have to disagree strongly with the last one. That is entirely what consultants are for.
  2. Sticks

    I really like the way you've phrased that. We have certainly been inspired by the suggestions forum in the past, and probably will in the future. I like to start discussions about the design of features when the community proposes them and to suggest ways that features may be implemented in the game. The forums are a great source of data about what the community thinks is right or wrong with the game, and I think it's been incredibly useful.
  3. Sticks

    I really do like the stick bundle idea as a fuel. I'd have to talk to bioxx about it though.
  4. anvil progression - limited facing upgrades?

    You can think of the anvil as the price of advancing to the next tier of metal- a price refundable once you've moved beyond it and have a crucible. Given that copper and bronze tools can be cast, I don't think it's necessary to do this. The wrought iron anvil is the first anvil which you'd need to make before making any tools of that metal tier and the player should be sufficiently equipped with bronze tools that this shouldn't be a hindrance- bronze is good just not AS good. If metal casting wasn't implemented, I'd be more inclined to agree that it was unfair to have such a heavy toll just to start working with metals. However given that it does exist, I don't feel anvils are unfairly expensive.
  5. Counting Thread

  6. Dunk On steam workshop?

    If I played counter strike, I would require that texture
  7. Counting Thread

    GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glrotatef(180,0,0,1); 911 GL11.glPopMatrix();
  8. Ridiculous Suggestions

  9. Not many people appreciate it, but if you get into +Z coordinate areas, you're in the southern hemisphere and the seasons are reversed from the default northern-hemisphere spawn, so you have summer in january
  10. Counting Thread

  11. [Solved] Unable to breed wolves in TFC Multiplayer?

    Interesting, let me do a quick check of the code. Alright, for the most part, it seems to be working the same way as the other animals, but I think I found something that might cause issues to arise: when the babies are born, they are instantly tamed and the owner is set to the player who owns the mother. These babies won't be sitting as their mother likely was. I think the issue might be related to them teleporting towards their mother's owner and possibly dying in some way because of it.
  12. mobs yes or no

    If you don't know how to play, it'll probably be pretty difficult whether mobs are there or aren't. Poke around, see what you can learn and then give it a shot with mobs on. If you don't think it's fun or you can't get very far, turn them off while you get used to the game. It's primarily a survival mod, so I think it's more fun with mobs on, but it might be a bit much right off the bat.
  13. Disappearing ceramic vessels

    I couldn't say for sure, but I think this might be related to a desync or lag. I've had vessels pop up after being placed due to a desync and it looks deceptively similar to a placed vessel, which can be difficult to notice. Beyond items not making it into vessels in the first place and vessels not making it into a block, I can't see how this could be happening, although that may just indicate a deeper issue with the system.
  14. Bear question...

    good question. I hope so
  15. Sugar from different sources (maple syrup, sugar beet)

    pancakes aren't made from dough, they're made from batter
  16. 'Energy' Nutrition and Hunger changes

    Sounds like you're trying to represent blood sugar. As I understand it, this is sort of deriving the hunger bar, in the same way that the hunger bar was derived from the health bar. Before minecraft was released, food directly replenished your health. The hunger bar inserted another meter which the players instead had to maintain which affected how they healed. This made sense, as food doesn't directly heal people. This seems like the same thing again- food that you've eaten isn't directly consumed by activity, and instead burns energy that you've extracted from the food. The hunger bar is regenerated instantly when food is consumed and heals the player slowly, however when food is consumed IRL, it's not directly converted into usable energy- people don't eat an apple mid-marathon and suddenly realize they can sprint again. I believe that is what this suggestion would replicate, but I wonder if that's really necessary. If it could be done such that it made sense to the player, it offered new and interesting challenges and it's own advantages, I could see it working quite well, but I'm not sure that it does those things. It sounds like just another layer of waiting for bars to replenish.
  17. Ask the person below you

    She is dillegent when it comes to managing bugs, the forums and keeping the wiki up to date. I don't know her well enough in real life to have an honest opinion of her, but I can say that there are many, many people in the world that are worse than she is and few that are better. Do you think it's possible for a person's first serious relationship to work out, and if so, is that healthy? (As in, if you've never experienced the negatives of a break up or a bad relationship, are you missing a key part of emotional growth?)
  18. Sugar from different sources (maple syrup, sugar beet)

    sugarcane definitely needs a rewrrite- that goes without saying. I'm also Canadian, so I can't vote against maple syrup. Not sure what we'd need it for though.
  19. Canoes

    If you read some of my earlier posts, I do say that sail boats will have space to place either a chest or water barrel (or both) if players choose to, but they do leave less room for passengers
  20. Implementing Colored Glass, Stained Glass, and Glassblowing!

    What's this? A first post that is coherent, well spaced, punctuated and thought-out? Good points on all of those, and welcome to the forums. I would certainly like to have glass re-implemented for TFC, but I've yet to come up with a method for glass blowing that i think would represent the process well enough.
  21. Body Temperature: Simplified

    No, the effects of alcohol have been known for a very long time. It's use as a nutritional supplement was marginal, although in England specifically it was very important (although this wasn't understood at the time) because it killed pathogens in the local water. When England culturally shifted towards drinking tea instead, many people began to get sick from the water. A lot of archaeological evidence suggests that ancient peoples were well aware of the effects of alcohol- one hindu text even discusses the adverse effects of alcohol poisoning. Alcohol was also used medicinally, to help people "forget their misery".
  22. Body Temperature: Simplified

    Never said there wouldn't be any positive effects We haven't decided, but it might give some simple bonuses to certain things- alcohol has been consumed for so many thousands of years because it has such an effect on people.
  23. Serious Problems With Foods

    In terrafirmacraft, food is not counted by number of items, but by weight in ounces. The damage bar represents the decay on the food. If you put your mouse over the food, it will tell you how many ounces are in the stack. A stack can contain up to 160 ounces of food. Every time you eat something, it will consume up to 5 oz of food (less if your hunger bar will be filled with less than 5 oz). When you use a knife on decayed food, it will remove the decay. When you use it on non-decayed food, it will split it into small pieces. If two pieces of food have less than 160 oz, you can craft them together to add them together. You can craft as many pieces of food together at the same time as you want. The damage bar was going up as you ate them because you were eating some of the decay off of the food. I hope this helps, and I am locking this thread.
  24. Body Temperature: Simplified

    I'm not sure if alcohol is really the route to go when you're looking to improve your fine motor control...