Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by turtletechy

  1. Lattitude in game?

    I heard from someone on the forum I've been playing on that the world in TerraFirmaCraft generates in a way that colder biomes are closer to the north and south poles, apparently, and warmer nearer to the center. Are these things actually in the terrain generation, or no? Because the wiki is no help, it doesn't say anything as to the terrain, really.
  2. Villages Add-On pack?

    I've wanted to have villagers of some sort around for quite a while. It'd be nice if they would spawn occasionally, with ability to trade, or something along those lines. A few mods I have looked at that would be nice if they had compatibility I think it could work fine if someone were to modify minecolony to allow for the structures to be built with the materials available in TFCraft. EDIT: I have to correct myself, I have found minecolony to be a bit out of date.
  3. Converting Wrought Iron ingots to Vanilla Ingots?

    I don't know how. There is no information on how to do it. I tried putting it into the crafting grid, but that didn't work. EDIT: Its working now. I really don't know what happened to cause an issue.
  4. I know that it should work, but it hasn't worked for me. I don't know if its that I need to further refine a wrought iron ingot into a vanilla iron ingot, or what. But I have it enabled, or so I think. # Configuration file # Generated on 2/9/13 12:03 PM #################### # cavein options #################### "cavein options" { # This number is a 1 in X chance that when you mine a block, a collapse will occur. I:initialCollapseRatio=40 # This is the minimum number of solid blocks that must be over a section in order for it to collapse. I:minimumRockLoad=1 # This number is the likelyhood for each block to propogate the collapse farther. I:propogateCollapseChance=35 } #################### # colornutrienta #################### colornutrienta { I:Alpha=200 I:Blue=36 I:Green=28 I:Red=237 } #################### # colornutrientb #################### colornutrientb { I:Alpha=200 I:Blue=34 I:Green=101 I:Red=242 } #################### # colornutrientc #################### colornutrientc { I:Alpha=200 I:Blue=49 I:Green=148 I:Red=247 } #################### # general #################### general { # This is how many ticks are in a minecraft day. 24000 is a standard MC cycle. Setting to 48000 will double the length of days. I:dayLength=24000 B:enableBetterGrass=true # Set this to true if you want to turn on debug mode which is useful for bug hunting B:enableDebugMode=false # Set this to false if your computer has to run in fast mode and you get lag. This setting forces the sides of grass to render when viewing from the inside. B:enableInnerGrassFix=true B:enableVanillaDiamondRecipe=true B:enableVanillaFurnaceRecipes=false B:enableVanillaGoldRecipe=true B:enableVanillaIronRecipe=true # Set this to true if you need recipes enabled for conversion from TFC to vanilla items. B:enableVanillaRecipes=true # Setting this to false can cause alot of issues when used in SMP. Leave this set to true to prevent issues. B:sendAllNBT=true # This is how many days are in a year. Keep this to multiples of 12. I:yearLength=96 } So if someone can let me know how you do that, it would be great. I really need to be able to get iron for an item in a mod I recently installed.
  5. Villages Add-On pack?

    Good point. But still, compatibility would be nice, it just makes minecraft feel more alive.
  6. List of Mods that go well with TFCraft

    I tried it once. It doesn't work properly. If it did though, that would be the coolest thing for scaling mountains.
  7. List of Mods that go well with TFCraft

    That's a bit different than what I thought to search for. And the fact that its out of date makes all the difference. A few weeks of minecraft dev could mean mods that aren't compatible anymore. And that list is actually pretty inaccurate. I've tried some that it lists as incompatible and they work, however, with some errors. It could be fixed by someone with enough know how as for the errors with Millenaire.
  8. [B75] Surface Ore Vein Near Spawn

    If you could get the locations of some of those things, that would be wonderful. I cannot find any of those things that you described. No visible ores either at that cavern, which is odd, and that is with more than seven tries.
  9. List of Mods that go well with TFCraft

    SMART moving, Zan's minimap (recently updated) , REI's minimap, parachute mod, etc. I've tried it recently. Its awful, you can't find another thread like this. You'd probably be better off randomly going through the old threads.
  10. Map Never Loads

    I've delved a little into this. 1. Are you using the starting chest feature? That's known to cause errors on the first initialization attempt. 2. Have you tried exiting minecraft, starting it again, and loading the world? That fixes these errors roughly 99% of the time.
  11. Villages Add-On pack?

    Not necessarily. I tried out millenaire, but it seems that only a slight modification would be needed to get that to work properly. Millenaire villages were working okay, but some blocks weren't working properly. If someone makes an add-on for that that allows it to use TFCraft blocks, we'd be good to go. The mod in its own right is actually semi-functional with TFCraft at the moment. Just some block errors. You'd probably want to scale down some of the roles of villagers, but other than that, you'd be able to get it to work somewhat.
  12. Villages Add-On pack?

    You didn't understand the title, did you? I was meaning for another user to create an Add-On for TFCraft to allow for this. I know that there are a few people who desire this.
  13. Chainmail

    It would be fairly nice if you could make it have varying damage resistance against different forms of attack. For instance, plate normally protects, but is much more expensive, and has some weakness against very hard attacks that can make it though. Making armor protect based upon durability might be a good option to for plate armor. As for chainmail, it'd use a lot less metal, however, it does take forever to make a set. Plate takes quite a long time too though. Chainmail should probably have best protection against slashing attacks, but some weakness to higher power stabbing attacks, or those with a small projectile or item stabbing. Just my thoughts, however, how easy it could be implemented is not something I know. I'd suspect it wouldn't be that simple.
  14. The OLD Roanoke Thread

    Sorry to troll, but will this be the sort of situation where every resident disappears for no logical reason? That'd be fun. Check your name if you want to see what I'm talking about.
  15. Melting down tools, anvils, etc?

    Sorry, I didn't know it was suggested already. But as I said, if this is something unique at least, make it a process that is NOT lossless. You will get a loss of a bit of metal each time you melt something down, as well as related directly to the durability of a tool, to make it so you can't just melt down a tool to get a totally new one out.
  16. Support beams made sensible

    Honestly, my view on them is this. A beam is a beam, no matter how you paint it up. A horizontal beam is basically the same thing as a vertical beam. For this reason, I see two things that could be done. 1. Make the support beam similar to some tools, in that you set the mode for either horizontal or vertical. 2. Make recipes to convert horizontal to vetical, and vice versa. Honestly, the latter of the two is likely sufficient. It would be a much needed change, for I have run into situations where I need one kind, but only have the other.
  17. Planks and Bricks

    I don't like the idea. I think TFCraft is almost perfect the way it is. Its easy to pick up, seems natural, and is similar enough to vanilla for newbies. I think that things like this could make this mod into a useless thing like that damn BetterThanWolves. Has anyone really used that recently? Probably not. Why? Its too difficult, and the hardcore modes make the gameplay so unnatural that its too much of a pain to do much of anything.
  18. Support beams made sensible

    I prefer to be able to find my way out of my mine though. But I guess at the short term, I could bring a saw and logs. I just wouldn't prefer to do that.
  19. Found Sequoia Sappling

    The only reason I mention this is I remember something on the wiki about Sequoia trees not being capable of having sapplings, only to find one on the ground when travelling through my local forest.
  20. Chainmail

    Exactly. Chain would actually help less than standard plate, as its meant to help defend against slashes from a sword. However, a mace is simply a blunt force weapon, and would affect the body almost as much as it usually would.
  21. TFC Tips and Tricks [B75]

    Tip: Different rock types have different levels of difficulty for mining. It goes in the standard order, as with hardness for knapping.
  22. Found Sequoia Sappling

    Too bad there isn't some dev tool to use to make these things grow automatically. It'd be nice to see if its possible. By growing automatically, I mean have it check all the necessary items except for time for it to grow, and if they are met, it will grow to its full height.
  23. But placement into a rack would be quicker, it would be similar in function to the log piles, only with a visual indication of capacity.
  24. Has anyone else had this happen? I ran into the largest copper ore vein I think I'll ever see. I've already got three double chests of the stuff, and I'm still not done mining it. Anyone else run into similar luck?