Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by cwsager

  1. Age: 18 Minecraft Username: cwsager Why would you like to join?: I just picked up tfc again after a break and I love playing it with others so i can set up a nice trade company to help everyone out What previous experience do you have with TerraFirmaCraft and Minecraft in general?: Ive played on several other servers before such as roanoke is probably one of the main ones ive played on, as for minecraft Ive played several other modpacks with friends throughout the many years of played. Any additional information that would help your case: Not sure what all to put here, I just really hope I can play on this server as I really enjoy playing the game with others and I am tired of playing single player xD Time zone, location, name(*Optional): US Central
  2. Gathering people for build 79 server

    I would love to be included in on this Dibs on any snowy area
  3. Username: cwsager Age: 18 Location: Texas Why do you like to play TFC? I love the hardcore, survival feel. Why do you want to join? I wish to create a town and play tfc with others. What will you add to the server? Hopefully a trading city for those looking to trade goods in exchange for others
  4. Application 1 In game Name cwsager 2 Age 18 3 Name Colton 4 Country USA 5 A way I can contact you. PM 6 do you agree to the rules? Don't make me add more. Yes 7 why you want to join? at least 3 sentences. Looking to play TFC again and I love to play with others. Looking to be an economic kinda trader in game and trade goods with others. Getting tired of single player as I like interaction and to roleplay my role as a trade 8 How can you help the server? at least 4 ways. Help provide supplies to others. Add to the community. Create an awesome trading hub. Be a friendly person in game. 9 Have you been on any of my old servers? Not that I know of 10 Have you had any experience being an admin? Yes 11 Do you own a Minecraft server? No 12 Do you own a TFC server No 13 Have you ever been on Tomatonet? No 14 Is there anything you see that you like about this server that others do not have? Players xD To elaborate on that, more of an active community.
  5. I just say reset, even though we worked hard on our town and made some recent advances i would rather be able to actually play on the server seeing as anytime i join i just die
  6. Discussion thread for the Combat Revamp

    I would love to see skills added, as for guns I would prefer to stay kind of with a medieval feel to the game, but I would LOVE to see some sort of magic system added, my life would be complete.
  7. [ ingame name ] cwsager [ your age ] 17 [ any sugestions for the server ? ] Well I am not sure if you guys are fans of a lot of mods, but I know that the Punt and Whitehall boats and SimplyHorses could really add to the medieval field, and also help to travel long distances and interact with other towns. [ what are you planning to do on MCML ? Finding an area to establish a town that is open to trading with friendly towns but also capable of defending itself, especially if SimplyHorses and Boat mods are added then could easily interconnect towns into some trade routes. Or possibly just roam the world as a nomad offering my services to the people and towns that I meet.
  8. Would like to play on this server but am also getting the id mismatch error, would like to know how to fix.
  9. Is this server up? When i tried to join said it was offline, really looking for a server for me and a friend to play on, kinda hard to find one though Our IGN are cwsager and Woodenhawk. Hoping to be able to play on server or at least connect.
  10. Hey looking to join this server, as it seems rather difficult to find any TFC servers. IGN: cwsager Hopefully looking forward to getting whitelisted and playing with you guys!
  11. IGN: cwsager I have played TFC a long time ago and looking to get back into it. I do not know too much about TFC but I have been practicing in single player and am looking to expand and play with others. Hope I can be whitelisted.