Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by aliceingame

  1. Bug Reports?

    for a bug, you can also check the known bug list before you report one, so you won't waste your time reporting something that is already known.
  2. Best Way to Mine in TFC

    I said eveything I had to say in my pro pick post in the guide section.
  3. Hotfix 18 update Fails

    just saw that in game, hotfix 18 say it's hotfix 17 (i use the hotfix 18 zip file in magic launcher). if you have no texture issue, you are in hotfix 18
  4. Size of Veins?

    They tend to be smaller in surface, and bigger deep underground. At least it's what i noticed. In the last copper vein i found on surface, I had to do 2 trips to move everything. underground i found a 10 block high, maibue 40-50 block long and large vein of different ore (mostly useless, but still). as for the pro pick, you might want to check the guide i wrote in the guide section of the forum to find ore quicker.
  5. TFC translation

    Italian submitted, it's our fifth translation! Great job.
  6. Hotfix 18 update Fails

    but... even hotfix 18 is for 1.5.1, just saying.
  7. Black steel alloy

    To make an alloy, all the metals must be at least at the fusion point of the resulting alloy, because if one is not hot enough, it will cool down the mixture and get solid even before it's well mixed together.
  8. Chicken coop mechanics (Nest)

    I did not read everything, but chicken reproduction is of course a think that can be improved. I think that Bunk once said he want to improve it too. I don't know the detail but I think it would be great.
  9. TFC translation

    The fact is that minecraft have been translated in dutch. I don't think it's only a question of understanding english or not, but mostly a question of wanting to play in your language or not.
  10. TFC translation

    Three_Pounds, I'll let you check _Tsigje_'s notes and will send the translation tomorrow. Jee-Host{gm}, I'll send the russian translation at the same time.
  11. Crash & World Corruption (Crash on world load)

    When they say that it's not supported it only mean that there is bugs that could be present in creative that are not present in survival.
  12. Magic Launcher work pretty well. I only use it. It's super easy to use and you can have different setting with different mods on each. For example, I have a version for my single player world, one for a server and one with only tfc to test bugs. To use magic launcher properly only require you to have the right version of all mods and there is no problem using it.
  13. mob name tag glitch

    submited as an issue. thanks
  14. Handstone Glitch & Others

    I'll check and report the handstone problem. I think that some issue with it have been solved earlier, but this might be still a problem. For the other problems. 1. I was able to grow it. It might be a question of nutrient in the soil, temperature, and other factor. Wait longer, some plants like maize take long time to grow, and other like onion are super fast. 2. It someone else reported it, I'll check it (still waiting for the pregnant pig and cow to give birth). 3. For a firepit it should not be a problem, but remember that the firepit occupy a complete block. For the forge, the chimney must be 100% clear (as far as i know there is only a few exceptions to this rule.
  15. TFC with Traincraft ore trouble.

    The other option is to use custom npc to make custom recipe for traincraft blocks.
  16. Strange Metal Working Bugs?

    1. Always put 5 coal/charcoal in the forge to heat all the slot evenly. 2. You need to right click the bellow to "pump" it an blow air to the forge. It does not need to be a constant blow. As soon as the forge hit max heat, you can stop right clicking it. 3. I guess that anvil keeping ingot hot is a way to avoid re-heating the ingot during work. 4. I always place my bellow one block over the forge, with the hole facing the air block over the forge. I can reach max heat this way.
  17. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Can the wiki admin tell say it if our request have been refused. I would like to help but I can not and did not had any news yet.
  18. Wiki Mistakes

    remove "Currently you have to be facing a rock while doing this. " from knapping as it it no longer true. I would also regroup all the notes in one single section.
  19. 1 frame every 20 seconds

    The sequoia problem is that they update too many blocks at the same time. On TT server, willow tree where a problem too. Cutting them sometime broke the chunk they where in and all the time with sequoia. And yes it's fix for 77.
  20. Old Wiki (build 76, MC 1.5.1)

    old crafting recipes... ? Or maybe you are missing a piece of information. I'll try to help you. Ingots can not be "crafted", you must melt metal in molds, and you can mix them to get alloys. To mix them, they must all be at least at the temperature of the fusion point of the resulting alloy and they must be mixed in the mettalurgy table (not the crafting table). Once you mixed the metals, you must hit the non-liquid hot unshaped ingot on the right type of anvil to turn them into ingot, then you can work the ingot into tools or sheets to make armor. Also note that brass is a "useless" alloy, as you can not make anything out of it.
  21. Ore/Mineral generation.

    I do not find saltpeter that often... it's even rare in my actual world, I found a small amount in one spot. However, I swim in borax. I also hit saltpeter only once in multiplayer (where I was able to make it to blue steel).
  22. Arctic Expedition

    PanRouge is right, they will likely survive and grow, but not spawn. Same for grass, so you won't have to cut grass, as it will not grow under 20 celcius. Now everybody will move north!
  23. Audio Failure After Soundtrack Play

    I hope this will close the topic. This is a MC bug. See bug report here and it have been fixed in snapshot 13w21a.
  24. Arctic Expedition

    My mistake, tree sapling will only spawn under a clear sky and only over 20 degree celcius.
  25. TFC translation

    I think that google drive support unicode and I can handle it. No problem with Minecraft, so no worry, any unicode is ok.