Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by aliceingame

  1. Arctic Expedition

  2. Arctic Expedition

    It's fun to have stories like that. Most of the time I end up going south and exploring jungles, but now I can to go to the arctic. In build 77 it might get harder to set in the arctic as sapling will need clear sky so grow (no block over them)
  3. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    #1 will be fixed, there is already a pull request for it. will check and test the two other.
  4. TFC translation

    So far Spanish is over and French almost 90% done. The job is a bit long, but not hard if you follow some basic tricks to make it faster. Let me know what language you plan to work. If you have any question, please let me know.
  5. TFC translation

    Bioxx said "It's not a glamorous job but if you guys can complete the file for me, that would be a huge help. Additionally, if any of you are not native english speakers and would like to translate TFC to another language, its now possible." Bioxx asked for help on that point and he already accepted the spanish translation that it 100% done. In other words, it's not official as it's not done and maintained by the official developers, but the translations will be accepted by Bioxx and included in next release.
  6. Crucibles?

    The glass issue, I saw it once in a syrolux video. he changed it to glass panes as they where not buggy. I never use much glass blocks so I can not say for sure. I am building a underwater dome so I'll see what is the result.
  7. Crucibles?

    I think it't for the new metallurgy system, but we don't have much info yet. There is also texture for different kind of berries, and nobody know if they are there "just in case" or because they are planed, or obsolete...
  8. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    It matter as the bug reported will be fixed for the release of 77. I you want to have only few hotfix for 77, it's time to report any possible issue.
  9. Fruit Tree Sapling Bug/Feature?

    i guess the idea is to cut the cross section not the middle one
  10. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    ... will you fix it if it's a "bug"?
  11. TFC translation

    I putted instructions in the first tab if I am online, we can chat on the doc chat system
  12. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    For me there is a bug with mold in firepit. When you cook mold, they stack in the output, but do not show as a stack (no stack size) and if you meld ore in these "stack" it will use one mold and delete the other. I reported it as a bug. For this point I was not able do do it with only TFC installed, I had inv tweak and other mods too.he problem. If you have a mold in the output is that the mold on top will melt and move down with the empty mold. (and it might create a ghost copy in the process, I do not remember). So you loose one mold in the process. Anoying if you want to merge two partial mold together.
  13. among other things, swastika is also a buddhist symbol. I would put it to decorate my buddhist temple.
  14. Maize failure to grow offline.

    I think it have a slow growth rate but I was able to grow it. Temperature migh have an effect on it too.
  15. The Wiki can be quite useless?

    There is also a guide by me in the guide section of the forum
  16. Can't remove forge block

    well, as far as i know, the bug where you get a forge item have been corrected in hotfix 17
  17. wow, this cave in was awesome

    I got a nice tunel in a borax lignite limonite. The tunel open to a big open space where you can see the ore on some walls and the ceiling. I had only some rare occurence of vivisible ore in a cave system, but this one was the most spectacular. Your lapis tunel is quite nice.
  18. Information embargo? Why? Also, "Hard" does not equal good.

    For me, the fun part is to know the general mechanic, how to use the pro pick in an efficient way, where to find ore, but as Dunk said, some of the some of the magic does not have to be known to better enjoy the game. What if you had access to a list of the strike order to get perfect tools with any kind of would make the game boring as you never have to think about what you do, but only have to hit the known formula. If you have no fun as you do not find something, the best thing would be to ask people for tips. For example, if you want iron, it's nof surface ore, you need to dig deeper, check the kind of rock you are at the deeper level, the pro-pick at the average good level util you hit a reading on your pro pick.
  19. TFC Books broken

    TFC books have been disabled by bioxx/dunk as they are buggy.
  20. [b75] Losing ore in the bloomery

    I'll try to reproduce these issue and report it properly. The only issue I had is that once I puttet too many ore and I was never able to put the same amount of coal. But I was adding ore and coal in the middle of the smelting process. I usually put ore first, so I would say it was not an issue for me. With what kind of ore, wast the bloomery cold, was it used with a different metal before? Please try to give me more context about the moment the bloomery does not work properly.
  21. Unable to make glass?

    You have to hold right click to use the bellow. At some point the temperature won'T rise so you don't have to hit it all the time.
  22. Animal Breeding?

    Animals are buged right now as they stop moving. I saw that Dunk fixed it somewhere for build 77. And as far as I can tell, tehre will not be any new hotfix until build 77
  23. Sound Bug

    for fix16 I deleted all my minecraft and reinstall, just to delete unwanted stuff from mods and such things. now in fix18 I lost sound and after, nother play, not even in the menu. Is it possible that tfc try to play an obsolete sound file that cause the problem? I have not played vanilla for a while so I have no idea if the sound stop there.
  24. Nerfed Bows?

    Bow are weaker than javenile (as far as i know) use the tfc bow mod if you want to habe a better bow
  25. Missing Item Textures - Fresh launcher install

    No, it was not rude. I pushed the fix to display small ore and ss the normal and small texture where the same in TFC, I made some new textures. Might not be the best but it's doing the job.