Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Mileaos2

  1. kay, i have quite some ideas today

    you can irrigate crops with finite water spots and thats hillarius

    finite water should sunk in dirt or should be consumed by nearby crops

    and jugs should use up water

    i had fun building an cistern and filling it with finite water (booden bucket)

    BUT it would be aewsome, when it surves a purpose XD

    my idea is some kind of aqueduckt like system with half logs (log + axe = half log + axe wooden aqueduckt)

    or full log aqueduckt (just hollow logs for underground tranzport of water)

    this kind of aqueduckt can only pick up infinite river water or finite "cistern water". all kind of finite, player placed water is handeled as cistern water.

    cistern water dissapeares, when it is not surrounded with stone/planks or logs (ground and walls)

    those aqueduckts can only transport water downwarts, not upwarts. for upwarts tranzport?

    idea is:

    the aqueduckt takes water from a nearby river, tranzport it via the archimedes screw to an highpoint cistern (in an city maybe in smp)

    at the endpoint of the aqueduckt, water is placed as finite cistern water ofc

    from there it could be tranzportet via aqueduckts to player in smp or to farmland.

    this kind of placed water could improve the irrigation level of the ground better than finite water (so it is beneficial to build this kind of complex stuff)

    when you want to use the cistern water only to irrigate farmland, you could add fertilizier material to the cistern, to improve the nutrient level or growing speed of ur crops


  2. problem with early game is, you cant get that much supplys from scavenging (in regards of food mainly)

    i had to plant food quite fast in my actual game and killed some squids to survive the time until the first harvest season.

    i found 1 male and 1 female pig and didnt kill them for meat, i start breeding them, but they take a while XD

    and flour is above metal.

    you could produce some sort of "primitive flour" or so from found grain + stone (maybe 3 grain = 1 flour)

    with the jug full of water you get simple dough and you can make bread on a stick or flatbread from it to eat it. (besides meat the best early game food)


    first tool:

    the most primitive tool should be the hand ax.

    this tool just need stone, no sticks.

    actual tools are composite tools (need atleast 2 diffirent materials)

    and those should need some kind of yarn (i cover primitive yarn later)

    metal tools should need 1-2 wool yarn or primitive glue AND wool yarn (glue is covered at the bark section)


    fire fuel:

    4 sticks = handfull of sticks for firepit

    for cooking stuff


    water collection:

    wooden bowl could be used to get water (only a small amount)

    in order to drink or simple cooking/ dough produktion


    crop scavenging suggestion:

    break tall grass with your hand (should take a few sekonds, faster with knife/ hand ax)

    then you have to process your tall grass with an knife or hand ax and you get "grass grain" and straw

    grass grain can be grinded to simple flour with an stone (flour + bowl with water = simple dough -> bread on the stick/ flatbread)

    or place the grass grain in the crafting grid to search it for usable crops (you cant sow tall grass)

    per grass grain you have an chance of, lets say 10-20% to get an random crop seed (wheat, rye, maize and stuff)


    root/mushroom digging suggestion:

    digging out grass blocks has a chance of lets say 15% (in forest/jungle biomes 35%) of dropping "eatable root" or mushrooms

    those roots/ mushrooms can be used for meals or just eating them

    placing eatable roots in the crafting grid has a chance of 20-30% to provide an random root - seed like potatoes, carrots, onion and stuff.



    some tree types could give bark (rightclick with an knife/hand ax?)

    bark could be used for cork (jug and maybe later something like amphora? and for the glass bottle ofc)

    some bark types could be heatet for primitive glue (for composite tools, spears and arrows)

    bark could be used for construction (thin walls/roof)

    and for fire starting (throw 1 piece to sticks, to increase the chance of starting a fire)

    some bark types are eatable


    skin uses:

    problem with skin is, before you have metal, you have no use for it =/

    it could be used to craft some kind of bag for transport/ storage uses (i dont like chests at all in tfc)

    skin bags could have the same space then ceramic vessel, but can carry medium items aswell

    later on some bigger leather bags could be implemented.


    primitive yarn:

    primitive yarn from screwing plant fibres could have simmilar uses like wool yarn.

    plant fibre could get produced from straw + knife or hand ax

    3 fibre = 1 primitive yarn

    2 fibre + ceramic spindle = 1 primitive yarn

    primitive yarn can be used to craft primitive cloth (use could be cloth bags, very small like 2 slots)

    primitive yarn should be an material for stone composit tools (stone + stick + yarn = tool)


    wool problem:

    my problem is, before you get iron, you have to kill sheeps for wool.

    knifes could serve the same purpose

    stone knife = 1 wool per sheep

    copper and bronze could be cast to a primitive shear = 2 wool per sheep

    and iron shears provide at least 3 wool per sheep

    and we need more wool uses ofc XD


  3. you should not be able to pick up water source blocks with any buckets.

    better buckets can carry more water.

    only way of moving infinite water sources should be any types of pumps (archimedes screw for example)

    as long the pump is in action, it generates a new water source block at a new position. (it needs an normal sourceblock to pump it upwarts ofc)


    would it be possible to change the picked up water based on the biome?

    so you only get saltwater from water in an ocean biome.

    fresh water from river biomes.

    clear water from underground spring/ lake

    dirty water from small, still water puddles on the surface.


    ocean water, river water and spring water should be infinitife.


    clear water provides the most thirst  replenishment.

    freshwater a bit fewer.

    normal water has normal thirst replenishment

    dirty water replenish some thirst but should make sick in some way

    saltwater increases thirst


    you can cook dirty water in a jug or metal bucket to make it better drinkable.

    when you boil saltwater a while, you get some salt (cooking, food preversation)


    in order to get drinking water in ocean biomes, you could place crucibles, bowls, vessels and stuff empty, without an ceiling. when it rains, those containers could fill up.


    snow should be smeltable in ceramic jug or vessel


    when you place water yourself, it should not be changed to the biome specific one.

    but when you place water at or above dirt, it gets dirty over time. (so you have to place your water in stone cisterns)


  4. edit: added some spice suggestions above the scavenging suggestion


    Okay, my last cookering suggestion is a while back (even be4 prepare surface implementation)

    and i had some new ideas.

    i combined my old ideas with the prepare table.


    the prepare surface is the main gui to create meals.

    but you have diffirent ways to heat up your meal and those ways have diffirent effects

    wooden bowl can only be used for cold meals

    sticks can be combined with alot foods like dough, all meat types, onion etc to heat it up over the fire, its only 1 use! (warm up)

    ceramic bowl has a chance to break after eating the meal. (warm up)

    ceramic pot. (cooking)

    pan /from all metals/ (frying)

    ceramic vessel (baking)


    warm up dont add any additional effeckts.

    cooking improoves effeckts from crop and vegetable meals

    frying improves effeckts from meat meals

    baking improves effeckts from bakery meals


    in order to cook stuff, you need an pot with water. (milk improve effeckts slightly)

    in order to fry stuff, you need seed oil, or pork/beef in the meal (i cover the seed oil later)

    in order to bake some stuff, you need at least primitive dough (i cover that later aswell)


    seed oil could be implemented via rape as crop. you can grind rape grain in the quern with an jug in the output slot. you need quite some grain in order to fill the jug up.

    when herbs get implemented, oil could be used to make herb oil for cooking and medicine

    and it could be used to impregnate wood. for example impregnated sticks are more durable handles for tools (maybe?)


    to produce early flour, we could use simple stones: stone + 3x grain of the same type = 1x flour

    and mortar and pestle (from pottery): motar and pestle + 2x grain of the same type = 1x flour

    3x flour 1x jug wit water = 1 primitive dough

    primitive dough can be baked to flatbread.



    spices could be improve meals aswell.

    for example salt increases buff duration

    pepper increases buff effekts


    to get salt, pls check my water suggestion:

    pepper seeds could be provided rare from primitive crop grain (check my scavenging ideas!)


  5. hm, i had some ideas recently

    1.: knife rightclicking on trees = bark (only from some trees)

    bark in a ceramic vessel (you have to fill it up) and then burn it in the pit u get a vessel full of primitive glue (maybe refill it in a jug?)

    2.: maybe implement rape as an crop. rape grain could be grinded in an quern to rapeseed oil (you need an jug at the output slot. you should need quite some grain to fill up a jug

    this oil can be used to protect your bows. (maybe it adds an buff?)

    and it could be a fuel for laterns XD


  6. when greenhouses get implementet in the future, it could be rather interesting to live in an arctic area. but even peat can ran out, peat and coal (if u find some underground), with quite big greenhouses (or very small trees) you could make charcoal


  7. well, i use terrafirmabows, but i know how atleatle works actully, but how you want to use them together with javelins? atleatle + javeline into the crafting grid, attack, again crafting grid + javelin, attack etc? Problem here is the meta data i guess, ist hard to Keep track of both damage (javelin and atleatle) when you craft them together...


  8. hm, a small additional Suggestion for the fishing issue: it should be possible to catch fishes alive, so you can put them in Barrels to store them alive for later, or in a new waterblock to create an Aquarium XD


  9. we finnaly add baskets, where you are able to store 1 type of Food the same time in and those Food inside dont decay, the baskets has an decay meta data. when you tale 1 piece of Food out of the basket, the taken Food pice gets the decay meta data of the basket its taken from. (baskets should be easy to make via sticks) they could be placeable in the world, with leftklick you pick them up, with rightclick you tacke one pice of the Food. when you have some allready decayed Food of the same type and you throw it inside one of those baskets, they loose there decay meta data and those data are added to the basket. when the basket is empty, it loose ist meta data and you can use it for another type of Food... my suggestion


  10. iam thinking of an inventory system like diablo 2

    each item has a size and a mass.

    the mass says, how much items has 1 stack.

    and the size determands, how much slots they use in the inventory!

    so, diffirent storage blocks/items have diffirent slot amounts/configurations.

    tiny items need 1 slot (ofc)

    very small items need 2 slots above each other

    small items need 4 slots in a square

    medium items need 3 slots above each other

    large items need 6 slots like a door recepie

    storage solutions:

    all here mentioned storage items should be placeable for astetics and useage

    chests and amphora can only be used as storage blocks

    all other has to be used with special slots.

    normal chest: normal vanilla size (in slot amount) but with a special setup, so you cant stow large items

    double chest: has the normal vanilla size and slot setup, so you can even store large items (but they take alot space)

    pouch: craftet with 1 cloth and 1 string. has one row with lets say 3 slots, so you can stow 3 stacks of tiny items in there

    can be carried at a belt

    bag: craftet with more cloth and strings this one has 2 rows with each 5 slots. (up to small items medium)

    can be carried at the backslot

    backpack: craftet with some lather, cloth an strings. it has the same slot setup like the single chest, but fewer slots.

    can be carried at the backslot

    amphora: craftet with clay and need burn ofc. 2 rows with 7 slots each.

    basket: craftet with sticks. has 2 rows with 4 slots each.

    can be carried at the backslot

    quiver. (2 types)

    can only hold arrows

    small quiver craftet with cloth: 3 arrow slots

    quiver craftet with leather: 6 arrow slots

    player storage slots:


    beltslots can hold tools, weapons (size dont yount here ofc) and pouches.

    they dont add armor

    beltslot: you can have some diffirent types of belts:

    simple cloth belt: has 2 beltslots (craftet with cloth)

    simple leather belt: has 4 beltslots (craftet with leather)

    belt: has 8 beltslots (craftet with leather and metal)

    an addition to the chestslot 1 backslot.

    backslot can take:

    bag, backpack, quiver, basket, weapons, large tools like shovel/pickaxe, spears


  11. okay, i just LOVE the placable single planks and use them quite often.

    and the upcoming change with placable ignots is awesome too!

    so, i ask myself: why only metals and wooden planks?

    so i come up with that suggestion!

    it would add alot to customisation and construction possibilitys!

    and astetics ofc XD

    i have some idieas for glass/stone/gem mosaics ^^´

    first some tools etc:

    brick mold: with 4 planks craftet, for clay bricks

    roofing tile mold: with 4 sticks craftet, for clay roofing tiles

    pigments: hammer + bowl + pigment source (certain stone types and minerals)

    pigments are used for coloring glass/clay

    glass manufaction change: sand + flux + pigments into the bloomery (2+1+1) for "raw glass" in an ceramik mold.

    clear glass doesnt need pigments ofc, but 2x flux

    gemstone + hammer = 2 smaller gemstones

    small cubes

    small cubes have the size of those cubes you can create with the detailed chisel mode.

    mostly craftet with the chisel.

    raw stone + chisel = 10 small cubes of that stone

    chipped gemstones = 1 small cube of that gemstone

    ceramik small cubes (any color) = clay in crafting field = 4 clay small blocks (have to be burned first ofc)

    glass small cubes = raw glass (any color) + chisel = 4 small glass cubes

    brick sized

    all stone bricks

    glass brick = raw glass into crafting field, to remove the mold

    normal gemstone brick = normal gemstone + chisel

    bricks = clay + brick mold = 1 clay brick (into the oven ofc)

    metal bars should also be placeable like building materials

    rocks, simple those rocks you pick up, not cobblestone!

    they cannot be stacked ontop of each other, only side by side and when something is beneath them. (for roads, you could use seperate colors etc, that would look awesome!

    roofing tiles

    slate tiles = raw stone + hammer = 4 slate tiles

    ceramik tiles = clay + roofing tile mold = 3 clay tiles (into the oven ofc)

    wooden tiles = plank + knife/axe/saw = 1 wooden tile

    full block

    gemstone block = Exquisite gemstone + chisel

    brick block = 5 bricks + 4 mortar = 4 brick blocks

    glass block = 4 raw glass (liquid)

    roof tiles block = 3 roof tiles + planks (recepie like sluices)

    those roof tiles blocks shouldnt be an full block, they should be more like the sluice (but only 1x1x1 sized)
