Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by WildThyme

  1. [Offline][0.79.13] New Whitelisted Server

    IGN: WildThyme Age: 26
  2. Ridiculous Suggestions

    ...Why isn't there a moon realm in Vanilla Minecraft? It would require a special portal, similar to how the Nether works; only the world would be reversed. Instead of the moon in the sky, one would see the planet.
  3. Username: WildThyme Skype(Optional): Setotell (I rarely turn skype on; I would suggest contacting me here, if necessary.) Age: Twenty-six Timezone: GMT -4 Why would you like to join? I have been searching for a small quiet TFC server(with extrafirma) for quite some time, seeing as how this one fits the bill, I thought I'd apply. What can you contribute? Aside from a creative building style, making use of the surrounding environment, you can expect to see a pleasant to have neighbor living not too far away. After some time, mysterious barrels of cheese, and boxes of carpeting will likely begin to randomly appear on doorsteps. Walkways will become illuminated with hanging lanterns, and there will be a surplus of baked goods. In all seriousness, I'm an experienced TFC player that just likes to have fun. How would you describe your play style? Eclectic. I enjoy surrounding myself in aesthetically pleasing architecture; among other things.
  4. [Offline] Vanilla TFC Roleplaying server (new) whitelist

    In game alias: WildThyme Age: Twenty-six Greenwich Mean Time: -4:00 I'm an experienced player that does not need to rely upon anyone else to thrive; though I enjoy staying in small loosely knit communities. I never steal, I do not randomly attack people, and I enjoy lending others a hand as necessary. I'm like that quiet neighbor that lives by himself, only you can stop by and admire his unique house, while he gives you tea and biscuits.
  5. Pie and Cake

    I believe you are looking for a cob oven(straw, clay, rock, fireclay bricks could be a better version later). That would actually be a pretty neat thing to see added. It takes a while longer to heat up, but stays warm for quite a long time. It makes far more sense to bake with one too, than to use a fireplace. You could place meals and such in it, to keep them warm long after you cook them as well. Conversely, an icebox, made from thatch, ceramic, and ice(which would decay), could be used to realistically keep perishable foods, for far longer.
  6. [Offline] Whitelisted Small Community Role-Play TFC Server

    Full Name:Cecil Hallowell Time-Zone:Eastern Skype: yes or no?Yes, though I can't run it simultaneously with TFC, due to lag issues(aka poor internet provider) Ingame Name:WildThyme Age:Twenty-six Experience with Minecraft:An old player, I discovered minecraft when sand lacked gravity...I recall using lava as decorative illuminated paneling, lining walkways, at one point. On a roleplay server, I once completely monetized the server, using gold nuggets, ingots, and blocks, as a currency system; it was great fun, though I doubt I have the time to do such a thing now. The FeyWild Trader has everything you need! Experience with TFC:Joined back in the early builds. I know TFC inside out, almost entirely from first hand experience. Why you wish to join:I think it will be fun.
  7. [Offline] Vanilia 78.17, UK based server

    Letter: A Colour: Nearly Black Word: Dedicated
  8. Update Frequency Poll

    I would be elated to see any update provided. Starting anew, especially in an updated world, is a fun and challenging experience; even if that update is extremely minor.
  9. [Offline][Beta 0.77.21] Small Community, Be Gentle

    Age: 25 Minecraft in game name: WildThyme Favorite color: Orange/Black Favorite aspect of TFC: Breaking that last stone hiding the rich vein you had been searching for, for the past half hour. Also, grinding corn into cornmeal.
  10. Hey, there aren't many people on this server; and it doesn't get the credit that it deserves. This server has an almost 100% up-time, with minimal issues. I'm giving a shout-out on this one. Join this server, it's really quite nice. I'm currently finishing up a tavern.
  11. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    Nickname in Minecraft: WildThyme Age: 25 Location: Vermont, USA Fluent in English: Yes What a perfect server for you would be like: People living within one days walking distance from one another, lending one another a hand as necessary, and providing a pleasant environment with no stealing/raiding/attacking. What you would bring to our cozy little community: My eye for aesthetic detail, and the best kind of neighbor/player you could want.
  12. Where are the good servers?

    The server section, of the main site for TFC, is littered with the carcasses of half-assed abandoned servers. What is the actual population of TFC players? Where are they? Are they holed up in some whispered bastion? Taking a glance in the server tab reveals only a handful of active servers. None of which maintain any semblance of stability; and moreover, none of which reveal a stable playerbase.
  13. Challenge vs. Annoyance

    TFC models real life. However, it also models Vanilla minecraft. Change a few things. Remove all hostile mobs. Change wolves so that they become hostile at night, change bears so that they become hostile, add large predatory cats; keep the spiders and throw in a yeti or two. Most importantly. Make food rot over time, especially raw food. (All meats, over varying lengths of time, simply turn into rotten flesh.) Add salt, and preservation of food. Add a new function to the ceramic vessel: you can use it as a pot, for making stews(), and for cleaning water by boiling it. Unclean water has a small chance of making you sick. This would validate farming as an effective means of survival, in addition to removing the age old problem of: I wandered around and mangled fifty creatures, I'm now set until steel. Have climate actually matter. Is the temperature hot? You burn through thirst more quickly. Dehydrated? Status effect it. Is the temperature cold? You can warm up by wearing warm clothing(introduce expanded crafting), eating warm food, or by moving into a warm area(heated home). Cold? Status effect it. I can go on, but this is merely a handful of ideas that, when combined together, considerably increase the challenge of the game, while not making it more annoying and tedious.
  14. [Offline] Treeserve [Build 77]

    The server appears to be down; else I'd already be there.
  15. IGN: WildThyme Real Name: Cecil Age: 24 Why you want to join: I'd like to join a stable server; one with an actual population. Agree To Rules: Yes. Know that TerraFirmaCraft is a hardcore mod which is very difficult: Is it though? Is it really? Who Referred You: I saw the post on the main server page.
  16. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    I almost never see anyone on at all. o_O Go ahead and reset, I don't mind a fresh start.
  17. [0.79.15] Rhodance's "HugBox" Server [Closing May 22]

    Please whitelist: WildThyme I'd like to play with others again.
  18. I am uncertain why Minecraft and TFC would kill my video card, whereas Starcraft II on Ultra graphics runs smoothly... I can play Skyrim and Bioshock on the same computer too. That said, I have reduced my in game field of vision to a maximum of normal; I've found if I even attempt anything above normal settings the game crashes within a minute or so. After checking, it is a 512 M video card.
  19. I downloaded TFC a couple days ago. I have been experiencing severe lag? issues since then. I have a 3.2 GHz dual core processor, 4 gigs of ram, and a good quality hard drive. Fresh install of minecraft, and TFC, Optifine does not appear to create a noticeable difference in the problem. I have a stable fps of around seventy in game, up until the colossal lag spikes occur. The entire time I experience severe red-white spikes, eventually leading into white spikes of death, resulting in the forced closure of the operation, due to freezing. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, on how to resolve this problem. As it stands, I can barely play.
  20. Thank you for replying. I thought of texture packs as being the problem at first, and did a clean install with no texture packs. There was no difference. My video card is an: Nvidia GeForce GT 240 I have found it to be a very reliable graphics card, allowing me to play Starcraft II with no lag issues (save for Phantom, but we're not going there...). The application uses whatever ram it decides to I suppose; the maximum it can access I assume? 134MB/989MB is what I have noticed in the display in the image posted above.
  21. [Offline] Join my server

    Yes, I did.
  22. [Offline] Join my server

    Likewise, how troublesome. >_<
  23. [Offline] Join my server

    Hmm...Your proposed work around, the TFC magic launcher appeared to be ineffective in remedying the connection problem. Deleting the appropriate configuration files on my end also yielded no results. I am uncertain how to progress in joining your server.
  24. [Offline] Join my server

    Edit. I'm whitelisted now. Trying to work around the ID issue others were experiencing.
  25. [Offline] Join my server

    I didn't think to add my user name, as I named this account that. It seems odd not to after all. Please add: WildThyme