Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by callisto8413

  1. I can't seem to get enough food. Any help?

    I just started the new build tonight and MEAT is the key. Make some jars, cook the meat, place it in the jars, dig a hole, place jars in hole and cover with straw. I found that the cooked food in the jars in the dark show little decay over a few days while the food I am carrying quickly decays.
  2. More Wildlife, And A More Realistic Hunting Aspect

    I like the idea ofMammoths because I love the Ice Age but also because I see them as being something only players could take down. One player killing a mammoth? HA! But on a server, a team of hunters taking one down and then processing all the meat, collecting the bones and god, what a hunt and a story that would be. And the amount of meat, if properly salted, cooked, and stored, could allow the players to spend less time hunting and more time mining, building, crafting, and so on. Non-related - If I understand correctly, Indian Elephants are related to Mammoths. I doubt we could train Mammoths but maybe, as long as a player is not threatening or gets too close, Mammoths might just ignore them.
  3. I can't seem to get enough food. Any help?

    Well, I have not played the new build yet but may I suggest one food source people forget, even in vanilla Minecraft. If you can get string may I suggest fishing? It is renewable, you can salt or cook them, and as long as there is water you can fish for more. Could hold you over till you can find those animals or start that farm.
  4. Dog as pack animal...

    Before horses came to North America. the Native Americans used dogs as pack animals (and as food). In fact, the first horses were called, depending on the tribe, Red Dogs or Big Dogs or some dog related name. I was wondering if there were any thoughts to have bags that could be placed on the dog that could carry a limited amount of items? I figure a dog sled may be a problem to code but placing a small bag on a dog (or horse) would not be too much of a problem and more realistic then a chest. Or the use of poles/planks with skins to create a even more simpler method of transporting items - Sorry if this was already posted some place else.
  5. Nocturnal Animals

    And you can steal from wild bird' nests too! ... What? I like eggs.
  6. Shipwright Steve

    Who needs wood? We have tons of straw/grass about...
  7. What do you like about terrafirmacraft

    I like how open ended it is. I don't really care much about the tech tree (making tin to make copper to what whatever) but I find myself enjoying the tool making, the farming, the exploring, the sitting in a house I designed, with a fire pit, my tamed wolf by my side, listening to the rain outside. And I play on peaceful because to me, the game is about Me Vs. Starving.
  8. Alternative beds

    Has anybody thought about : Rope beds with straw filled mattresses? Or Rope hammocks?
  9. Very small food suggestion

    I like the idea. I have a stone oven and make Irish Soda Bread with it. Don't even need yeast. But a stone oven should be pretty easy to create - could even use fired clay.
  10. More uses for tin?

    A tin flask would last longer than a fired clay jar.
  11. Hunting Expanded / Aesthetically Enhanced

    I just want bears to drop bear heads so I can start my Cavebear cult.
  12. Cats, Rabbits and other Pets

    Dogs' barks should be able to keep mobs away from the area - protecting fields and cattle. Even vanilla dogs would be good for hunting. Hit the target and watch the fun. Dog Sleds for dogs that work on snow and ice. (Maybe that is my old Man Vs. TFC series speaking there - but there was so much ice...) Cats who sit on the work bench. And the bed. And the chests. And demand to be let out. Then sit in the doorway for five minutes trying to decide if they want to go out. Well, if Creepers are removed at a certain point, what is the point of having cats? Unless you have rabbits or mice trying to eat your plants, as PaoloEmilio has stated. Rabbit farming - fur and meat. Also, maybe a health bonus for having pets? They have proven that pets are good for the heart and help comfort and calm people.
  13. Thank you Dunk!

    Sweet Crispy Walnuts you brought cheese into TerraFirmaCraft! I also like the pottery and clay molds. Funny enough that might make the first metal tools easier for me to make as I never seemed to get the punches and strikes and hits just right when metal working. And I like the idea that I have to wait for a saw before many items are made. Forces me to think. But CHEESE! *sniffle* Oh wonderful cheese! I have started playing again! By all that is Holy! By Elmal's Shield I have started playing Minecraft again! And to those who complain about a lack of metals... SACRIFICE THEM TO OUR GODS! What? We have bears. They eat people.
  14. Tamed Wolf will not eat???

    Okay, tamed a wolf. I noticed him only because I saw a bunch of raw pork, bones, and hides floating near a tree. The wolf must have just killed it. I was able to tame him with one bone from his own kill. But his tail is almost all the way down and he refuses to eat raw pork. Do I need to process it at the 'kitchen table' with the knife with something else? Does he like onion or garlic or something with his pork? Help! Don't wish for him to starve!
  15. Impressions from a new player.

    May I suggest you play on a server? Outside of the griefing I do feel the power of the mod comes out when you play along side many players, each showing their own skills or tactics, solving problems, protecting farms, and building cities.
  16. Hey! Why no to NPCs?

    If they did add NPC's they would very likely be spear carrying headhunters trying to kill and eat us. You know, just to replace the zombies and skellies. (And I too love Millenaire but that is a different type of game - Civilization vs. Survival).
  17. Tamed Wolf will not eat??? planning on peaceful to re-learn how everything works. Well, I can cheat and spawn in some rotten meat. Thanks! Edit: He refuses zombie flesh also. Bad wolf! BAD!
  18. Please excuse the Chopper at the start.
  19. Reworking Stone Tools

    Studies show that in the stone age people started out with a core of flint (or another type of stone) and were able to break it down into many types of tools. Even hand axes and such could be reworked and touched up to make new, if smaller, tools. One large rock could be processed into a whole hunting kit on the spot if need be. What I am suggesting it a way to make it somewhat more realistic AND allow players to recycle or extend the life of the stone tools, slightly. For example, when a stone axe breaks you get a used stone axe head. If you combine this with another, unused stone as the hammer stone, you get to shape the used stone BUT the surface on the crafting surface is smaller. You can't, for example, make a new axe but maybe you could produce a stone knife or hoe. So you would likely end up with a lot of tools you could not use at that time, 'I need a axe not a knife!' but it would allow you to build up a supply of tools and extend the life of the stone. You could continue to use newly found stones for large stone tools like hammers, shovels, and axes, while retooling those into smaller tools like knives, hoes, and maybe arrow heads? Also, maybe allowing for even used stone to be used to make spears? Unless their are plans in the works for the making of proper spear heads, of course. This would help, as I have pointed out, with the complaint that it is not realistic enough. But also help out on servers where stone seems to disappear fast. This would help extend the life of a stone - allowing it at least two uses.
  20. Arctic Expedition

    Having traveled in the cold regions of TFC, I salute you! I just wish bones could be used for tools and/or fuel. And seals. Cute baby seals. What would the arctic be without cute furry baby seals?
  21. Don't bee like buildcraft

    Domesticating crops would need some kind of cross-breeding, which means the crops would need some kind of traits, which I don't think they have at this point. It would be interesting to see if a game could allow you to bred maize (corn on the cob) from some kind of early-smaller seed form.
  22. Man Vs. TerraFirmaCraft! Day Ten and I have land! Land! snow covered ...not very interesting....not a lot of Oh wait, there's the ocean. *sigh*
  23. History was easy for me. Names, dates, events....who needs to remember those? I don't. I remember cause and effect and why and daily life. What? It worked...I got a degree in history. So if you need help, just ask me. Don't know if I can explain it to you but can try.
  24. That looks cool! Very comfortable looking. How is it against mobs?
  25. Some kind of long term goal when playing TFC?

    Being a fan of Neanderthals, Arctic survival, and the stone age, my long term goal is to make a cool long house, with furs and curved walls, with statues out front, and rooms with barrels full of booze and fish. Maybe a nearby cave with paintings, fishing nets drying outside on racks, and long boats on the shore for long distant travel. I want mobs replaced with realistic, if sometimes dangerous, animals - like whales, bears, sea gulls, and so on. To me it isn't a weapons' race. I want to weave baskets, design fish traps, and set up snare traps for small animals.