Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Livid

  1. [Solved] Can't make a forge

    When i throw the eight pieces of charcoal and right click with the fire starter nthing happens, i used twenty fire starters but i haven't made a forge yet.
  2. The new rocks

    the new "model" of rocks is pretty ugly and doesn't stand well with the world... i think that what the devs was trying to do with this can be accomplished with various textures for the old model (that was great)
  3. Animal carcasses

    what if : ...
  4. The new rocks

    Oh, the rocks with fancy graphics are pretty good
  5. The new rocks

    And if have a " charcoal fueled computer"?
  6. The new rocks

    someone could post me a screen of the rocks laying flat on the ground? i have 78.5 and i can't update...
  7. 3d models, yay, nay, addons?

    I love those models, and i would love an addon too
  8. Ehy, look there i was looking for some mod in the minecraft forums, and i saw this... Many people want butchering in tfc, so this may be an idea (if the things in this mod was craftable) my request is: there is anyone that can code a crossover addon for this?
  9. Roman-style aqueducts and lead pipes

    if this mod ( is compatible with tfc buckets, we can use this
  10. Falconry - Let birds hunt for you!

    i love this suggestion, i love faconry (irl too) please add this!!!
  11. More early game uses for straw

    i agrre with all, but with number 4 i say: you should throw 3 sticks and 3 straws, if you want more probabillity you cant trow paper but you trow more straw
  12. nice addon dude, will use for my server
  13. Forgotten Beasts

    because i think, legendary beasts arent in the tfc theme
  14. Forgotten Beasts

    nope, not the right mod for this
  15. MORE Hunger!!!

    i know, but how the romans said: repetita iou vant parafrased as: repeating isn't bad... is it?
  16. MORE Hunger!!!

    im the ony one that reached the first winter with no metal tools? i suggest butchery for resolve the meat problem oh! and fear, mobs should fear you and run away
  17. Harsher Winter

    this with: buthcery, and food spoilage : a big cellar with snow and ice to make food do not spoil.... would be great!!!
  18. why you don't release this as a tfc plugin? i would securely use this
  19. [Suggestion] Ceramic Kiln

    oh wow
  20. [Suggestion] Ceramic Kiln

    beehive kilsn? i don't understand, they are kilns like better than wolves? can you post a screenshot?
  21. [Suggestion] Ceramic Kiln

    i think too that pottery should be more expanded, although, the new features are fantastic
  22. Build 77

    hemp! new gui for the huds! fantastic! only one thing i do not understand: why bismuth, tin, rose gold ecc ecc tools and armors have been removed?
  23. Vanilla horses?

    *metal javelins
  24. Suggestion: Bessemer process

    Finished overhauling the new bloomery. Raw Iron Bloom is worked into … … …Refined Iron Bloom which should then be worked to be split into pieces small enough to fit in ceramic molds to form ingot shapes.Added 2 new events. Anvil Craft Event which fires when an item is finished being crafted in the anvil, and ItemMeltEvent which onlyfires when attempting to get the output item from the ItemHeatManager.Some more work on making the blast furnace code simpler since it no longer needs to smelt more types of metal than just Pig Iron. from the commit log, i think they made the steel processing more complex