Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by -Foxley46-

  1. OK, let's go. I'll go first: Dirt types that have different amount of fertility/harvest than the others. Rain hydrating crops/farmlands.
  2. Stupid Ideas

    *points 454. casull revolver at you*
  3. Ornamentation

    Ahh, I can already imagine a huge brass ornate framed clock with golden roman numerals decorated with different gems and hand made of sterling silver on my church in my huge city. You go dude!
  4. Headline pretty much sums it up. Anyone?
  5. Vertical placement of planks and some other blocks.

    I'm pretty sure that everybody wants to be your friend IRL. Everybody likes pricks like you two. Your boss gives you promotions and coworkers love you 'cause you're such a joy to be with! Sorry for reviving a thread. I don't know your religious ways.
  6. Wooden Buckets

    What do you think about wooden buckets?
  7. Small fix that adds ton of realism

    I think that mod would be lot more realistic if ''mining'' leaves would drop branches (item, stackable- 32 per stack) and using knife on those branches (in 2x2 crafting grid) would then get you sticks ready to use on tools. Knife would lose durability during the process and instead of sticks, branches should be used to create a firepit BUT sticks will be required for firestarters. Constructive criticism please! P.S. Bioxx please remove stone knife- using flint tools for that purpose is more realistic.
  8. Thatch

    I would like to request that thatch should be added. Crafting could be 4x4 square of common reeds coming in agriculture update. Please share your thoughts.
  9. Thatch

    *Shakes Topic*
  10. Vertical placement of planks and some other blocks.

    Minecraft just did it with logs! That will probably make Bioxx's life a tiny bit easier.
  11. Wooden Buckets

    When i listened to you telling me to check the Bioxx folder with textures and all I did so. I was pretty impressed with stuff in it BUT i have just one question. does anyone have spare trousers?
  12. Small fix that adds ton of realism

    ANSWER TO (almost) ALL OF YOU: Sorry slackgiver I guess I didn't pay enough attention *not sarcasm*. Thanks daxx367! Good idea SilvaDreams. Nobody is perfect, i can't read the entire forum bsb23.
  13. Basketweaving

    YES! We need basket weaving and sewing in TFC. We need more skills that we need to master to live in luxury in middle of nowhere. Today's civilizations knows nothing, you see, our ancestors had to build their own houses, buildings, roads, schools etc.etc. to live in peace, you just enjoy in what your father and grandfather built. (back in TFC) After you finish with basics of survival - when you stabilize your income (food) and build a house and make at least a few (iron or higher) tools and weapons - you should decide what kind of life* you want to live. -Life of an artist (Make extra money by selling books(if your'e good at writing in real life), works of art (if possible to add painting your own pictures in TFC) and such -Life of an inventor (Possibly new skill in TFC with overly complex interface to make inventions more valuable) NOTE TO BIOXX: If you do this, don't give out recipes for inventions and make a huge crafting grid on a workbench specialized for inventions. -Life of a scientist/doctor/alchemist (Making herbal medicine and such from tons of plants that are coming soon - Would go very good with injuries and diseases additions!) -Life of industrial or agricultural worker (Smithing, sewing, metallurgy, agriculture and such) -Life of a hunter/fisherman (I think you know what this is about.) -Life of a businessman (Owning or managing your shop - possibly only possible on SMP) -Life of an architect (Income only possible in SMP) NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE TO EITHER MASTER ALL, SOME , OR FIND AN ALTERNATIVE WAY OF GETTING SPECIFIC GOODS IN SINGLEPLAYER TFC!!! ALSO, YOU WILL NEED TO MASTER SOME IN THE START! *Lives in this post can also be interpreted as skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you like this idea guys? Sorry for any possible mistakes, grammatical or otherwise. Feel free to say what parts you like or don't.
  14. Why not remove shitty vanilla mobs? And magic.

    I'm in for setting it the way you like it. Like setting difficulty in options, except without any drastic changes in difficulty. Take a wrench and tweak my idea the way you like it!
  15. Pig Iron Problems

    THE SOLUTION: 1. Dump ores and charcoal ( 1:1 ratio) in the bloomery. 2. Give ores a minute or two to heat up to highest temperature available without bellows. 3. After that punch bellows couple of times. 4. And voila! If that fails go back to step 2.
  16. Uses for sterling silver and brass

    I have found zinc ore some time ago (My first 1st tier metal ever!) and was wondering; what are uses for brass? I doubt it will be used for tools, but I can see it as a coin in near future (And same stands for sterling silver and possibly rose gold). Maybe for advanced parts of mechanisms at much later date.
  17. At first I thought this was something about unbreakable tools but this makes a lot more sense and I would like to see this ingame.
  18. New biome

    I agree with EternalUndeath but seriously, don't be a punctuation nazi. And by the way i WANT red rock canyon because i find it beautiful and i'm pretty sure most people agree. AND no I know canyons are not entirely red rock, a wouldn't mind patches of grass near rivers or oceans. Do I always have to say 100% of every my idea? I left it a bit empty for you to further shape the idea I had in mind, get it, I did it for you people. Geez!
  19. New biome

    No, Surface ravine with red rock!
  20. At what level ores would start spawning in the world?

    Biggest amount of ores can be found on levels between 70 and 50
  21. Are Black Steels & above worth it?

    Black, red and blue steels are expensive and should be handled only by experienced smiths and wealthy miners. But they are very useful for tool that wear fast(scythes,shovels and such) or in SMP where human(player) labor exists.
  22. New biome

    Enough of the fighting(since it's pointless on the internet because of it's incredibly moronic users(this isn't meant to offend this forum or it's users, since I have seen worse)) .What do you think about my ideas?
  23. Hemp

    Actually thank you for understanding my theory, I was expecting a flamer.
  24. Better Logging?

    Sorry dude but coding such thing would be like building a matchstick castle without glue in middle of earthquake.
  25. A gun...

    Oh. Well... I must say i forgotten charcoal. Excuse my noobiness.