Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by BitMunk4s

  1. Don't bee like buildcraft

    I really like the idea of breading in extra bees mod. I looked into it and as figured it out it's highly depends on buildcraft, forestery and/or industrialcraft. So I'd bet that means reimplementing the whole system, since I can't imagine compatibility with these mods.There's also another mod called honey bees which adds bees, but they not bread-able. As I was checking the latest developments on github, I saw you were busy creating a variety of animals.While you at it you might take the next step being more genetically "believable". Even vanilla added something similar, I'm thinking of mules. Maybe different colour of cow, like breading a brown and a black has 1/4 of chance to be brown, 1/4 to be black, 1/2 to be spotted as an out come. I don't know if these are the correct English terms or the correct chances. This is was not the best example. But I have no clue how be possible to simulate the process of domestication. And again that would be out standing. Maybe not just animals,this system could be extended to domesticating crops. Again an existing example industrial craft's agricultural changes. Also I realize this will be a much later plan if ever.Still, I hope this idea begins a discussion that could lead something great.
  2. Del plays TerraFirmaCraft

    I use youtube-dl which is a python script. It has two cool flags. One make the script do nothing, but show all the formats youtube has for the link in the argument and the other makes the script not downloading the video, but only write the link to the exact video. Sometimes I use this function to pipe the link with xargs to mplayer. I don't use youtube-dl for LP's, 'cause I don't think ads would consider this as a view. This might sound mostly gibberish to non-*unix users, sorry about that. What I'm trying to say even in multiple aspect, that there are ways. But there's python for windows too after all.
  3. Weaving and Dyeing

    I'm not sure that I follow you, but yeah I'm suggesting something like that. Still I'm a bit sceptical, since I'm not sure how that works or was implemented (coded, programmed ... ). It would be not very useful in the terms of compatibility if Carpets ( vanilla 1.6.1 ) are not replacing wool in recipes.
  4. Weaving and Dyeing

    I don't know how vanilla implements "carpets", but one of the recent updates has those. I doubt that they can replace wool in recipes. But that'd be great. I think I should check it out.
  5. Weaving and Dyeing

    Sorry, not really. It's an answer of course, but I thought I've already had another one for that particular question. What I'm thinking, it might be stupid, but still, whether an ItemTerra can be registered as a BlockWool. Maybe if WoolCloth would extend BlockWool override functionalities, and implement ItemTerra. Now, is this possible? Could it work? It would be nice to kind 'o warp WoolCloth as a BlockWool. That way it still would be an ItemTerra, but could act as a BlockWool in recipes. I know java programmers hate multiple inheritance. Well what else can be done?
  6. Non-graphics lag?

    This is just a "me too" post. I've started an optifine thread, hoping optifine could solve this, but then I've realized it probably wouldn't. So I didn't even bothered to try to install it. I'm thinking to debug this, but yet I don't even know how to get started. Though I could do that with the latest source since that's available on github. If this issue is still exists in build77, otherwise this would be mute anyway, now, wouldn't it? But, in case somebody could confirm that this hasn't been investigated, I'd be glad not wasting my time.
  7. Bug - upside-down stairs

    This is program engineering 101.
  8. Weaving and Dyeing

    It feels like I'm digging a corpse here, but I've came across an other cool mod that uses wool. It's called Small Boats or Elegant Punt I believe. Now, it'd be nice to have it in TFC, but it did not work. So I've looked up what you've done, dunkleosteus, and I get it. You've added WoolCloth as an ItemTerra. I'm still getting familiar with the source code. So here's my question. Why, can't be WoolCloth an extension of vanilla BlockWool? I'm guessing BlockWool, has a lot of functionality that we don't need for WoolCloth. That leads me to another issue. Can it be hacked somehow? I mean if there's a way to have WoolCloth function as BlockWool in other mods. Example, recipe for BlockWool could be added, maybe 9 WoolYarns, or something including an ItemSpindle. Ok, sorry, my bad, reading previous conversation it's obvious that the actual BlockWool is gone for good in this mod, and I'm all for it. But still for compatibility something needs to be done, in my opinion. And this is just one little thing there's a lot to do in this ball park. While I'm at it, let me ask one more thing. What are the future plan regarding compatibility with other mods and in general? Though I'm not sure what could mean compatibility in general, but, oh well, with other mods then anyway. Thanks.
  9. How to config Optifine

    Are there any guide lines for configuring Optifine mod? I've read somewhere around here that there are compatibility problems with Optifine. Namely texture tessellation if I recollect correctly. If these issues avoided, it would work, wouldn't it? Could somebody point out a direction to start looking for a solution? Or is this DOA? Thanks in advance.
  10. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    *Increases influence and expansed moyo
  11. Don't bee like buildcraft

    The first and probably the most difficult part will be to come up with and implement the system to manage the different qualities. If there's already an existing one, that's better. It might be something that can be improved or used as an example to start a new one.
  12. Some cool suggestions for stone/rocks and weapons

    Well, cooling lava can also gives vanilla cobble beside opsidian in build76.
  13. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    I've survived a ko fight.
  14. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    I guess I'll also roll with it, after all I'm just a stone.
  15. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    Will tool racks work with your bows? And what's with arrowhead-drops when hitting a living entity? I'd think you could get the shaft back, if any thing. Also hitting the same block with multiple arrow cause a glitch. Another small thing I found, wiki says willow is a softwood, but it acts as hardwood. Let me say there's a couple of thing's in this mod I consider as must have. Like arrow heads and variety of bows. It makes knife, saw and bone more useful. And that's a very nice one. Hand plane and glue are great idea. There's a lot of perspective in there like a bunch of carpentry. One little thing I don't like that you have to be in metal age to craft arrows. How about a flint hand plane? I shouldn't be hard to implement, a recipe with a lower durability.
  16. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    I didn't got that, but there's DEAR, did you see that, amazing! Well it might not be new.
  17. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Oh, ok, I've checked it. So it goes like this: You put X in a water barrel and get Y. X | Y -------------------|----------------- potato | vodka wheat grain | whiskey rye grain | rye whiskey green apple | cider rice grain | sake sugar | rum Excuse me for increasing confusion mentioning not implemented items before.
  18. Don't bee like buildcraft

    Corns or also animals could have different temperature resistance.
  19. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    A connection has been made! Now, your group needs two eyes to live unconditionally. As far as I know.
  20. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    Are you suggesting horikomi? In my world it's more than acceptable to sacrifice one or two in order to cut the enemy or just to force him to take a bad shape or even to capture sente.
  21. Brewing, Distilling, and Viticulture: Alcohol!

    Hey, is there anyone here who checked this out yet? I mean the latest development, way it has been done. I did. Now, what I found out is that you put, let's say barley (since I tested that), into a barrel full or rather filled with water. Then it becomes in a while, surprise, surprise, beer. I didn't find a way to make a distiller, yet. It might be done already though, I didn't looked for that recipe much. Once you have a barrel of beer you can put it into glass bottles, then you can drink it. And get drunk, get weak, get sick, lose vision, but no, at least not yet, you cannot restore your thirst with it which in the other hand drops much faster now. This was the state of implementation on Tue, 9th of July 2013 at 07:01:07 -0400 UTC
  22. [TFC 0.76.X] Terra Bow Mod (Abandoned)

    This sounds like a very neat job.I have to try it so I can vote.
  23. Last comment wins

    Thank you.Please let me form an excuse like follows. Even risking to sound like I'm arguing. That's not my intention here. I'm really trying, as you can tell, to put every and each single one of typo to the right place. It felt it'd lose a hint of self irony if I had shuffled it in a single comment. Considering all of this, I cannot be embarrassed about it in anyway, since it was intentional. But, I might be still wrong, after all. Well, I've re-hashed my posts on this forum, and I found some doubles beside the ones in this thread. Most of them have at least six hour difference between them, but I've found one that I'm not proud with a more or less ten minute difference. I totally get it, it's not very nice double posting. But like in this case, when there's a significant time difference. This could be questioned.I'm writing this part of my comment in a very different state and with different things to say. Would it be legit to put it in a new post? I thought so. But now I really can't tell.
  24. Multi-Crossover Roleplay Thread of Randomness

    I don't no anything about, chest. I'm a stone on a Go table. If you'd like to play my game you'll have to play Go. And first you'll have to find out what Go is since I'm just a stone I can't fill you in.
  25. Reworking Stone Tools

    Ok, still what ever, all I said that the reality is that it'd be hard to do. And I think would take to throw away the existing concept. But this is just guessing, based on being found of this game added to personal interest of coding. Now pelase do the maths.