Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About idest

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  1. Welding ingots

    We got it to work at "bright hot ****" but it will not weld at "bright hot" as it is marked in the wiki.
  2. Welding ingots

    My friend and I have spent the past 30 minutes trying to weld two bronze ingots together but we are unable to do so. Both ingots are bright red, have flux, and are using a tin hammer. What are we doing wrong? What are the requirements for all the other higher tiered metals and alloys? Thanks.
  3. Seeds instead of saplings

    If the chunk isn't loaded then it doesn't have an impact on performance. Perhaps I don't get what your saying?
  4. Seeds instead of saplings

    Leaves should not drop saplings when you destroy them. Rather, we should have seeds drop only when the tree is in season. Additionally trees will be dropping seeds that you can pick up with little or no work. The downside is that you need to collect and store for seasons that the trees do not seed such as during winter. Seeds will drop in abundance but will have a chance of not growing when planted. Chances will improve based on soil quality, temperature, and perhaps other factors. When a seed finally grows into a sapling you can pick it up and store it in a chest or let it keep growing into an adult tree. Trees that do no drop saplings currently should drop seeds but have picky conditions (restricted to biome) as well as a low chance of success. On top of that it will take perhaps a full year to grow into an adult. This makes it possible to regrow a rain forest you decimated at the beginning of the game with enough time and patience. When you look at the time it takes to plant an oak tree or maple tree verse massive trees, you will have spent less time trying to get the oak or maple trees grown. Lastly, sticks should drop from trees when you cut them down. From personal experience, cutting trees down make you deal with every stick that is on the tree. Perhaps to compromise with the gameplay and balance the number of sticks will be halved or one third from harvesting them manually.
  5. Thanks... ALOT...

    You may have overlooked the actual source of the Trojan. I suggest re-installing the OS if it's really bad to just fix anything and everything. (Provided you know how to do that already.) If you don't do that then keep track of your bandwidth, sometimes malicious code steals bandwidth and causes network problems at home as well.
  6. RE: realism

    Realism is about making a world that is believable. It doesn't necessarily have to be a duplicated world that is supposed to be the same in every way.
  7. Biome based everything

    There needs to be a way around tin since it is a choke point when you look at the development tree. Spears also should be added on. Simple tools or make shift gear should be possible such as what the OP suggested. I do want to put an emphasis on that each weapon is different in some way which makes it unique. For instance the a blow dart requires you to inhale air but you can only hold that air so long so you have to shoot before you have to breath again. Things like that add challenges and make players have a different experience when they are playing a game starting a game in various biomes. More weapons, tools, and use things should definitely be added not because it's necessary but rather because it's a new way of playing the game. Biomes need to almost be approached differently. I haven't looked vary closely at what is currently done for biomes so maybe this suggestion is already implemented but a biome shouldn't be the same throughout. Simply put, biomes should have sub-biomes where those sub-biomes are similar as other sub-biomes in that biome but slightly different. The biome is then 2 or so days to travel across making it a daunting task and a very different experience when you spawn in different biomes. In multiplayer this will promote the concept of trading and traveling merchants because apples can't be grown within a few days from just about anywhere. The layers of rock under biomes should be predictable to a certain degree but not specific. For instance, a jungle may be very well known for a specific type of rock to form under it but it doesn't have to be the case. This adds in an element of surprise. Also, the deeper you go, the less it is predictable based on the biomes above. The deepest layers should pretty much have no correlation.
  8. If you want to edit the wiki.

    Thank you sir.
  9. At what level ores would start spawning in the world?

    Are you playing the same map as me? I have the same thing occur.
  10. If you want to edit the wiki.

    I would like to be able to edit the wiki. Found a couple of things I can add. I don't like min/maxing either so you shouldn't have any problems from me for that Idest on the wiki.
  11. Ore/Mineral name: Native Copper Which Rock type/s did it occur?: Rhyolite Which Version of TFC?(Pre[x]): Beta v2 Pre 29
  12. Ore/Mineral name: Native Copper Which Rock type/s did it occur?: Basalt Which Version of TFC?(Pre[x]): Beta v2 Pre 29 It wasn't listed the last time I checked the wiki.
  13. Spotter's Guide

    Just letting you know that I watched all your videos an will continue to watch them. Keep up the good work. Saved me a headache on finding resources.