Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Peffern

  1. Animals 'r Cool

    Smilodon fatalis is the best Latin name EVAH !!!!!!!
  2. Awwwwwww missed discussion of books while taking exam Eternal that seems a but expensive. Maybe if we got 3 or 4 sconces per ingot. And maybe _@_@_ _@_@_ _@@@_ __@__ __@__ As plan instead of what you said.
  3. Encumbrance

    Yup. And that is how threads get derailed.
  4. Blacksmithing Changes

    Been on hiatus from TFC for a bit.
  5. Encumbrance

  6. Eels.

    Thread is dead.
  7. Natural disasters

    I like this a lot. Also with strength and weight we could integrate something like the simple physics mod where all blocks are affected by gravity to different degrees.
  8. Trade (A Totally SMP Suggestion)

    Don't know how to quote a spoiler but I don't think that that suggestion would work. I like what Jed wrote as his inspiration and I think that a trading item/block would has the same problem as indestructible personal chests.
  9. Length of Day(light)

    I didnt mean to joke about the devs. Sorry if anyone took it that way.
  10. Enchantment system

    I thought we were suspending this thread...
  11. Troughs

    Ok. I guess its okay without. But I agree with eternal, it would definitely be nice aesthetically.
  12. Eels.

  13. Blacksmithing Changes

    Yes there is. You currently need it to make black steel and I can't find any.
  14. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    I would like it if they actually did playerly things like in Millenaire, not the stupid testificates.
  15. Ash: One possible approach to fertilizers

    1. How'd you steal my meme??!!!2. Do you ever actually make constructive comments?
  16. Enchantment system

    And lots of butter and sugar.
  17. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Ooh ooh someone used "American" and "geography" in the same sentence!!! Yayyyy
  18. Enchantment system

    Epic reference is epic.
  19. Ash: One possible approach to fertilizers

    Exactly. Now, we'd have to store more data.
  20. Finite water in world gen

    If it does, then I'm not sure of your point. If it doesn't, then it should and that's my suggestion. I don't understand what you're trying to do, but I can't check right now.
  21. Finite water in world gen

    Finute water is cool but it would be better and make more sense for it to generate that way. IRL, rivers aren't large S-shaped pools, they are what happens when a large body of water is at a higher elevation than the land around it. This would also require a believable water cycle. Since I suggested in another thread biome-based humidity, maybe that could replenish the water. It would also mean the scale of water would change. Notch ponds would become more like stagnant pools, and actual waterfalls would exist instead of a single block pouring out the side of a mountain. EDIT: this has been suggested in different forms but I couldn't find a thread about it so here it is. Post ideas/comments EDIT2: srgnoodles and I had been realtime threadtalking for almost an hour now. Your comments are/were getting decreasingly coherent. Maybe we should head off to zzz land and resume this discussion in the morning.
  22. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    That was the question. Thank you.
  23. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Quick q: Is"sluice" one syllable (sloos) or two (sloo-is)
  24. Natural disasters

    Yes!!! +1ed