Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by macrixen

  1. Hello folks I have started a video series that hopefully would help you guys in your adventures. If i missed or got something wrong feel free to comment.
  2. My new let's play!

    Yet another vid for you guys!
  3. I decided to restart my you tube channel after a year of nothing, due to many reasons both personal and technical. But now I am back and bringing you a let's play on terrafirmacraft build 76. The first episode is ready for views. Remember to comment and like if you like it and subscribe to know when more are uploaded.
  4. My new let's play!

    Episode 9 now up:
  5. TerrafirmaCraft b77 Tutorial series

    Next Tutorial uploaded
  6. My new let's play!

    episode 8 out. maybe last short one:) Remember to like if you liked it, and comment on what you liked or didn't like. Subscribe for more!
  7. My new let's play!

    Episode 7 is up! Be sure to like if you like it, and comment on what you like or didn't like. An subscribe for more!
  8. My new let's play!

    Another wonderful vid for you guys. Also have a channel update in my channel! Just click my banner:)
  9. brilliant ideas of a madman

    rofl you can still play previous versions so technically it's like playing another mod for each build and just like every other mod there will be bugs when it is first released.
  10. Build 77 Starting Shelters

    simple one layer of log piles as they are quick to take down, dig down one layer and place thatch for roof.. simple and easy for quick shelter till i get more permanent location
  11. strange tree

    yep those are fruit trees: use axe to break the branches to get the saplings
  12. Newb question on crafting.

    you don't need a 3x3 you can use your 2x2 grid... i have done it myself using a copper saw
  13. 77.9 Animal Spawns

    i think the sheep issue is no beds without them not meat
  14. 77.9 Build-Anvil Non-Shown Rules

    seems to me to be just doesn't like the more difficult way of obtaining tools never mind how much easier it is to actually make the tools as you don't need an anvil for first tools
  15. My new let's play!

    Episode 5 is out. only a little late due to busy work schedule. Like if you liked it and comment on what you liked or didn't like. Don't forget to subscribe for more!
  16. My new let's play!

    The next episode is available: Be sure to like if you like it and comment on what you liked or didn't like. Most of all Subscribe if you want more!
  17. My new let's play!

    and another episode
  18. My new let's play!

    Next episode is up and ready for viewing! Remember to like and comment if you like it and subscribe if you want more:)
  19. Chicken poop

    i could only imagine the horror involved if the current number of animals that are spawned when breeding all dropping poop.. oh the lag
  20. Client crash on using blueprint for chiseling

    yeah the crash is most likely due to the lack of a check or improper way of checking if block can be chisled which causes game to freak out and rage quite.
  21. jukebox

    where on the wiki does it say that... diamonds iirc have no use yet... and the gems you get are used in protection meter
  22. Villager trading and zombie drops

    i call for a structure that is spawned during generation that has some sort of trading "device" like a temple or something in which the gems could be traded for random tfc items. Kind of like a slot machine.
  23. When will TFC be updating to 1.6.2?

    git hub looks as though b77 is 1.5.2 and as far as installing on 1.6.2 it's not as hard as it seems to install mods there are some tutorials on that and the use of magic launcher or some other dynamic mod loading launcher will bypass the difficulty
  24. Make (your) custom Items in TFC!

    wouldn't customnpc also make it so you can make your own recipes... granted you need to be in creative in game to make them but it is possible
  25. Ingot duplication bug

    Are you sure that the ingot was indeed dupped? Sometimes when I shift clicked an ingot from forge or anvil it would appear to have been duped but when i clicked on it it dissappeared.