Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by JDCollie

  1. New Health and Medicine System

    There is way to make this all work wonderfully. Hardcore mode. Obviously, this is an thing like it is in Vanilla, as not everyone (even people who like the added challenge of TFCraft) wants to deal with dead-is-dead, but having hardcore makes dealing with those medical conditions a much higher priority. I would suggest (as others already have), if such rigorous health ideas were implemented, to make the player significantly harder to outright kill. I.E., divide the health bar into fourths, rather than halfs, so that the player has 40 hp, rather than 20. That way there is enough leeway to save yourself when necessary. (and less horribly instant deaths)
  2. Clams, and shellfish.

    Having clams that slowly spread if left alone would make settling on an island a slightly more feasible option. They could be cooked, and perhaps the shell could substitute for flint in the basic tool recipe ? (they're really tough clams, okay?)
  3. Professions

    Well developed and presented suggestion, just not something I would like to see in TFCraft.
  4. I imagine the Soonâ„¢ to be arriving agriculture update with add/change melons enough to satisfy us all.
  5. At what level ores would start spawning in the world?

    If the wiki is correct, then this is a myth.
  6. Spawning at very high height

    Ore spawning is related to the surrounding rock and the number of existing veins in the chunk (if I remember correctly). It is potentially possible to find ore at any elevation, so long as the rock layer is of the appropriate type. This makes finding biomes with the right rock composition much more important than mining down to a certain depth.
  7. Prospectors' pick madness

    You did Science to it! Interesting data, btw. I'm now assuming that, for any given point in my mine that I want to sample, I should take at least 3 readings if you want something approaching accuracy. Also, to those who are annoyed at the lack of precision, if you want the ore prospecting version of a homing missile, go play Equivalent Exchange.
  8. I am fairly certain that all of these ores will have a use eventually. It is simply easier to add them in when earlier, rather than later.
  9. Missing Ore? Pre31

    I'm having a horrible time finding ore of any kind, but I honestly don't mind. It's fun and challenging to make things work without the fallbacks I am used to in the Vanilla game
  10. Eggs and Chicken Breeding, Wheat Seeds and where to get them

    A decent chicken coup is a great food source, even if it is a bit time consuming to capitalize on. Mine is just a 5x5 fenced area with a gate. With 4 or 5 chickens, you'll get enough eggs daily to more than meet your food needs.
  11. A topic of concern

    Ground settling is a very realistic issue in construction. Once I have gotten settled in enough to not be in constant danger, I dig out the floors and add in a basement with mine supports.
  12. More Bows and other bow building system

    I'm actually a little surprised that bow making isn't already in-mod. The quality of workmanship and materials in a bow influence the potential damage of a arrow-strike at least as much (and probably much more ) as does the characteristics of an arrowhead. I'm thinking wood type would affect durability and damage modifier, as well as arrow drop off and projectile speed. It would be neat if we could have a few bow recipies too, such as shortbows, long bows, maybe even crossbows, which would influence draw-time, durability (as well), material cost, repair difficultly, and even perhaps affect the chance to recover arrows (I.E., it would be harder to recover arrows from a longbow than from a shortbow.) With so many wood types already implemented, a bowyery seems like a natural step.
  13. Realistically we should be able to, as charcoal and coke were both used as flux in addition to things like lime.Heck, rosin is a flux derived from pine sap and is used in tin soldering.
  14. One thing that has always bothered me about Minecraft is how much power the player has over water. With a simple iron bucket, one can create rivers, waterfalls, lakes, even oceans with persistence. It's like using the bucket of Zeus. Of course, manipulation of water has composed a large percentage of human innovation and endeavor, so it makes sense that it should play a part in TFCraft. To that end, I propose the bucket and the well. Proposal: The Well The well is a in-world structure, and is created in several steps. Its purpose is to allow you to hydrate farms that are not near natural water sources without doing something silly like moving around water source blocks. EDIT: (Currently I have designed this with Minecraft's vanilla water physics in mind. When finite water is added, this idea could change a little) Step 1: Dig the Well Shaft Dig down below the water table. This just means you need to dig down to one block below sea-level. (the shaft does not need to be 1x1, but it does need to be a clear path down to one block below sea level.) NOTE: the shaft does not need to actually intersect water, it just needs to reach the appropriate depth. (Not completely realistic, but it makes the well more useful and less frustrating) Step 2: Construct the Well To construct the well, you will need: 8x Cobblestone (any variety)2x Verticle Supports3x Horizontal SupportsPlace the items around the well shaft in the following manner. (Yes, I am aware that horizontal supports currently cannot be placed quite like this.) Step 3: Buckets and String Easy step. Make two buckets, and go find some string. Step 4: Finish the Well With the string in your hand, right click on the middle horizontal support. This will attach the string to the well and remove it from your inventory. Now right click the same horizontal support while holding one of the buckets. The bucket will become part of the well and will be removed from your inventory. The well is now active. If you have constructed it correctly, right clicking on the well with a wooden bucket will fill that bucket with water. Step 5: Using the Well Since buckets of water are small, you will not be creating running rivers of water with them. Instead, water buckets are used to hydrate soil for planting. Approach a dry, tiled block of dirt and right click with the filled bucket. The soil will become hydrated and ready for planting. One bucket will hydrate one block of tilled soil for approximately 30 hours. You will need to keep hydrating your farm if you want to keep it from drying up. What do you all think? Comments, suggestions? Is this something you guys would like to see ingame?
  15. More Weapons

    A slingshot would be well within the realm of feasability, and ammunition could be crafted by combining a pick and a piece of cobblestone on the crafting grid. Sure, damage would be low, but it could have a very fast draw time and quick refire rate.
  16. A secondary use for seeds

    Big fan of this. We're going to need some form of composting eventually, and it fits into TFC very well thematically.
  17. Realistic Water Handling - [Bucket & Well]

    Sounds like a good idea to me, and it eliminates the issues with world gen trying to create aquifiers. It also creates a limited use element, where the well would become dry once you had depleted the aquifer until it rained again.If it where to function this way, perhaps the well could be built first, and then you would have to dig down to find the aquifer? That way aquifer depth could be tied to biome type, and would keep the well from being as unbalanced in certain biomes. (I.E., it would be much more useful in deserts than in swamps, and subsequently would require more work to create in desert.) I'd prefer the recipe to use rope of some variety, but I'm pretty new to TFCraft, so I don't know what materials are currently implemented/planned.
  18. Realistic Water Handling - [Bucket & Well]

    I'm not a fan of an 'infinite water' idea either. This is kinda what I was thinking. . .It would depend on how finite water is added. If aquifiers were added at the same time, then the only change would be that the shaft be mined into an aquifier. If there were no aquifiers, then you would need to dig a river/channel to your wellshaft to supply the well with water. That way you could still get water at higher elevations where you would not normally have access, and it would be fairly realistic as well. (or at least balanced)
  19. Realistic Water Handling - [Bucket & Well]

    I guess I didn't write that clearly. The bucket recipe does not produce string; you will need to go find some on your own.If finite liquids are added, then the well would still be useful, but I'm sure some of the functionality would need to change. Still, being able to access liquids where they are not normally available without having to carry it by hand from sea level is a useful thing I didn't know the bucket was added
  20. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    "power creep" is a trend in games where of weapons or items become more and more powerful (to an unbalanced degree) with each higher tier.The result is that, if you want your mobs to still be at least a little challenging to a player with top tier gear, you must make those mobs so powerful that early tier players will be utterly crushed by them. (The Equivalent Exchange mod suffers from this. Can you imagine mobs capable of providing a challenge to players with Red Matter Katars?) The best way to avoid power creep is to provide utility or resource benefits for higher tier items, rather than simply increasing the damage.
  21. Arrow Heads: Stone and Beyond

    @OP I REALLY like the idea of having arrow quality increase the likelyhood of the arrow being retrievable. It prevents "power-creep" as metal tier increases while still providing a quantifiable return for using better materials. More than anything, the fact that you cannot get back your arrows is what stops me from using them. I'd also be interested in a fletching dynamic. Creating arrows isn't as simple as tying some feathers to a pointy stick. Granted, it may just be adding needless complexity, but if there were a way to make it meaningful, I'd love to see fletching, and maybe even a bowyer added.
  22. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Requiring underground storage for food to stay unspoiled would be neat, as would providing other means of food storage, such as salt packing.Perhaps adding a craftable barrel for food storage purposes? (Storing food in a normal chest would cause meat and wheat to turn rotten within a reasonably short period of time?) Eggs obviously could not be stored without some form of cooling (like an ice block cellar) and would encourage players to create hen-houses for day to day egg harvesting. EDIT: I mostly just like the idea of perishable food; prevents people from making rediculous mega farms that could never realistically be managed.
  23. Misleading topic title, but excellent idea. I love the idea of having repairable tools. HOWEVER - If repairable tools were implemented, I would need the original tool crafting recipes to be more difficult/expensive unless repairing added additional benefit.